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Posts: 20 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Sep 2007 @ Charlotte, NC
Hi all...

It took forever to get the N800 to see my 8525 under the "Phone" section of the Control Panel and I can now select my 8525 from the Connection icon in the upper right hand corner. However, it doesn't connect. I get a "network connection error".

What do I need to do on the 8525? I have the DUN and WModem installed. I've tried connecting to 3G and then trying to connect to the phone from the N800, but when I do that, it disconnects my 3G connection. If I don't connect to 3G and try connecting to it from the N800, it doesn't do anything (I was hoping it would initiate the 3G connection).

I've also tried running WModem and that doesn't work for me either.

I've also gone through the "wizard" and setup a "Cingular Internet" connection (and made the dial change to *99#) and that yields the same results as the connection I created. I'm so close! It just won't connect. Any help is greatly appreciated!


UPDATE: HOLY BALLS. It's working. I installed the all-in-one WM6 DUN cab from here and now I'm able to connect.

I do have a question though. The phone doesn't show that it's connected to 3G. How is it connecting?


Last edited by miro; 2007-09-13 at 02:01.

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