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Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
still wondering why about no-one noticed my comment about the authors idea to put android to non-touch device.

symbian was much better in non-touchscreen devices. but it couldn't compete with whole new input logic. I am 110% sure that E73's symbian beats android 10000 - 0 without hands if android is ported to the same device...
it can be done but nobody wants to at the least there making half/half you could disable touch but why
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Originally Posted by theflew View Post
Nvidia going to Android is little more than an anti-Intel move. how??? just cause they like android 3.0 its an anti intel move intel likes android as well made a x86 port remember and nothing is stopping a manufacturer from using tegra 2 in a meego phone
How long have we heard about how Tegra2 was going to change the world?Blah blah blah someone has to buy and use the first so far was the zune hd a hit
The question is will HTC and Motorola make MeeGo phones?
duh if its profitable
Motorola might not because Intel is invovled, but HTC?
Hun? I'm curious about this one whats the back story
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This idea is crazy : since ~ 2007-8 Nokia built an ambitious strategy to modernise their software portofolio :

- buy Symbian and open-source it
- buy Qt and completelly open source it
- buy and adapt a linux platform (Maemo then MeeGo)
- push Qt to both Symbian and Maemo/MeeGo
- code a new multitouch UI on top of Qt for MeeGo (and Symbian^4 ? )
- find a powerful ally (intel) (+ linux foundation)

Okay it is a long process... but now they are ~80% (90% ?) done you want them to put all that to trash for Android ? I have no idea how much it cost them, but I guess it is a lot...

Android is more established, but technology-wise I believe it is intrinsically inferior : the java API is good to attract devellopers but there will always be a price in term of performance compared to native apps like Qt (yes, I've heard of android NDK). Also Qt has no rival that can compete with it if if you evaluate the following domains : performance, quality, feature, cross-platform, price, openness.

In the short term MeeGo looks like an outsider, but in one year time they will be multiple handset, netbooks and tablets (Z600 !) running it.
yes and see where its gotten them

If I was any of Nokia’s shareholders right now I would seriously be disgusted to see this.

I mean Nokia as valuable as RIM. Come on Nokia what are you doing ?!?!?!?!?

This chart shows Apple’s market cap at roughly $247 billion exactly the same market cap Nokia had in 2000 a full 10 years ago, oh how time flies. Shows how much Nokia has become complacent and possibilities of Nokia being overtaken as the world’s largest mobile phone maker is a certainty and I can’t help but thinking that no one at Nokia is serious enough to become great as it once was. It is important for big European companies to stay relevant in the world stage especially Nokia, we don’t want( well i don’t) a world where tech companies are only from America and far eastern Asia. It would be nice to see European tech companies doing well.

Last edited by superg05; 2010-07-09 at 05:58.
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Originally Posted by theflew View Post
Nokia like Apple wants to tie software, hardware and serives together
Except that even when Apple has set the example Nokia is still having trouble following/copying. Ovi store is one huge joke.

Google wants to do software and services only but there model is getting muddy with Android on Netbooks and large tablets where it wasn't meant to be.
Google just wants to sell ads, they don't care whether it's a phone or a netbook or a desktop.

MeeGo is a smart move.
Nokia is drowning and they're thrashing about for something to cling onto. How long can they keep failing with venture after venture? Their initial ngage flopped, so they relaunch it and barely has the relaunch started they cancelled it. Ovi has been in pre-Alpha for how many years now? And it is still barely usable (or browseable even).

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#75 we need another hole in the head.

If there's a must-have Android app, just port it, but I'd rather not give up a computer OS for a smartphone OS. And if enough Android apps get ported, you can just call it:


or maybe something more accurate like

Mandroid: The OS where men are men, and the electric sheep are nervous.

I'm counting on things such as Nokia's pride and arrogance to see a GNU/Linux mobile platform go as far as they and their friends are capable of taking it.
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Android provides a platform for hardware manufacturers who are not in the software business.
The point why Google bought Android (the company) was because it showed potential to become a widespread phone OS and thus a way for Google (which is a advertising and data mining company, their products are mere tools to reach their goals) for getting a strong hold of the evolving market of mobile advertising.
Putting Android on a phone only helps Google in the end, and is only an option if you are in need of a ready-made competitive OS for selling phone hardware.
Nokia's intention is to become a more services-oriented company. Android wouldn't fit into that picture. Not at all.
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what bzhbok said. cant all of us just wait until evrything is set up by nokia. we r comparing things that havent materialize yet. and btw, the reason a lot of ppl prefers android is the same as apple. its a much dumbed down OS for simple ppl. just admit it, the smartphone users of today are getting dumbed down. apple and android just happens to use the opportunity. maemo is certainly not for the fainthearted but then its capabilities generally surpasses that of android and iphone. and dont go on comparing the ip4 or htc's of now. compare with what we had back then when the n900 was launched.

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Originally Posted by railroadmaster View Post
Just because Android isn't Linux doesn't mean it isn't open it just means that it isn't Linux you can run apps that aren't approved by Google under Android. The only thing (in my opinion) that makes Android closed is you have to hack a device to gain root user access something that is much easier to obtain under Maemo (I wouldn't know about MeeGo it hasn't been released yet).
Wait a minute, you got the names wrong... s/Google/Apple/g, s/Android/iOS/g

Just because iOS isn't Linux doesn't mean it isn't open it just means that it isn't Linux you can run apps that aren't approved by Apple under iOS. The only thing (in my opinion) that makes iOS closed is you have to hack a device to gain root user access something that is much easier to obtain under Maemo (I wouldn't know about MeeGo it hasn't been released yet).

And yes, Nokia using Android makes as much sense as Apple using it. With S^4 and MeeGo they at least have a strategy that should bear fruits in 2011, with a choice of going Android NOW, they would put themself in stasis for AT LEAST another two years, and all that for what ? To be Yet Another Android Manufacturer ? Remember, this is not about the UI - they could port Qt to Android and transform MeeGo Touch into something like Blur or Sense. But where's the gain in that ? Seriously people, it's not like some manager walks into a room and says 'dudes, from tomorrow install Android on the phones', it's simply not that easy. Whatever they are doing NOW, the results of it are going to be seen, as said, in a year or two (and that's why all our speculations are pointless - what if it turns out Intel get's it's stuff right and Medfield is a killer ? That would be a home run for Nokia which would be squandered if they went Android)
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Definitely...otherwise the Nokia name will likely to disappear in the next 5-10 years or sooner!

Last edited by mchu6am4; 2010-07-09 at 08:15.
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Care to qualify this statement?
it was more of an emotional statement. Meego is not simply a phone os and correct me if im wrong android seems to me to be just that. My brorthers drod doesnt seem to have more or less then symbian. Lets be honest android is not even in the double digits as far as users world wide.

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