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Well, if you read my post very carefully you might notice a fix suggestion.
Posts: 142 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Jul 2010
Originally Posted by dsawhney View Post
You can enable smartreflex permanently by editing the values in /etc/pmconfig.
Hey can u tell me how to do it???

i dont know what command to type in inside the pmconfig file

Can u help me?

and i heared that u cant change both VDD's......
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Originally Posted by whidalgow View Post
Guys, i'm new in this forum and i wanna share my experience with my n900 (i got it 1 week ago). Like all of you, i had problems with the poor battery life in the n900, tried many settings to improve the battery life 'cause only worked for me around 8-10 hours. Yesterday i turn it off the GPS and with no widgets like facebook or forecast, put brightness lvl 2, disable light notification (only for missed calls and sms) and now my battery is around 80-90% in 18 hours!!!!!!!
Can u Xplain ur detailed usage in these 18 hrs
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jul 2010
Newbie here with the n900. Here is the two test that I've done with my phone with approximately the same type of usage over a day. I did both of these test twice and got the same outcome both times.

Test 1 - Fully charged the battery, from dead, in the phone and kept the wifi off and my cell service on 2g except when I needed it to be otherwise. The result was my battery would last around 4 to 5 hours.
Battery charge time was approximately 3 to 4 hours to full charge according to the phone.

Test 2 - Fully charged the batter, from dead, in an external charger then ran the same service as test 1. The result was my battery will last around 11 to 14 hours. The battery charge time was approximately 6 to 7 hours to full charge according to the external charger.

What does this tell me?
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Melbourne, Australia
Originally Posted by bsm117532 View Post
The SmartReflex power saving feature of the OMAP processor is disabled by
default on the n900. To enable it:
echo 1 > /sys/power/sr_vdd1_autocomp
echo 1 > /sys/power/sr_vdd2_autocomp
You can also enable it by editing /etc/pmconfig and changing the appropriate
values to 1, and rebooting.

I've been logged in to my wifi accounts for 10+ hours now, with GPS on, and the
battery is only down by about 1/3.

Some power saving can also be achieved by setting your status to be offline and
disabling networking.

For further information follow the bug which has a somewhat higher signal/noise than this thread...
Hiya bsm117532,

Mate I tried to edit this in midnight commander, when I go to save I get a "cannot save file" dialog box, even when I try to save as with a different name . . .

Any other method to edit and save this file ?

btw I am only editing the value of vdd1, as this is stable and the benefits of testing thus far has doubled my battery life !

thnx in advance !
Posts: 478 | Thanked: 101 times | Joined on Feb 2010
to get smart reflex working download cpufreq app, it has a smart reflex option and is surely easier than editing files etc...


What was the cpu usage like on the first test?
Posts: 142 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Jul 2010
Originally Posted by Spotfist View Post
to get smart reflex working download cpufreq app, it has a smart reflex option and is surely easier than editing files etc...


What was the cpu usage like on the first test?
even if you anable smart reflex in QCPUFREQ ,i dint think its affecting any configurations.........after enabling it in Qcpufreq when i check /etc/pmconfig the values for vdd1 and vdd2 are still 0.

enabling it means vdd1 and vdd2 has to change to 1

am i missing something here?
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I used to use it in cpufreq and perhaps it doesn't work 100% although I was sure it did, I no longer use it though it crashes my phone when overclocked.
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ok super linux noob here, but i found out how to change and save pmconfig file.

using vim editor:
1. open xterminal
2. sudo gainroot
3. cd /etc
4. vi pmconfig
5. move to the "0" on the line "sr_vdd1_autocomp 0" and press r, and enter "1". Then repeat for "sr_vdd2_autocomp 0".
6. to save " :w "
7. to exit " :q!:

hopefully that works for you.

*** note: i just changed this, so i do not know if this will increase battery life.

*** Update*** I only got 8 hours usage.

Last edited by icon36; 2010-07-31 at 04:52.
moudy91's Avatar
Posts: 165 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Jun 2010
Dear all.
i found a way to improve the life on the n900 battery, usual my n900 it take just 24 hours before it will be dead but now it take 2 days with 12 hours working on my device.
all you have to do is recharge your N900 from the USB cable from your PC and when the led turn to green remove it directly don't keep the led green to much time.
this way did work on my device and am sure that it will work on ur device too.

n900 battery, n900 v. power war, piss poor

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