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alienhead's Avatar
Posts: 139 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Connecticut, United States
The thing I hate about apple is, they cheat their customers.
How? They deprive their customers of basic features. It took them four generations, to get the iphone to do multitasking...are you serious? which century are you living in. It wont record videos, until 3rd generation. No voip calls on 3g...etc.etc. Ipad without a camera, no usb support.. should that be called a tablet.
Apple is sheer bondage. Who the hell are they to tell me how am I supposed to hold my phone.
And they crossed the limit, by not admitting the problems and posting videos of other brands having the same problem.
So my question to you is, what do you have for apple that made you start this thread?

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Instead of the madness surrounding a tech choice; allow me to say this.

Besides Kai Krause, Phil Clevenger and Kai Gradert; Apple has made the UI important and something that should be well-thought out before releasing a product. I disagree with the Apple product hate - their products are well-thought out. I can disagree with Steve Jobs current mannerisms - "You're holding it wrong" pissed me off something fierce.

But as far as disliking Apple, meh. I use their products (computers, servers, XCode, (formerly) iPhone) but I do not belong to the "Cult of Mac". I also use Microsoft products. And I've been a Linux user since the mid-90's. But again... I'm not fan enough to pledge allegiance wholly behind one tech choice.

Dislike Apple for real reasons people. I don't particularly like the iTunes ecosystem; but I can see some merit in it. I don't particularly like Steve Jobs... the man knows how to sell (read: lie) his products and get the best from his hardware and software devs. I dislike the living hell out of Steve Ballmer; however even he knows how to keep Microsoft somewhat relevant in these changing times.

As a person that enjoys proper usage of UI/UX; Apple gets that right. They get more right than wrong - on their products (iPad is still a stupid thing to me). But they apparently get enough right to piss off other folks to the point of hating them.

Haters gon' hate I guess.

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Originally Posted by Rob1n View Post
Windows support for older hardware is often very poor.
How old are you talking? Like the hardware in a computer that shipped with XP not being supported in Vista or Win7?
Posts: 145 | Thanked: 80 times | Joined on Jan 2010
I used to be an Apple hater. Well, I still am, but I express it in a different way: "It does not meet my requirements." Underneath that statement...
  • I disagree with their philosophy of keeping their stuff locked down. When I buy the hardware, it is mine, and I should be allowed to do what I want with it so long as I am not using it to harm others or deny others access to a resource they paid for.
  • I refuse to buy a cell phone with a sealed-in battery.
  • I refuse to buy a personal digital assistant with no physical keyboard.
  • I don't want to install yet another piece of software on my computer just to transfer files to/from the phone, among other things.
  • I want the freedom to go from carrier to carrier as I please.
  • Apple is not the most economical choice when it comes to the capabilities I want.

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Originally Posted by sepehrsfmech View Post
i have been reading tons of threads this past week and i see in almost all of them, they bash on apple on how iphone is closed. well its the same as n900, nokia closed the source on some components, so its not fully open sourced but it was advertised as an open sourced phone. ITS NOT

i wanna know why are you bashing on apple.

if it wasnt for apple, people wouldnt have a sweet music store(itunes)

if it wasnt for apple, people were forced to use windows.

if it wasnt for apple, there would be no touch screen phone till 2011.

if it wasnt for apple, there would be no angrybirds.

can someone reply to me in this thread on why do you hate apple/iphone?

Making the general public believe this is why I hate apple..

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Posts: 68 | Thanked: 63 times | Joined on Sep 2008
Oh dear. This thread appears to be full of people who have no idea what they are talking about. And base strong opinions on that lack of facts. Trolls, or simply ignorant?

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Originally Posted by TheTree View Post
Oh dear. This thread appears to be full of people who have no idea what they are talking about. And base strong opinions on that lack of facts. Trolls, or simply ignorant?
Replace "this thread" with "the internet".... or better still "the world".

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Posts: 68 | Thanked: 63 times | Joined on Sep 2008
Originally Posted by skinny View Post
Replace "this thread" with "the internet".... or better still "the world".
True, unfortunately. But at least some threads on this forum start out with a real fact or two.
Posts: 42 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Apr 2007
Originally Posted by TheTree View Post
True, unfortunately. But at least some threads on this forum start out with a real fact or two.
Less and less nowadays it seems.
ysss's Avatar
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Judging by many (more than half) irrational hatred toward Apple based on non-factual reasons, I'm guessing it's similar to the social system you can easily see in a highschool.

The popular kids are popular due to different merit and values than those of the science geeks and other 'unpopular' groups.

That's just life.
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