Poll: How much apps do you typically keep open on your N900?
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How much apps do you typically keep open on your N900?

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Posts: 81 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Dec 2009
There are really two different uses here:

1. Being able to quickly swap between different applications.
2. Having two applications that actively multitask.

For number 1 above it is enough to create a persistent copy of the application being defocused. As far as I understand (which is very little) of Android, this is the path it takes. I have to admit that most of my "multi-tasking" fall into this path. Examples of this is keeping ebook reader open at the same time as the browser or an xterm with ipython, etc...

For number 2 you have multiple applications being scheduled by the scheduler and they both need their share of the CPU, and they really "run at the same time". Examples of this that I wouldn't want to live without are the fact that you can run Conboy and the the calendar at the same time your are in the middle of a phone conversation.

Other examples for number 2 are various monitoring and notification applications.

Something that I do miss is the ability to have more than one application visible at the same time. I find that most of the writing I do need some kind of reference. This goes for programming or an email while referencing material on the web etc. The resolution of the screen is high enough to keep two narrow windows open in landscape mode, but the maemo window manager does not support it. Let's hope that MeeGo fixes this.

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when I use it, I usually have Gpodder, Panucci, official media app, one/two/three web page opened, then some conversations may happen, phone...etc I may check some widget infos from time to time as well

but then, when this is becoming too much for the N900 (I mean slowing down), I start closing apps
I definitely love the approach: you decide what you open, what you close, finding the right balance yourself.

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mostly i close applications after i'm done with it

but sometimes i'm using multitasking by opening several websites (2-3 websites), chatting on pidgin with 2 contacts at once, conky to keep an eye on resources and temperatures, one spreadsheet using sheet to go and in the middle of those i frequently received & send sms and also calls (which lags heavily that sometime i could tell a call is coming before it showed on the screen or any other notifications only by the phone becoming unresponsive... )

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Originally Posted by Peter@Maemo Marketing View Post
Interesting to see that you have so many community apps running in parallel not only the pre-installed apps. Interesting, indeed.
lol anyone that has this phone and isnt using the community apps are seriously underusing and underestemating the phone. have you seen solme of the tmo apps? better programmed than the paid apps and most of the time free. not to mention usually better or additions to the phones internal apps.

portrait phone before pr 1.2
fmms - mms messaging
conky - report back on rootfs, clock speed and others in an easily readable gui.
cutexplorer, mc - file manager with root access
connectnow widget - easily connect to a saved network or gprs with one click (my most used probably)
queen beecon - run most xterminal and script commands that you can save with one touch after configuring widget size, colour, and animation and output.

and thats just off the top of my head, also not including games and emulators

id like to take this moment actually to thank the talented developers on this site endlessly, without which my phone would probably have been sent back

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i've often around 20 wins, code sources #KhtEditor, http qt doc, music, #Khweeteur :


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a few conversation windows

a terminal window with ssh session logged in

a few browser windows

does media player widget count? I usually have that going with internet radio station while in office

PIM notes(like in calendar) not the Notes app. i use it a lot. I wish it was better, Peter

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to quipper8 For This Useful Post:
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Hello, Peter.

I don't constantly run many apps as I don't see any need. Actually I have 2 scenarios of the multitasking in action:
1) Pidgin and twitter app/ any game + gpodder+audio player. Eventually 1-2 web pages could be open. But that's when I have time or need to. When I'm busy, no apps are opened.
2) Heavy usage. For e.g. my friend and I spend in the car almost whole day driving here and there. It means I may run 2 navigation apps(ovi/modrana+the one that shows traffic jams in Moscow), web browser where I search something, phone app to call, fm-transmission+audio-player coz he likes to listen to my podcasts, twitter/im can be too.

Actually I find myself using such a powerful multitasking very occasionally. Most of the time I have 1-3 apps running and I'm busy with something else but phone. When I indeed take n900 in the hands it means time for some real work for it=)

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I use multitasking very extessive and often more than 6 windows are open at the same time. I also leave them open if I don't use the apllication. I only close all apps if the N900 feels to slow.

What I don't understand is the different concept in modest. I'able to open 10 browser windows at the same time but only one email window! Why? I use two mail accounts with tons of folders and it would be a big step forward to open mor than one window at the same time.

Ciao jukey
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Hi Peter, and thanks for asking the community on this one.

You obviously know what you're looking for, but I guess data is nothing without context, so I'll be brief:

I'm not a Developer, power or tech user - just a regular guy who loves the power of the N900 to switch tasks rapidly.

I rarely use data services away from home wireless LAN (I use a PAYG plan)

Most of the time I run 3 to 6 apps concurrently, these typically including:

  • Messaging (all my Twiter and FB feeds come in via text)
  • Recaller (allways on, allways used)
  • Callendar
  • K9 Call keyboard widget
  • Conboy
  • Gpodder
  • MediaBox or Media Player
  • Email (for reference - only check for new emails twice a day)

I would run Ovi Maps pretty much all the time, but as it is it has little use for me without voice guidance, re-routing, offline searching or the ability to work without AGPS.

I'm not mentioning this to have a dig, but Ovi maps was something I really, really miss from my X6 and ran pretty much all the time. I think a lot of people would use it if it actually worked

I typically have twice as many apps open in the evening as in the day when I'm out & about.

Hope this helps!

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Originally Posted by liquid_chaos View Post
lol anyone that has this phone and isnt using the community apps are seriously underusing and underestemating the phone. ...
I'm not underestimating the power of community apps, no way. Actually, I'm valuing them a lot and I'm proud of the 28 million downloads. I have several of them on my N900 including Hermes, 3G/2G switching and the Flashlight. I also find useful apps on Ovi Store like Gas Balls which is simply cool.

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multitasking, research, reserach, survey

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