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I do agree that most of the Ovi Store applications were probably written over a lunch break with graphics from the mighty storage room... *coughbubblescough.*
==In school once again. Free time limited to night, holidays and weekends.==
Hi! I'm Andy, a Maemo Greeter! I'm also a moderator of the Applications, Nokia N900, and Maemo 5/Fremantle forums.
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Owner of both a N800 and N900; Active community member since Jan 2010. You've been xommified! - My blog.

Last edited by xomm; 2010-06-05 at 01:05.
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 31 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Originally Posted by xomm View Post
Well, I was going to give another warning to a potential flame thread, but it seems after a page or two of reported posts, it's back on the green side of the fence (albeit a couple meters from it.)

Keep the "constructive criticism" up.


Although I do agree that most of the Ovi Store applications were probably written over a lunch break with graphics from the mighty storage room... *coughbubblescough.*
lol, you are 14, dont waste ur puberty playing the tough moderator here )) , go out and have fun!!!

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Originally Posted by gianni_mar View Post
lol, you are 14, dont waste ur puberty playing the tough moderator here )) , go out and have fun!!!
On second read, my post did sound embarrassingly cheesy. :P

I'm sorry I don't "tolk lak dis," and have a drug problem like a lot of other people at my school.

I'm just trying to help out, you know?
==In school once again. Free time limited to night, holidays and weekends.==
Hi! I'm Andy, a Maemo Greeter! I'm also a moderator of the Applications, Nokia N900, and Maemo 5/Fremantle forums.
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Originally Posted by xomm View Post
On second read, my post did sound embarrassingly cheesy. :P

I'm sorry I don't "tolk lak dis," and have a drug problem like a lot of other people at my school.

I'm just trying to help out, you know?
no worries dude I've all been through that stage

I can give you advice if you dont mind

Good moderator = Silent moderator ,
The quieter you become the more you are able to hear

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Originally Posted by HellFlyer View Post
no worries dude I've all been through that stage

I can give you advice if you dont mind

Good moderator = Silent moderator ,
Well, I started out here as a Maemo Greeter, so I like to work in the open, so people can't make up FUD.

I've gotten rid of the odd post, so let's move on?
==In school once again. Free time limited to night, holidays and weekends.==
Hi! I'm Andy, a Maemo Greeter! I'm also a moderator of the Applications, Nokia N900, and Maemo 5/Fremantle forums.
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Originally Posted by DanielW View Post
I am happy to be part of that step 4. Happy that Nokia does all of this open.
And well you are all still using the N900, can't be so bad then. If it is really that bad, sell it and get something else.
I think it does all what Nokia ever said it will do?
Ok, as I said everybody has the right to have their opnion, but I don't agree... I will sell my N900 and will get another phone in a couple of months when I travel abroad, I am just still using it until then.

My opnion is that Nokia being "open" is just an excuse to make the community work for free for them. And for me the fact N900 won't get official Meego has no technical reason, it is just a lack of respect for customers...

While free speech is respected on this forum and others I will keep spreading that Nokia can not be trusted. While fanboys may see this as whining I consider to be doing potential customers a favor.
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Originally Posted by nosa101 View Post
Brownie points for you!!!
You whipped a "fanboy"
Now, you may eat a d*ck
Look, if you want to argue state your facts. Don't pull **** out of your a**.

Nokia made it known that it was a step 4 of 5. Whether that should have been done, I could care less.
LOL, it is just funny to see how fanboys get angry defending their beloved Nokia!!!

You may use how many "*" you want, this just made your opnion less worthy. If you would like to use logical arguments, just point me where on the N900 box, manuals or advertising there is a warning like "be aware this is a step 4 out of 5, buy and use it at your own risk"... I already guess what your answer would be: "should have researched forums before buy it", right?
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Originally Posted by russo_br View Post
LOL, it is just funny to see how fanboys get angry defending their beloved Nokia!!!

You may use how many "*" you want, this just made your opnion less worthy. If you would like to use logical arguments, just point me where on the N900 box, manuals or advertising there is a warning like "be aware this is a step 4 out of 5, buy and use it at your own risk"... I already guess what your answer would be: "should have researched forums before buy it", right?
What I find funny is people ,who obviously have no desire to contribute anything other than whining to the community, spending all their time here complaining about Nokia when these forums have zero to do with Nokia.

Why? You hate the device - fine
You hate Nokia - fine.

Honestly what are you hoping to achieve by the constant whining, other than convincing everybody here that you should get some cheese with that whine.

Honestly people need to take a big old step back and re-evaluate whats important in life.
Class .. : Power Poster, Potential Coder
Humor .. : [*********] Alignment: Chaotic Evil
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Agro ... : |*****-----] Relic(s) : G1, N900


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Originally Posted by russo_br View Post
LOL, it is just funny to see how fanboys get angry defending their beloved Nokia!!!

You may use how many "*" you want, this just made your opnion less worthy. If you would like to use logical arguments, just point me where on the N900 box, manuals or advertising there is a warning like "be aware this is a step 4 out of 5, buy and use it at your own risk"... I already guess what your answer would be: "should have researched forums before buy it", right?
Oh look you pulled out "fanboy" again

criticize with facts and objectively then maybe you'll get audience. You sound so silly when you call everyone that doesn't agree with you a fanboy.
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Hey, let's not call each other names and whine please. There's no need for either here!

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Classic example of arbitrary Nokia decision making. Couldn't just fallback to the no brainer of tagging with lat/lon if network isn't accessible, could you Nokia?
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