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Originally Posted by mrebanza View Post
off topic a bit but . . . even tho Meego is open source . . . almost ANY DEVICE running it will have closed drives and apps running on it . . . just like the nvidia drivers in ubuntu linux . . . they are closed . . . you can use them so long as you use them with a nvidia grafics chip but you can't edit / improve them and you can't try to use them on a non nvidia chipset . . .
Which is irrelevant except with respect to specific hardware. Until companies like Nvidia or Imagination decide to go open, we can only push closed bits to the periphery.

Same BS with Android . . . the base OS is open but hardware manufacturs still have to make the drivers for the **** to work and the phones ship with a bunch of apps that are closed AKA Gmail Youtube Google Maps . . . ect
Which is unavoidable. And if you don't like the closed apps you can always remove them.

Mer doesn't even have a basic phone dialing app . . . it is just the OS, the App Manager and a terminal. No phone No Music Player No Web Browser nada.
If you hadn't noticed, Stskeeps has retired Mer and moved to working on MeeGo.

for a company to pick up Mer and start building they would need to develop thier own phone app, drivers for the gsm and sim antenna, wifi functions ect.
Or they will grab MeeGo and make it compatible with their hardware. Their closed bits will be kept outside of the core distro, hopefully in such a place that end-users can grab them and build their own images, similar to how things seem to be lining up for the N900.

Also, I'm not quite sure what people's problem with the multitasking is. Unless I missed something, it is functionally identical to Maemo's, only with a different task switcher. If people are mistaking the task switcher for how multitasking behaves then I can only presume they have no knowledge of what they are talking about.

Last edited by wmarone; 2010-07-12 at 15:44. Reason: No replies before 10 AM!

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Not sure what you mean by multitasking, but if you mean Task Switcher it's still there. You get two choices: Palmesque card system and Maemo 5 -like grid of open apps. AFAIK you can switch between these views by making a pinch gesture.

Meego UI basics

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They really should stick with the grid approach, and not require you to take some extra action to get to the grid. Android and iOS are copying the Windows NT style of alt-tabbing through a list, despite that being obsolete since Mac 10.3 introduced Expose. It would be a shame if Meego went backwards in a fit of trying to be like the cool kids.

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Originally Posted by CormacB View Post
They really should stick with the grid approach, and not require you to take some extra action to get to the grid. Android and iOS are copying the Windows NT style of alt-tabbing through a list, despite that being obsolete since Mac 10.3 introduced Expose. It would be a shame if Meego went backwards in a fit of trying to be like the cool kids.
Except that even OS X provides alt-tab support (well, cmd-tab.) Generally, end-users won't have so many applications over that the card method is unwieldy, and in the end the grid view is still available, likely configurable.

Perhaps a good idea would be for a threshold at which point it goes automatically to grid view... sounds like an enhancement request.
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Originally Posted by CormacB View Post
They really should stick with the grid approach, and not require you to take some extra action to get to the grid. Android and iOS are copying the Windows NT style of alt-tabbing through a list, despite that being obsolete since Mac 10.3 introduced Expose.
List-based task switching has been deprecated for ages and is kept for backwards compatibility.

Windows NT (line of OSs) no longer uses alt-tab through lists for quite a while. W7, e.g., has a live grid of thumbnails one can click by mouse/touch.

IIRC, XP and older don't allow mouse selection (in the older versions). But even so, that's 2003, and there are power tools to fix that as well. Last time anyonw was stuck with alt+tab list was W2000.

I have no idea who told them lists are good. Wasn't us
N900 dead and Nokia no longer replaces them. Thanks for all the fish.

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As I noted in the blog post referenced in the OP, multitasking IS in the MeeGo design spec:

Are we past the initial freak-out phase yet?
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Originally Posted by buurmas View Post
Are we past the initial freak-out phase yet?
We've all seen what freaking out too late does. Thus, in the spirit of OSS, we watch the pre-alpha and pre-freak out.

Once the initial freaking out passes, it moves into freak-testing, where people discuss rules for freaking out, whether or not it should pass, and whether of not it has a freak tracker.

Once that passes, it's promoted to a full-blown freak out, so everyone can freely freak out without worrying about unstable early freaks.
N900 dead and Nokia no longer replaces them. Thanks for all the fish.

Keep the forums clean: use "Thanks" button instead of the thank you post.

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I think this one shows it better, I'm exciting to see MeeGo!

Live view of apps.

Also read this

It's fully customizable so yes you can do anything with it! Let's wait and see!

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Originally Posted by q8phantom View Post
I think this one shows it better, I'm exciting to see MeeGo!

Live view of apps.

Also read this

It's fully customizable so yes you can do anything with it! Let's wait and see!
Thing is it looks like Andoid and thats BAD imho :-(

As someone here said I hope nokia will continue and improve maemo5 instead of try make a ripoff Android/IOS.
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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
Thing is it looks like Andoid and thats BAD imho :-(

As someone here said I hope nokia will continue and improve maemo5 instead of try make a ripoff Android/IOS.
If you see the last picture or 5th one. It looks excatly like maemo but it's portrait mode and have the shortcuts down. 3x3 if I remember like our Maemo. Maybe you could cancel the shortcuts down. Hold your phone horizantaly. that's it. Also it's not all about the look only. We have to see the perfomance and it will offer better perfomance and customization at lease equally to maemo or more anyway it's open source.

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