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Originally Posted by maurelio79 View Post
But a simple swapoff && swapon, could be give some performance in your opinion?
Depends on current swap usage. Swapoff tries to shift swap contents to RAM, so whenever RAM gets overfilled by that, strange things might happen... I wouldn't generally recommend that.
Dawid 'evad' Lorenz *
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Originally Posted by evad View Post
No, it doesn't. I think the key is to run it as user, not root.

3) dsmetool -k /usr/bin/hildon-home; sleep 3; dsmetool -t /usr/bin/hildon-home
My most frequent issue is with hildon-desktop, over time it slowly ramps up its CPU usage and becomes a battery-killer. I haven't been able to determine the exact cause (widget?) yet.

In my tests, the command above has a positive effect in such cases, but doesn't completely correct the problem. On a hunch I tried the exact same idea, but with hildon-desktop instead of hildon-home, and up to now it has proved very effective...
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Originally Posted by Rob1n View Post
As you're getting errors even before the first echo statement, I'd guess that you've saved the file in DOS format, not in UNIX format. You should be able to convert it using either sed/tr (either of the following two lines - the ^M is generated by pressing Ctrl-V followed by Ctrl-M):
tr -d '\r' < DOS_file > UNIX_file
sed 's/^M//' DOS_file > UNIX_file
Thanks a bunch! Instead of converting the script file on the device I used online dos2unix converter and transferred the file again onto the device - the script worked then
Thanks again!
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Originally Posted by Rob1n View Post
As you're getting errors even before the first echo statement, I'd guess that you've saved the file in DOS format, not in UNIX format. You should be able to convert it using either sed/tr (either of the following two lines - the ^M is generated by pressing Ctrl-V followed by Ctrl-M):
tr -d '\r' < DOS_file > UNIX_file
sed 's/^M//' DOS_file > UNIX_file
This days another device give me the same problem when I try the script, and the solution was simpler, only open another file with Leafpad and paste all the script. Simpler
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Originally Posted by JorgeFX View Post
Well, I normally use it only when I feel that the OS is getting slow but in general YES, you only have to add an event with this command:

sudo sh OptimizeN900

And you can setup this to run every day overnight. Please, try it and tell us your experiences. Thanks!
Thank you Sir
Fadi Mckean
Sunny Cairo, Egypt

"live today like you were going to die tomorrow, plan for tomorrow like you we going to live for ever.."
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Will it help somebody, if I'll create package in extras-devel?
Basically it will put shell script into /opt/usr/bin/ and create icon for it.

If so please suggest name for the package and icon in this poll:
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i'd like to make this into a Queen Beecon widget, however i can't get it to work.

If i start the widget and go to advanced, i testdrive the command (your file) and it works perfectly. However if i try to import "buffer to beecon"

i get this error:
(0x3eb7e8) QBW Import from ADB command buffer error g_key_file_load_from_data
anybody have a clue?
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Originally Posted by AlexV12 View Post
i'd like to make this into a Queen Beecon widget, however i can't get it to work.

If i start the widget and go to advanced, i testdrive the command (your file) and it works perfectly. However if i try to import "buffer to beecon"

i get this error:
(0x3eb7e8) QBW Import from ADB command buffer error g_key_file_load_from_data
anybody have a clue?
Please post complete text you are trying to import and exact button your are pushing ... from the message code it seems you are pressing top left button for command import instead of top right button for instance/beecon.
Some other screenshot of the advanced dialog box might be useful as well.
Have a look at Queen BeeCon Widget (WIKI) Customizable and flexible widget-based multi-instance monitoring, alerting and interactive tool for the N900
Please provide comments and feedback for having QBW supported and enhanced further - (DONATE) - v1.3.3devel / v1.3.3testing / v1.3.3extras
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Originally Posted by mauron85 View Post
Will it help somebody, if I'll create package in extras-devel?
Basically it will put shell script into /opt/usr/bin/ and create icon for it.

If so please suggest name for the package and icon in this poll:

ive done this (for myself) just havent made a deb....
Posts: 214 | Thanked: 256 times | Joined on May 2010
Waoo I'm surprised to see that you are thinking of making and package to the extras-devel. It makes me real happy

faster, reflash, refresh, script-a-brick, sell it

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