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Originally Posted by Big Phat Jan View Post
You can change this by editing /etc/gnome/defaults.list, it's the line that starts with audio/x-mpegurl in this case.

I tried setting the default to kmplayer but it doesn't seem to be able to handle the stream, and unfortunately in maemo the application you want to use for this needs to be set up to listen for dbus messages so it's not straightforward to set it as your extraction script.

For OS2008 there was an app called dbus-switchboard that acted as an intermediary to allow this kind of thing (see here). With a few gentle hacks I have this working on the N900, and with a slightly modified version of your script clicking a link on tvcatchup opens the stream in mplayer directly (I'm watching Dennis the Menace as we speak!).

For this to be useful (distributable...) we need a proper port of the dbus-switchboard app - does anyone feel inclined? I don't have much free time coming up but if no one else feels like it I might have a go.

Your help on this would be much appreciated, it seems you understand this better than anyone. I have to admit I miss the abillity to associate files for the task at hand.

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The new low quality stream on the website works fine on N900, but I've updated the script anyway because it gives a little bit better picture quality. The new script uses the built-in browser, so Firefox is no longer needed. (The browser opens the playlist in Media Player, but the script kills it brutally.)

The main bottleneck is the decoder, which uses a lot of CPU, so make sure that you don't have any programs running in the background. Mplayer has lots of command line options which can be used to reduce the CPU load at the expense of lower picture quality, so you may also want to experiment with them if you find that it runs too slow.
Attached Files
File Type: gz tvcatchup.tar.gz (1.2 KB, 173 views)

The Following User Says Thank You to arajantie For This Useful Post:
Posts: 309 | Thanked: 456 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Works like a charm - very nice!
Posts: 323 | Thanked: 180 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Gent, Belgium
anybody has seen the following problems with the script ? Or is it just my machine ?

- If no browser is running yet, then the browser page is not opened up automatically. FYI I have 3 browser related processes running :
/usr/sbin/browserd -d
/usr/sbin/browserd -s 1396 -n RTComMessagingServer

- it seems the scripts never ends... I still could see it in the process list and I had to kill it off manually.

Any ideas ?
Posts: 557 | Thanked: 370 times | Joined on Apr 2010
I'd kill for someone to get this working through a proxy for us non-UK. We have nothing like this in Australia.... and I'd be so keen for some TV stations.
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Originally Posted by IzzehO View Post
I'd kill for someone to get this working through a proxy for us non-UK. We have nothing like this in Australia.... and I'd be so keen for some TV stations.
+1, I thought I read of a way to mask IP's(on a desktop) as I wanted to stream german TV live for the nurburgring 24 hrs race. Will investigate.....

EDIT* go via a proxy server based in the UK and all the spoils are there waiting for you. me rikey!!!

Last edited by wasserkuhl; 2010-06-18 at 04:30.
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Originally Posted by Netweaver View Post
- If no browser is running yet, then the browser page is not opened up automatically. FYI I have 3 browser related processes running :
/usr/sbin/browserd -d
/usr/sbin/browserd -s 1396 -n RTComMessagingServer

- it seems the scripts never ends... I still could see it in the process list and I had to kill it off manually.
The first problem may be related to browser-switchboard, and the second tends to happen if you run the script from the command line.

I've updated the script now to fix these problems (see the attachment). It does not use the browser any more, and it should kill all processes when you exit, even when run from the command line.

If you run it from the icon or without arguments from the command line, it asks which channel you want to watch, but you can also give the channel number as a command line argument. For example,
./ 1
will show BBC One.

You can also record the stream with
./ 1 filename.ts
You can give the length of the recording in minutes as the third argument, so
./ 1 filename.ts 60
records 60 minutes of BBC One to filename.ts.

The first time you run the script, it asks for your username and password. It stores them in /home/user/.catchup, so you won't need to enter them when you use it again, but be careful if you want to keep them secret.
Attached Files
File Type: gz tvcatchup.tar.gz (1.8 KB, 150 views)

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to arajantie For This Useful Post:
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I've tried the new script that uses the lower quality stream and it works good without having to use the browser but the quality seems to have got alot worse.

I'm not sure which stream the previous script was using but it seemed alot better.
Posts: 225 | Thanked: 68 times | Joined on Feb 2006
any way of gettying this going on N8xx ?
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Originally Posted by Sash View Post
I've tried the new script that uses the lower quality stream and it works good without having to use the browser but the quality seems to have got alot worse.

I'm not sure which stream the previous script was using but it seemed alot better.
It actually uses the same stream. The difference is just that it uses different mplayer options. With the original options the playback can be a bit jittery and mplayer complains about slow CPU, so I changed them a bit to speed things up, but at the expense of picture quality.

To go back to the original settings, edit the script using nano (or some other editor):
nano -w /home/user/
The options are on line 5. To get better picture quality but slower playback, remove "-lavdopts fast:skiploopfilter=all". MPlayer has lots of options, so you may want to experiment with them to see what gives the right balance between speed and picture quality.

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