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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Does it take 2 minutes to get a bluetooth keyboard supported too? Ironically, on my N800 it took nearly no time at all. From what I understand about the N900, it takes somewhat longer than 2 minutes (at first, it wasn't possible at all until someone had to tweak it).
oh citation needed here too.
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Oh right, sorry... anywhere OUTSIDE OF EUROPE. (By the by, I'm in the New England region of the US, not Canada.. but it appears that Europe is about the only place to get halfway decent Nokia service.)

And again--doesn't help, can't buy anything.

I also find it incredibly humorous to hear someone say that you need to be careful with a mobile device. I thought they were intended to be mobile, therefore likely to experience pressure and shock. Aren't these things DESIGNED to be taken with you, plugged and unplugged repeatedly and likely to be kept in a pocket or dropped?

Does it take 2 minutes to get a bluetooth keyboard supported too? Ironically, on my N800 it took nearly no time at all. From what I understand about the N900, it takes somewhat longer than 2 minutes (at first, it wasn't possible at all until someone had to tweak it).

Just saying--it's best if a device is solid to start with, THEN gives you the ability to tweak it all to hell. Having neither is pretty much where Maemo is right now, given all the closed components. It's my great hope that MeeGo provides both, but I'm still waiting to see what closed-source abominations Nokia will roll out in their MeeGo images to ruin the otherwise excellent work being done by the MeeGo folks.
you really should stop whining about a phone that you dont even have.
its like i never had an mac desktop but im talking every day about it how much better my win xp is.
dont take me wrong but in every second post of you you are talkin how useless the n900 is or how awesome your android phone is.
and you cant compare the n800 to the n900.
there are worlds between these phones.

Nobody likes us but we dont care....
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Originally Posted by atilla View Post
you really should stop whining about a phone that you dont even have.
its like i never had an mac desktop but im talking every day about it how much better my win xp is.
dont take me wrong but in every second post of you you are talkin how useless the n900 is or how awesome your android phone is.
and you cant compare the n800 to the n900.
there are worlds between these phones.
You mean, a phone I didn't want. I'm still waiting for the next Maemo device to upgrade to after my N800. It's likely I may not do that until MeeGo comes out... and then probably the Intel version, we'll see though.

At any rate, once again--dismissing what I've said, even without owning an N900, doesn't really make anything I've said or any of my questions any less valid. ...or is this supposed to be an exclusive club now? Are we required to purchase N900's?

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Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
citation needed
Citation needed for.. what? You want me to prove a negative? This is like telling someone to PROVE their innocence.. any lack of proof is proof of guilt. :P How about you prove to me that there IS support and parts available? I've been asking that and now you seem to have broken down and decided to flip it on me to prove that they AREN'T available, which is just funny.

As for the bluetooth keyboard... I'm sure you can find the thread here in the forums. I've stopped following it.
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Originally Posted by ME2g View Post
From the postings that I read I doubt that they were careful
("tripped over" and the like).

I never tripped over mine or anything. Please do not suggest that it is due to lack of care. I find that insulting to me and the $625 I spent on a device I can no longer use because of a design defect by Nokia and its refusal to treat its customers well and thereby refusing to fix because I bought it in US and live in UK.

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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Citation needed for.. what?
You try to make worldwide point about Nokia support? You are trying to say that support pretty much sucks elsewhere than in Europe? Actually I would be really interested on what kind of support Nokia provides on developing countries where is currently huge growth going on and where Nokia is really pushing stuff.

Hmmm. I think that itīs like digging your own whole when trying to make some general point about Nokia support. We are talking about multi-regional company with sht load of phones which are probably also customized by service provides. So there is quite many variables to take in account so I would be pretty careful when saying anything about support in general.

N900 or letīs say Nokia support in general for USA seems to suck. And this is just my observation from what I have seen around here in TMO from output of user from that country.

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12 hours later and I'm still loving my N900

I see the haters are still busy hating....maybe thats why they cant get to grips with the N900 !
N900 @ 1ghz....keeps me warm in winter

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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Does it take 2 minutes to get a bluetooth keyboard supported too? Ironically, on my N800 it took nearly no time at all. From what I understand about the N900, it takes somewhat longer than 2 minutes (at first, it wasn't possible at all until someone had to tweak it).
Don't know, haven't tried, it was easy on my N810. If this is an issue that is unfortunate, but its still better than the iPod touch. Ie. I find lack of BlueTooth tethering on iPod touch more a discomfort than the work required to get BlueTooth keyboard working on N900. However, both are features not officially supported.

Just saying--it's best if a device is solid to start with, THEN gives you the ability to tweak it all to hell. Having neither is pretty much where Maemo is right now, given all the closed components. It's my great hope that MeeGo provides both, but I'm still waiting to see what closed-source abominations Nokia will roll out in their MeeGo images to ruin the otherwise excellent work being done by the MeeGo folks.
This is also my hope. One problem is that tweaking it means the product isn't vanilla anymore which means e.g. SSU may fail. The more users you have providing bug reports and the more developers you have able to solve these bugs, the better the product becomes, but products also get more complex.

I also don't agree this is only due to closed source components, but I recognize this is a main concern of yours. My biggest issue is 1) The hardware issues (microUSB port, battery life) 2) The lack of security/reliability updates. I think this is because we're too small userbase to be profitable if such is taken care for 3) I do recognize people do want more open source components, and want features such as USB-OTG, MMS, but these are secondary to my 2 primary concerns because these concerns count for any product. The product wasn't advertised to have say MMS, so if you are able to hack it on it, you should be grateful for that; it isn't a given.
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Originally Posted by etuoyo View Post
I never tripped over mine or anything. Please do not suggest that it is due to lack of care. I find that insulting to me and the $625 I spent on a device I can no longer use because of a design defect by Nokia and its refusal to treat its customers well and thereby refusing to fix because I bought it in US and live in UK.
Sadly this is an example of a minority getting the shaft. People who buy unlocked GSM phones (myself included) are not covered under normal warranty at times and are forced to jump through hoops to get anything serviced.

This isn't true all the time however the last few unlocked phones I have purcahsed I was basically told "your out of luck unless you want to pay normal repair fee ($150)".

The microUSB port on the N900 is poor, this has been known for a while now. Thankfully Nokia took note and use better connectors but that doesn't really help the current N900 owners. I am just glad mine has been holding up, but I still feel sorry for the people who has issues and were forced to deal with customer support at Nokia.

Side note I am not "unhappy" about the N900 it was a good device. Sure it had it's issues but what device doesn't these days due to their complexity? People forget these aren't 1960 hand radios which were rock solid due to their limited capabilities. But that is another rant. . .

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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Citation needed for.. what?
You disagreed with the masses. Off with your head! [citation needed]

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