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Originally Posted by osakimandias View Post
I find the Android operating system unintuitive and underpowered. If you like Android and are moving from an N900, the Galaxy S Pro is your only choice. Beautiful hardware, especially the keyboard and screen. It's light, if a little plasticky and a tad on the big side. But it requires you to like Android, which is not an OS for everyone. It's not a "diss against the Galaxy S," it's a lament that the operating system isn't one I like as much, or find as useful, as Maemo. I don't think that's unreasonable.
Oh, I find Maemo definitely the better OS, just way under utilized and unrefined in some points that I - as a consumer - expect to be fully fleshed out in 2010. That didn't happen, unfortunately I doubt it ever will.

I could care less about the "disses" to be honest, just that there's a lot of FUD in this thread (you are by far not one of them) that state, at a bare minimum "If it's not Nokia, I won't ever like it".

And to me, that very closed mentality is... just plain friggin' weird. All OS's and devices are just tools. I run 5 different operating systems without issue and I don't favor a one over the other really. I just use what works the best for me.

Won't lie. I don't "like" Android, but it's better for my workflow in a lot of areas than the iPhone. Maemo fits my style for development and administration, but sucks for media and ultimately phone calls. Android's contact list sucks in a bit because despite removing the sync to my gmail accounts, it still lists them when I try to message somebody. There are inconsistencies that annoy me in Android, that I don't like. And iPhone? Refined, but dumbed down like a valley girl.

Regardless, I like the 4" Super AMOLED, the Hummingbird processor, the faster than anything else out feel, and the fact I'm getting 2.2 in less than a month (as announced).

Is it perfect for everybody? Nope. Probably why I've lag fixed, rooted, custom kernel, 1.2ghz overclocked, gps logging turned off, and removed all of the bloatware as well as tweaked TouchWiz. That's an awful lot to do on a "limited" platform.

I cannot say the same for the extremely open nor extremely closed. The "middle" path has treated me well. All that was required was an open mind.

And you sir... I believe you are very open minded and knowledgeable. Take care.

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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
You find it odd to see people on the Maemo forums being defensive?
I'm going to let my inner-a**hole hang out for a moment...

All I see is a bunch of undelivered, yet implicit, promises that a lot of folks around here somehow fell for (Nokia Reality Distortion Field?) and those that did not fall for it, they attack.

Those that still believe in it - they attack everything else.

Yet... I don't see very much to persuade me to believe in a damn thing they believe in. "It's the most open"... show me. I don't see 1/10th of the activity in terms of OS level hacks and development than I see at XDA-Developers. I mean, I just replaced the whole friggin' file system (RFS) to EXT4 and upped my entire speed on my Captivate.

I don't see 3D engines and apps. I see... well nothing.

For an open playing field, not much of anything is going on. PR1.2 and... that's it.

Instead of attacking, prove me wrong. Meanwhile, I'll be over here putting Android on my iPhone and modifying the living daylights out of my Captivate... there's a new Froyo firmware leaked out and I have to reverse my lag fix and revert from EXT4 before I do that.

Or I might go to a plain vanilla (sans TouchWiz) firmware and enjoy the lack of Samsung induced bloat.

I got real friggin' options. I don't see too many on the N900 besides sit... and wait... and hope.

And attack.

</inner a**hole>

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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
God... I suddenly had the urge to reply "Yeah well... your face is unintuitive and underpowered." What the hell is wrong with me??
It is though :<

Seriously, though, I preordered the G1 and started with Android when it was new and exciting operating system (also, at the time, I was using Windows Mobile—and the difference between the (non)evolution of Windows Mobile since 2008 and Android since 2008 is scary).

I agree with Gerbick, though, that there are definite advantages to the OS, especially in comparison with others. However, I've used WinMo 6 and 6.5, iOS (via an iPad), Android through Android 2, and Maemo; on balance, I prefer the N900's operating system to anything else out there. I wouldn't discourage anyone from getting a Galaxy, but if you already have an N900 you are, frankly, the kind of person who is likely to prefer the way the N900 does things from the get-go. I think.

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
I'm going to let my inner-a**hole hang out for a moment...

All I see is a bunch of undelivered, yet implicit, promises that a lot of folks around here somehow fell for (Nokia Reality Distortion Field?) and those that did not fall for it, they attack.

Those that still believe in it - they attack everything else.

Yet... I don't see very much to persuade me to believe in a damn thing they believe in. "It's the most open"... show me. I don't see 1/10th of the activity in terms of OS level hacks and development than I see at XDA-Developers. I mean, I just replaced the whole friggin' file system (RFS) to EXT4 and upped my entire speed on my Captivate.

I don't see 3D engines and apps. I see... well nothing.

For an open playing field, not much of anything is going on. PR1.2 and... that's it.

Instead of attacking, prove me wrong. Meanwhile, I'll be over here putting Android on my iPhone and modifying the living daylights out of my Captivate... there's a new Froyo firmware leaked out and I have to reverse my lag fix and revert from EXT4 before I do that.

Or I might go to a plain vanilla (sans TouchWiz) firmware and enjoy the lack of Samsung induced bloat.

I got real friggin' options. I don't see too many on the N900 besides sit... and wait... and hope.

And attack.

</inner a**hole>
Wow, I was just being rhetorical. ...but yeah. I don't understand the defensiveness. I've said it all along--I've had an N800 and was looking for reason to buy into the next Maemo (so far, remaining unconvinced) and now it's all about MeeGo. In the meantime, Maemo's been ABOUT as open as Android (less so, near as I can tell) and so I don't see anything that convinced me that it was a platform that proved itself (not just words) to be any better. In my itch to get something new, I ended up getting a Dell Mini9 and a Motorola Droid in lieu of the next thing from Nokia and I'm increasingly glad I did. ...Every... Day. Still, I hold out and hope for something more along the lines of a true and open "like the desktop experience" Linux platform but in the meantime, the experience with Android has begun to convince me that maybe I don't need it or maybe that simple being OPEN is the key (not necessarily the desktop experience Linux).

I don't know, but it just seems to me that the defensiveness of folks around here isn't helping to convince me that Nokia's offerings are any better. Some evidence and delivered goods would, but certainly not the "It's the best thing I've ever used! You're an ***hole for disagreeing!' arguments.

So anyway, yeah. Synchronicity. I'm right there with you.

Last edited by danramos; 2010-09-03 at 19:41.

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I ' M Y E L L I N G F O R N O R E A S O N !!!!

Kidding, of course, everybody rocks.

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Galaxy S is nice, my brother has the Galaxy S gt-i9000 and i find it a tad too big. But if you are that keen to get one, then i advise the Galaxy S Vibrant or Captivate. But i don't think they're available in some countries.
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
And if you wanted support you'd... naw, too easy...

The whole diss against the Galaxy S is still odd to me.
support from samsung? Check their track record.
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I love the galaxy hardware but would never be able to cope with Android.
I tried it and I didn't like it. But I'm the sort of person who can wait for the right product though. I just love the way things work on the N900. Just the little things like being able to tap on a blurred area of the screen to get out of a window.
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Originally Posted by kryptoniankid17 View Post
support from samsung? Check their track record.
Let's see. their drivers have been open sourced and there are JH2, JH3, JM6 firmware (among others) out there and Froyo has been announced in the next month.

GPS does need to be fixed, but that's been announced too.

Past tense, hell yeah. Samsung sucked. Still do in most areas. But the Galaxy S series seems to be their right step forward. The same way that folks hope that MeeGo turns around Nokia's start/stop/restart process.

So far, I've benefited from this change in fortune from Samsung. I can't say the same for my Nokia purchases (past tense).

Here's to the future. Let's hope Samsung and Nokia don't leave us high and dry like they have in the recent past.

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Posts: 297 | Thanked: 54 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ new jersey, usa
Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Let's see. their drivers have been open sourced and there are JH2, JH3, JM6 firmware (among others) out there and Froyo has been announced in the next month.

GPS does need to be fixed, but that's been announced too.

Past tense, hell yeah. Samsung sucked. Still do in most areas. But the Galaxy S series seems to be their right step forward. The same way that folks hope that MeeGo turns around Nokia's start/stop/restart process.

So far, I've benefited from this change in fortune from Samsung. I can't say the same for my Nokia purchases (past tense).

Here's to the future. Let's hope Samsung and Nokia don't leave us high and dry like they have in the recent past.
ive been on the fence im up for a new phone for tmobile. the galaxy seems pretty cool but im a big camera guy. Does picture quality suffer from lack of flash. If so how badly?


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