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Originally Posted by ME2g View Post
Nokia should rather try a unique OS.
Android isn't one.
Maemo (MeeGo) is one that may grow.

One should not buy a hardware device just because of
true, but i think that is a little dumb buying something that "may grow" when you can have something that IS growing and getting better already

the hype part, i agree

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Originally Posted by zaapx View Post
those who are happy with the n900 and the lack of suppport from nokia, well, they have the right to be happy, but just try a device with android and maybe youll undersatnd better this post.

best of luck
Support from Nokia was never an issue for me.
They deliver the hardware.
That's it.

When I bought SuSE (which is an easy Linux) years ago I never expected support from SuSE.
I knew that I will have to compile things from source,
gather applications here, tweak software for
special hardware there.
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Originally Posted by ME2g View Post
Support from Nokia was never an issue for me.
They deliver the hardware.
That's it.
and that is exactly why the are lossing customers every day, people like you, are very few, and believe me, the are interested in selling devices to the masses.

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
You know what will happen next? The typical crowd will come in, dissect his verbiage, overlooking any points by simply stating this one thing: "The Nokia N900 wasn't meant to be a mass marketed device."

Therefore, once you bought the N900, you entered into the ever exclusive halls of Maemo geekdom and you were to believe that marketing hype no longer applies. It's not a phone, it's a mobile computer. It's step 4 out of a step 5 process. Ovi Store is not necessary, all the better applications are in the repository. And ultimately, it would invariably get dropped by Nokia; the forums are the only support you will ever need.

That seems to be the quasi-mantra of some around these parts.
I'm going to quote this back up here because, well, you called it. Right on.

Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
...and then the other side comes in with their weapons of choice and we all get to see the same tired arguments kicked back and forth as Yet Another Goodbye Thread swells like a pregnant elephant.

I don't think we can get enough of it. Apparently.
Well, really, what else is there to do in the meantime for people who didn't want an N900 (coming from the Internet Tablet era of this forum) and for all the N900 people who now feel they're in the same boat (WELCOME TO THE CLUB, we've kept some open seats for you!)... while we wait for the promise of MeeGo (go ahead.. tell me it's not a promise, go ahead!) and the new devices that are taking AGES to even show up while competitors are throwing all kinds of GREAT gadgets at us from the left and right to tempt us away. :P It's no surprise these threads keep popping up. About the only thing keeping some of us here is that we were HOPING for a more open platform than everyone else's, keep getting disappointed... aaaand we just keep hoping. Then there's the insult to injury with Nokia's miserable customer support. That's made a LOT of the people who were otherwise not as interested in openness RUN to the competition.

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Originally Posted by SirMuttley View Post
A) The N900 didn't come out a year ago
Announcement: afaics August 27, 2009.

Then a delay till November.

So you are right: it is less than a year.
Where was Android after < 1 year?
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Originally Posted by ME2g View Post
Support from Nokia was never an issue for me.
They deliver the hardware.
That's it.

When I bought SuSE (which is an easy Linux) years ago I never expected support from SuSE.
I knew that I will have to compile things from source,
gather applications here, tweak software for
special hardware there.
This is a very weak argument for a consumer to swallow. Especially if that consumer is concerned about hardware support--parts and repair. Especially if that consumer would be perfectly willing to pay for a support contract--but none is even so much as offered.
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Originally Posted by ME2g View Post
So you are right: it is less than a year.
Where was Android after < 1 year?
android was growing and constantly updated, as it is right now.

becoming the second most used os, and with the fastest growth.

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Originally Posted by ME2g View Post
Announcement: afaics August 27, 2009.

Then a delay till November.

So you are right: it is less than a year.
Where was Android after < 1 year?
Apples (android - an OS) and Oranges (N900 - a phone).

If you want to compare like for like see how far Maemo and Android have come since they were first released.

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Originally Posted by ME2g View Post
Announcement: afaics August 27, 2009.

Then a delay till November.

So you are right: it is less than a year.
Where was Android after < 1 year?
Depends on what you're talking about. The N900 isn't the OS. Android isn't the hardware. If you're talking hardware, which device are you comparing the <1-year about? Droid? In less than a year, I've gone from Android 2.0 to 2.2 with REAL 10.1 flash support plus LOOOTS of software and customizations with a very real future of plenty of source-code generated upgrades and EXCELLENT hardware support from everyone involved (from Verizon--who replaced my phones twice INSTANTLY in their store, to Motorola--who SECOND DAY shipped me a FREE replacement battery cover when I lost it).

I can't even BUY a replacement stylus or kickstand or anything for my N800 (nor one for the N900) never mind hope that Nokia would ship me ANY parts for free.

So.. is that the comparison you wanted to make?
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Originally Posted by allnameswereout View Post
The device has some serious design flaws
The only design flaw that I see is battery.

But that isn't better with other devices afaics.
Blackberry users at work sometimes even don't get a day
of using the device without recharge.

Other design flaws (I mean such things like the antenna problem of iPhone )?


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