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I've done a search and read some previous posts, and cannot work out why my N900 is randomly rebooting.

I have manually restarted my phone and checked the boot count is reset to 0 (apparently if this gets above 50 (each auto-reboot increases the value by 3) the phone is bricked)

I have attempted doing a nokia software updater firmware update and it confirms i'm on the latest firmware (10.2010.19.1) and i've used the app updater and updated all apps. It has happened before i enabled the extras-devel repository, so I doubt the fault lies there.

Since i restarted the device prior to running "cat /proc/bootreason" i can't find out the reason why it rebooted, but i will update this post as soon as it does it again.

I recieved this phone from Optus Australia, and is running a number of apps from both the ovi store and the app manager. The only apps i have installed from the extras-devel repository are unrar and unzip apps, although i did note that it updated a few other apps at the same time, like flashlight, although i noticed the reboots before activating the extras-devel repository.

Anyone else having issues, know what it could be, or does it look like i'm going to have to flash the device?

Last edited by lordfury007; 2010-07-05 at 02:23.
inkirby's Avatar
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Maybe you have to reflash your device.
There are some "how to" posts here.
Dousan's Avatar
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I had a problem with random reeboots after the first FW update last year, but after I overclocked my phone the random reboots has gone away I do not surgest you to OC your phone, but it somehow fixed it for me (I've got two in one, a faster phone and no random reboots )... I've had one reboot after I OC'ed my phone and that could be anything and before i had 3-5 a week... IMO i don't think a reflash would help, you would just flash the same kernel on to it again. I think the problem is in the stock kernel cause mine got fixed with Titans enhanced kernel for oc'ing and thats the only thing i've flashed on my N900 (the kernel). I'm now running a kernel from dj_steve with patces from Titan so i can dualboot maemo/nitdroid and OC .
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zaoltryence's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Dousan View Post
I had a problem with random reeboots after the first FW update last year, but after I overclocked my phone the random reboots has gone away I do not surgest you to OC your phone, but it somehow fixed it for me (I've got two in one, a faster phone and no random reboots )... I've had one reboot after I OC'ed my phone and that could be anything and before i had 3-5 a week... IMO i don't think a reflash would help, you would just flash the same kernel on to it again. I think the problem is in the stock kernel cause mine got fixed with Titans enhanced kernel for oc'ing and thats the only thing i've flashed on my N900 (the kernel). I'm now running a kernel from dj_steve with patces from Titan so i can dualboot maemo/nitdroid and OC .
same here... ive had this problem before, tried flashing both rootfs and emmc but none help until i OC my phone using tintans kernel.. so far havent got any reboots eversince
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I think someone said that random reboots was fixed after one of the firmware updates and so if you are using the most recent version and still having random reboots you have a faulty device.

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I installed Titans kernel last night, along with the queen beecon, and noticed it has rebooted once since then, as the queen beecon icons don't load up correctly if it does that, so i had to manually shut the phone down and restart it.

I've also noticed that some icons dissapear off the desktop randomly, and have to be re-added to the desktop. even had it happen to the foreca weather and ap news widgets.

I'll keep an eye on it and see how it goes.

Options are
1) identify the fault + fix it
2) reflash the phone and see if that fixes it or
3) return phone for warranty repair/replacement
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Originally Posted by etuoyo View Post
I think someone said that random reboots was fixed after one of the firmware updates and so if you are using the most recent version and still having random reboots you have a faulty device.
It was fixed for the poeple who had that problem after the first FW update, but others like me got random reboots out of that update. So it's not correct to say that I have a faulty device, hence my device worked perfectly before the first update. I just got lucky that someone like Titan decided to make an enhanced kernel and that fixed my random reboots, not Nokia with any of the FW updates
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afaq's Avatar
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i have titans kernel and my device still reboots occasionaly.

latest firmware too.
ive accepted that this is just a nokia phones feature. Has happened to every n series device i have owned.
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Ok, I've reflashed the phone with the latest firmware, installed the maemo 5 update, installed a number of apps, and have NOT enabled the extras-dev repo. I even installed titan kernel as advised above.

I then noticed it restarting itself again, the bootreason was sw_rst, and the dmesg log looks a little more interesting this time. It seems to continually be "disabling unused clock" for different variables, before it says "Bootup reason: sw_rst" and from that point onwards it looks normal

"cat dmesg" output has been attached as "log2.txt"
"cat /var/lib/dsme/stats/*" as been attached as "dsmestats.txt"

Any help is appreciated - otherwise i might return the phone for warranty repair and hope to get a new one
Attached Files
File Type: txt log2.txt (15.3 KB, 129 views)
File Type: txt dsmestats.txt (769 Bytes, 134 views)

Last edited by lordfury007; 2010-07-07 at 03:19.
Posts: 521 | Thanked: 296 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Originally Posted by afaq View Post
i have titans kernel and my device still reboots occasionaly.

latest firmware too.
ive accepted that this is just a nokia phones feature. Has happened to every n series device i have owned.
nokia symbian certainly rebooted on me every few weeks, but the n900 has only rebooted once in 7 months for me. very very stable underlying OS.

I dont install experimental apps though

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