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DistantFire's Avatar
Posts: 134 | Thanked: 25 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ New Jersey
Three words: "Hot Diggety Dog"

There is a lot to like in the Archos announcements:

And from the horse's mouth:

When I have more time to read, maybe I'll figure out that none of these has GPS... but other than that, they look very good.

Questions to be answered:
1. "Android on TV" - Archos seems to claim real video out, not just for playing clips and slide shows. Need to confirm this.
2. No support appears to be planned for Android Market. Is this really a big deal still?
3. Keyboard support? I don't see anything, though the Engadget video mentions it.

IT: N810 / Diablo (former N800 now broken)
PC: Windows 7
Cell: Blackberry Bold (crippled by my employer)
MP3: Insignia NS-DV4G or IT/Canola

Last edited by DistantFire; 2010-08-31 at 20:37. Reason: Added questions near bottom.
leetut's Avatar
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shame there running android, i really need a new device too, must have a slide out keyboard, and not be made by nokia and not running android, just want something that works properly if im honest, so that rules both of the above out unfortunately
born to rage against them
maluka's Avatar
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They are running vanilla Android which is just about the ugliest mobile device UI imaginable. Besides the obvious MeeGo/Maemo, I would take Symbian on a tablet over Android any day.
silvermountain's Avatar
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Devices looks pretty good. I'd also like a h/w keyboard but for the price ($300 for the 10 inch one) I'm tempted to get one.

I like Android so that's a personal bonus. Then again I'm one of those people that really like it when an OS is supported beyond one device and one year.
.N810 experience: Since 6/2009
My Twenty Favorite OS2008 Applications:
AutoScan, Diablo5 Theme, Dialcentral, DragLock, EmelFM2, FlipClock, gPodder, Headphoned, Knots 2, Maemo Mapper, mPlayer, openNTPD, OpenSSH, Panucci, Personal Launcher, QuickNote, Seqretary, SlideLock, Telescope, YellowNotes

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tso's Avatar
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Well Archos did provide A5it users with a angstrom escape hatch.

As for phyiscal keyboard, Archos will be selling a keyboard and touchpad combo from what was shown on one photo.
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Originally Posted by DistantFire View Post
....When I have more time to read, maybe I'll figure out that none of these has GPS...2. No support appears to be planned for Android Market. Is this really a big deal still?...
Even if they claimed to have GPS, what they really meant is there is a GPS option that you can buy; $49.95 + S/H?

No Android Market? It is a VERY BIG DEAL!


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tso's Avatar
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last i checked, the musts for google apps (market included) are 3-way accelerometer, ditto compass, gps and 2mpix camera. GPS and compass is missing.
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If this is true...
I'd be a lot more excited then by the archos...
DistantFire's Avatar
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Originally Posted by silvermountain View Post
I like Android so that's a personal bonus. Then again I'm one of those people that really like it when an OS is supported beyond one device and one year.
Okay here's the crux for me: As I've said now and then in posts for months, what I really, really want from my tablet is the possibility of using it as my main personal computer. I want it all. I want to be able to take it in my pocket (i.e. slightly larger than a smartphone) for on-the-go browsing, email, access to my data and documents, etc. But I also want to be able to come home and plop this same machine into a docking station (or use a USB hub) to connect it to a larger screen and full-size keyboard so I can use it as more than a PMP.

Tell me something, silvermountain: Could I jump to Android and leave Windows behind for good, as I could with Ubuntu? The one thing my N810 doesn't have which precludes making this kind of jump is no video out (and the 400 MHz cpu). With the following enticing comment, these Archos units (43, 70 and 101) could bridge that gap:

Android™ on TV
Basically, this is what you see on your product screen, but ten times bigger. With its TV output, the ARCHOS 43 internet tablet displays every Android™ sceen on your wide screen TV.
(italic emphasis is mine - DF)

With this HDMI output and serious apps like "Documents to Go" could it really be possible, or will I eventually need to shell out the $800 - $1,000 for a "true" UPMC?

Thanks, DF
IT: N810 / Diablo (former N800 now broken)
PC: Windows 7
Cell: Blackberry Bold (crippled by my employer)
MP3: Insignia NS-DV4G or IT/Canola
Posts: 71 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Canada
Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
Even if they claimed to have GPS, what they really meant is there is a GPS option that you can buy; $49.95 + S/H?

No Android Market? It is a VERY BIG DEAL!

In the engadget comments it says you can search for a one-click install market4archos.apk file. Would that be the same thing?

And now you can dual-boot an Archos? When MeeGo is ready would it be realistic to put that on?

Just asking because it'd be nice to finally have a tablet to buy in 2010. The WePad/WeTab link and others look interesting, but I'm waiting for more info.

Last edited by Jobester; 2010-09-01 at 14:40.

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