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Try :
# chmod +x smsimporter
# ./smsimporter your_file.csv

smsimporter need ext partition to work.
Posts: 15 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Australia
Nobody helped me , But I figured it out myself from the old posts, so I’ve finally done the importing.

Here’s what I did,

1. export sms from PC suite or anywhere else into csv. CSVed is a handy free CSV file editor you might need.
2. make sure the format is like this
sms;submit;"";"12345";"";"2010.04.07 00:00";"";"Tu t'en sors?"
sms;deliver;"12345";"";"";"2010.04.07 00:01";"";"oui enfin"
3. I use a semicolon ( ; ) as the delimiter
4. download the smsimporter from here.
5. copy the sms.csv and smsimporter to your N900.
6. Open X terminal from menu and type the code from here.
cp /home/user/MyDocs/smsimporter /home/user/
cp /home/user/MyDocs/sms.csv /home/user/
chmod +x /home/user/smsimporter
cd /home/user/ ./smsimporter sms.csv
7. wait for a while and the importing will begin. You will see the sms no. increasing.

you can use FileBox to delete the sms.csv and smsimportor from /home/user/ if you wish to.

I've successfully import 1700+ sms.

Good luck and hope this helps.

Originally Posted by motom View Post

dose the sms file suppose to be like this before import ?

my SMS files was exported from nokia pc suite, looks like the image above. Mobile, date, MSG..etc. All are in different cells. Is it correct?
Also the content of the inbox and sent box file are different. The inbox SMS file have one more empty column.
How should I merge them?
Appreciate any help.
Posts: 49 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Sep 2010
Originally Posted by motom View Post
Nobody helped me , But I figured it out myself from the old posts, so I’ve finally done the importing.

Here’s what I did,

1. export sms from PC suite or anywhere else into csv. CSVed is a handy free CSV file editor you might need.
2. make sure the format is like this
sms;submit;"";"12345";"";"2010.04.07 00:00";"";"Tu t'en sors?"
sms;deliver;"12345";"";"";"2010.04.07 00:01";"";"oui enfin"
3. I use a semicolon ( ; ) as the delimiter
4. download the smsimporter from here.
5. copy the sms.csv and smsimporter to your N900.
6. Open X terminal from menu and type the code from here.
cp /home/user/MyDocs/smsimporter /home/user/
cp /home/user/MyDocs/sms.csv /home/user/
chmod +x /home/user/smsimporter
cd /home/user/ ./smsimporter sms.csv
7. wait for a while and the importing will begin. You will see the sms no. increasing.

you can use FileBox to delete the sms.csv and smsimportor from /home/user/ if you wish to.

I've successfully import 1700+ sms.

Good luck and hope this helps.
Thanks for the detailed information here.
Unfortunately even after i have followed your instructions literally , but i can get the sms imported. I have even rebooted the mobile but no luck
I have even tried to run this query against el-v1.db:
SELECT * FROM Events where event_type_id=11 and remote_uid='+123456789'

but this returned nothing!!

actually the command runs very quick!! is this the expected behavior?

any helps is much appreciated
Posts: 49 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Sep 2010
Originally Posted by wshamroukh View Post
Thanks for the detailed information here.
Unfortunately even after i have followed your instructions literally , but i can get the sms imported. I have even rebooted the mobile but no luck
I have even tried to run this query against el-v1.db:
SELECT * FROM Events where event_type_id=11 and remote_uid='+123456789'

but this returned nothing!!

actually the command runs very quick!! is this the expected behavior?

any helps is much appreciated

it seems because i was trying to run the command from putty, it was not executing the command. However, when i used the X-terminal that is available on the mobile itself, i got the command running and got the sms imported to my conversation application....

thanks a million
Posts: 15 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Australia
Originally Posted by wshamroukh View Post
it seems because i was trying to run the command from putty, it was not executing the command. However, when i used the X-terminal that is available on the mobile itself, i got the command running and got the sms imported to my conversation application....

thanks a million
glad it helps
Posts: 49 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Sep 2010
thanks motom so much
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Melbourne, Australia
Hello Everybody,

I wonder if this is at all possible in reverse ?
I would like to extract every event (sms) in my Conversations application and convert them into individual sms files.
ie: *.vmg format.

It seems everything can create a csv file.
but until there is <ahem> support, lol
I yearn to have all my sms backed up in Nokia LIFEBLOG
nokia photo's and ovi suite dont seem to import csv . . .

Thanx in advance to the best community ever
Posts: 15 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Australia
see here

Originally Posted by sed8me View Post
Hello Everybody,

I wonder if this is at all possible in reverse ?
I would like to extract every event (sms) in my Conversations application and convert them into individual sms files.
ie: *.vmg format.

It seems everything can create a csv file.
but until there is <ahem> support, lol
I yearn to have all my sms backed up in Nokia LIFEBLOG
nokia photo's and ovi suite dont seem to import csv . . .

Thanx in advance to the best community ever
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Germany
I don't get it =(

How can I get the export thing 2 work?

Is it the same export like googlarchive?

I want to export it to import it on my milestone.

Please help =(
Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2010
[SOLVED] Well... obviously you have to execute the importer as user "user" and not as root. Should have thought of this, silly me. But perhaps someone can use this post for good

I can confirm, that somehow the import application does "nothing".

My N900 has the latest update and my import file stores around 4k messages. At first i tried to run the importer (latest build from #178 or something) as root via ssh with | as a delimiter in the .cvs file.
$ ./smsimporter out.cvs
The application didn't return any error messages and my el-v1.db and el.db files haven't changed (i.e. not in size and not the last modified date).

After that i tried a few things like changing the delimiter back to ";", chmod to full rw (666) and since i don't know anything about the importers internals i tried switching the directory of the executable to 1) the user's home root dir and 2) the el-v1.db's location. I also tried running the command directly from the N900s X-term.

Didn't get any results. Some ideas anyone? (I guess there haven't been any updates on the OS since the latest successful import with the smsimporter)

Btw... I have already messages stored in my database. But i guess this shouldn't be a problem. Sadly i couldn't get access to the systems log files.

Last edited by batal; 2010-10-19 at 18:57.

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