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Originally Posted by acvetkov View Post
I want my N900 to make coffee 3 minutes before I wake up. Damn you Nokia how could you not include this function along with the four booth with windows,android and symbian!!!!!
sure... if your coffee maker is connected to a switch which is controlled by a PC or something. ok,,, you still need to have that brown stuff in the coffee maker 1st and then somehow pipe in the water
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Originally Posted by m0da View Post
who the **** wants symbian on their n900
I want symbian.
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I want to run Symbian progs in Maemo
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Originally Posted by rickysio View Post
Please take a look at all currently released symbian phone (or rather, what buttons they have), or GTFOff your *** a port Symbian yourself. Since you have so much fantastic ideas.
Rather than u raging and telling me to GTFO from my own topic, y dun u get a life and stop bashing against other people's ideas, coz that's wot u've done all this time, whereas i was nice in the first place. Learn to understand the situation ur in be4 u tell ppl to gtfo from their own topics. Ur the one that read it and keep coming back. Not to mention that i'm not even raging.

And YOU go take a look at the symbian phones. I did a fair comparison between the N900 and the N97. N97 runs symbian, right? Well aside from the keyboard differences, tell me exactly how many buttons this thing requires, here i'll even post a link for ya:

the pics are at the bottom from all angles. The only extra buttons N97 have is the typical pickup/end call button, that that little side button next to them.

3 extra buttons on the front face of the phone. Ur previous comment was saying that people couldn't use their phones without a end task button, and i answered already saying that there's no need for that, as long as we make a few adjustments so that symbian ends tasks the same way that we do on maemo.

And please learn to read, i've also given a 2nd example in my previous previous comment, the upcoming Nokia N9 runs symbian and it doesn't even have anything other than the hardware keyboard:

And why don't you give me some concrete examples of what kind of symbian apps or features that won't work on the N900?? Do you see Android running natively on the N900, Windows Mobile or iPhone? No? Of course not, they never came with it installed. BUT Then how were they ported and able to run fine on them?? HMM?

Let's put it this way. Let's just put aside the differences between N900 and N97, let's pretend they all use the same OS. Now answer this, can both devices perform the typical same tasks that we use everyday?? Now compare this with EVERY OTHER PHONE. Iphone only has 3 buttons (power, volume, home), and yet it can do the normal same typical tasks just like EVERY OTHER PHONE.

The buttons aren't the limitation, as long as you port and map the keys to the touch screen or use other keys like the hardware keyboard, this isn't impossible at all. Key mapping is all it takes, just a little adjustments here and there.

I really don't understand y u find this impossible, it makes me wanna face palm when clearly so many examples are out there. If this was impossible, the word "porting" wouldn't even be a word in the first place. Words like hacking/modding/jailbreaking/rooting wouldn't be there in the first place either, because we'd be too stupid to tamper with our phone and make changes, according to your statement.

I would like to try this out just for fun but without the right tools, i can't do crap at all, after all symbian isn't open source.
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Originally Posted by chaoscreater View Post
Rather than u raging and telling me to GTFO from my own topic, y dun u get a life and stop bashing against other people's ideas, coz that's wot u've done all this time, whereas i was nice in the first place. Learn to understand the situation ur in be4 u tell ppl to gtfo from their own topics. Ur the one that read it and keep coming back. Not to mention that i'm not even raging.

And YOU go take a look at the symbian phones. I did a fair comparison between the N900 and the N97. N97 runs symbian, right? Well aside from the keyboard differences, tell me exactly how many buttons this thing requires, here i'll even post a link for ya:

the pics are at the bottom from all angles. The only extra buttons N97 have is the typical pickup/end call button, that that little side button next to them.

3 extra buttons on the front face of the phone. Ur previous comment was saying that people couldn't use their phones without a end task button, and i answered already saying that there's no need for that, as long as we make a few adjustments so that symbian ends tasks the same way that we do on maemo.

And please learn to read, i've also given a 2nd example in my previous previous comment, the upcoming Nokia N9 runs symbian and it doesn't even have anything other than the hardware keyboard:

And why don't you give me some concrete examples of what kind of symbian apps or features that won't work on the N900?? Do you see Android running natively on the N900, Windows Mobile or iPhone? No? Of course not, they never came with it installed. BUT Then how were they ported and able to run fine on them?? HMM?

Let's put it this way. Let's just put aside the differences between N900 and N97, let's pretend they all use the same OS. Now answer this, can both devices perform the typical same tasks that we use everyday?? Now compare this with EVERY OTHER PHONE. Iphone only has 3 buttons (power, volume, home), and yet it can do the normal same typical tasks just like EVERY OTHER PHONE.

The buttons aren't the limitation, as long as you port and map the keys to the touch screen or use other keys like the hardware keyboard, this isn't impossible at all. Key mapping is all it takes, just a little adjustments here and there.

I really don't understand y u find this impossible, it makes me wanna face palm when clearly so many examples are out there. If this was impossible, the word "porting" wouldn't even be a word in the first place. Words like hacking/modding/jailbreaking/rooting wouldn't be there in the first place either, because we'd be too stupid to tamper with our phone and make changes, according to your statement.

I would like to try this out just for fun but without the right tools, i can't do crap at all, after all symbian isn't open source.

From what I skimmed above, you got a few things wrong.
1. The N9 is the first MeeGo phone, not Symbian.
2. Symbian is Open Source
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Originally Posted by maluka View Post
From what I skimmed above, you got a few things wrong.
1. The N9 is the first MeeGo phone, not Symbian.
2. Symbian is Open Source
Ok, but is that confirmed or just speculation?? I found so many Google results where N9 was shown as symbian. Regardless, that was just an example, my reasonings still proved it doesn't matter anyway.

As for Symbian going open source, that's my bad. I haven't used it since 6 years ago so haven't been up to date. In that case i'll take a look into it, i hope by "open source" it's actually like N900 or Android where u get a deep enough access to all the files rather than just scratching the surface. Actually Android is kinda like that.....
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Originally Posted by chaoscreater View Post
Ok, but is that confirmed or just speculation?? I found so many Google results where N9 was shown as symbian. Regardless, that was just an example, my reasonings still proved it doesn't matter anyway.
You ask about confirmation regarding a high-end Nokia device? A Nokia device? Perhaps you could show us your sources or the N9 specs running Symbian? Untill the device comes out, id est, is officially announced any conversation will be speculation.

As for Symbian going open source, that's my bad. I haven't used it since 6 years ago so haven't been up to date.
I havenīt been up to date either, but a quick glance over at the Wiki page taught me itīs open source since februari 2010.

I canīt help but wondering, after reading this thread and your comments, what you yourself are able and willing to contribute to such a project as porting Symbian to the N900. You talk about "we", yet you get angry at anyone who gives a bit of opposition to your expressed ideas. If there is such a thing as "we", regarding this particular idea of yours, how come you seem to have so much trouble taking a bit of criticism? I suppose you are aware that a lot of people who own the N900 are higher than average tech-savy people that tend to be fairly critical at any technology being thrown at them. Thatīs how they became tech-savy... So I guess my question(s) would boil down to this: what kind of road map do you have, in terms of specs and requirements and how are you going to win people over to this project in order to help you?
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Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
so it is nokias fault that even when it was clearly announced that n900 is "step 4/5" (5/5 meaning polished end product), some people want to moan about it not being polished?
I don't recall Nokia saying that anywhere on the N900 section of their website ( - if it is there I would appreciate a link[*]. And I would very much doubt that Nokia would have mentioned it in any of their marketing materials/campaigns. Regardless, while I can live with it not having features that it does not claim to have however I would expect that the features that it claims to have are working bug-free. Manufacturers these days are forever releasing sub-standard, unfinished products - conscientious manufacturers would then release updates to fix defects and unscrupulous ones try to encourage you to buy their latest products which supposedly fixes the defects but most likely introduce new defects.

* Actually I would appreciate any link, I've seen people liberally mentioning these mythical 5 steps but a quick google didn't find any source for it.
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Originally Posted by kureyon View Post
* Actually I would appreciate any link, I've seen people liberally mentioning these mythical 5 steps but a quick google didn't find any source for it.
I have always taken these type of comments about step 4/5 as ROT, the opposite of FUD: Reckless, Overconfident and Trusting.
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Originally Posted by kureyon View Post
I don't recall Nokia saying that anywhere on the N900 section of their website ( - if it is there I would appreciate a link[*]. And I would very much doubt that Nokia would have mentioned it in any of their marketing materials/campaigns. Regardless, while I can live with it not having features that it does not claim to have however I would expect that the features that it claims to have are working bug-free. Manufacturers these days are forever releasing sub-standard, unfinished products - conscientious manufacturers would then release updates to fix defects and unscrupulous ones try to encourage you to buy their latest products which supposedly fixes the defects but most likely introduce new defects.

* Actually I would appreciate any link, I've seen people liberally mentioning these mythical 5 steps but a quick google didn't find any source for it.
the biggest problem is that you weren't here when the information were available and amongst active topics.

ever heard about wikipedia?
(hint: look at the sources)

there is a simple reason why step 4 thing isn't mentioned in the marketing places (this is where "research before you buy" derives...)
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wiki category:beginners. Browse it through and you'll be much wiser!
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