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Originally Posted by paulkoan View Post
The n900 was an experiment for enthusiasts. Given the extraordinary level of moaning and bitterness that arose from that demographic, Nokia would have to be insane to push this device further into the non-tech-savvy demo
Perhaps if Nokia had put some more effort and resources in releasing a polished product then there wouldn't be that high a level of moaning and bitterness.
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Id like to see symbian on the n900 as well, there are a LOT more apps for symbian, some of which I wouldn't mind seeing on the n900. I also dont mind symbian too much, yeah the n97 was a load of crap, I had it before the n900 but the operating system (albeit slow) isn't too bad, i'd quite like to see a dual boot or triple boot or maemo, symbian and android
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I want my N900 to make coffee 3 minutes before I wake up. Damn you Nokia how could you not include this function along with the four booth with windows,android and symbian!!!!!

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The only point of having symbian on n900 would be it's telephone functions.. although that would have been better ported than having an dualboot.

Let's hope the ofono-projekt gives us the abillity to do this better our selves.
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I want it too.. id like to show my n900 to my friends... running maemo, android plus symbian.... they'll get jealous for sure....
N900(40GB) PR1.3|NITDroid|Power40|MeeGo @1GHz
Nokia N9(64GB)Black|PR1.1
ASUS G73JH| i7-720QM | 1.6-2.8GHz | WIN 7 Pro | ATI 5870 1GB DDR5 | 8GB RAM DDR3 1333MHz | 80GB X-25 G2 SSD+500 GB HDD | 1920x1080 | RAZER MAMBA | ALIENWARE BACKPACK(WTF?)| Intel 6200 WIFI|
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Originally Posted by paulkoan View Post
I think the op was referring to boosting sales, not boosting speed.

So the idea was to dualboot the n900 with something people are familiar with - Symbian, with something they are not - maemo, in order to gain more interest and more traction.

Aside from the "same hardware" assertion, this plan doesn't fly primarily because I imagine Nokia has no interest in boosting n900 sales at this point, and certainly little interest in promoting the maemo platform with meego only a couple of months away (this may well be a fairy tale, but I imagine they would plan for it to be true even when it won't be).

The n900 was an experiment for enthusiasts. Given the extraordinary level of moaning and bitterness that arose from that demographic, Nokia would have to be insane to push this device further into the non-tech-savvy demo even if meego wasn't on its way.
ya exactly. People need to read that i only posted this as an idea for Nokia to *possibly* promote the N900 in terms of sales and its users, rather just an experimental device. The N900 lacks apps and games in general, and could still use some of the decent symbian apps if it were to be able to run symbian somehow.

Sure the symbian is a crappy OS, but it's still being used by Nokia. If i'm not wrong, the upcoming N9 will be supporting symbian, correct?? So why not let N900 run it as well? I can't imagine why some of u are always this negative on the community and attempt to flame or share only negativity upon any suggestion or idea posted by the OP, and yes i'm looking at you "atilla", u manage to spam 2 of my topics already, if ur this bored go get a life and stop posting useless comments in my topic or at anyone's topic.

Anyway, people port Android to the N900, as well as on the iPhone and other Windows Mobile devices and we all like this. And yet i suggest a possibility for Nokia to implement Symbian, which is their own proprietary software, and some of u guys think it's a stupid idea and fail in general?? We'll be able to get more usage out of the phone, whether the symbian is a crappy os or not or whether the apps sucks or not, as long as we get to use additional features and options then it's always a plus. It's *OPTIONAL* for u to use it or not.

It wouldn't be hard for Nokia to implement that since Symbian IS Nokia after all. What are the downsides to this anyway?? I can't imagine there being any.

Lastly, i read a while ago that Nokia still wants to improve Symbian as they'll be releasing Symbian 3 or something. They could still use the N900 as a test device so why not?

And yes, aside from a few hardware differences between the N900 and N97, the main biggest difference is the OS.

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It's actually not such a wild idea OP. I've thought of this myself. I think what Nokia is planning to do with MeeGo/Symbian^4 is make the two OSes almost indistinguishable. Same apps and games will run on both and the UI will also be similar I suppose.

From the Symbian^3 N8 videos I've seen online, it looks to be an amazingly fast phone UI. The biggest thing you would miss from Maemo would be the excellent browser. I'm quite looking forward to seeing the new Qt Webkit browser the Symbian^3 N8 will get in November as well.

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i wasnt spamming your great thread.
i tried to tell you that between n900 and n97 is a difference like heaven and hell.
thats all.
i dont understand why the new guys here all dont understand that some comments are just fun.
if you want a private place,make a blog.
THIS is a forum and everyone can say what the **** he want.
i could say too if you dont like my post ignore him.
so to all the new guys who are crying because someone makes a little bit fun:take a chill pill and relax.

Nobody likes us but we dont care....
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That's the bizarre thing about this community:

Many users attack Android and claim it is not as capable as Symbian in many ways and another faction are working to allow Android to run on N900...

I would've thought that the ability to dual-boot Symbian would offer distinct advantages to N900, especially if the excellent phone and navigational options could be made to run.

I don't play games, but one of the main complaints from 'ordinary' users ( as opposed to the tech-savvy) is the lack of games and app choice generally.

I still enjoy using my Wife's N97Mini and envy some of the traditional Symbian Goodness.

Dual booting Symbian makes sense to me.

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Because the screen resolution and the lack of buttons can potentially f**k every thing up?

Many'd go "OH **** HOW DO I QUIT THIS NOW?" without a end key.

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stop thinking

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