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AMLJ's Avatar
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Hey... I'd like to know which one of the apps on Ovi store is open-source... I just see Free over there, which I think means I don't have to pay for them... But is there a way to see the license? Thanks in advance.
elie-7's Avatar
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Originally Posted by AMLJ View Post
Hey... I'd like to know which one of the apps on Ovi store is open-source... I just see Free over there, which I think means I don't have to pay for them... But is there a way to see the license? Thanks in advance.
i don't thonk any of them is open-source, but maybe firefox has some kind of open sourcenessss.
but really do u need a lisence to tweak ??
you already have root access and you can do what ever you want with your files, go for it.
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I like to know if an app is open-source, before installing it... Firefox is open-source...

One other thing... Is Angry Birds open?
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no angry birds is closed, tw why do u care if its open source or not ?
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Because I don't like close-source things...
Thanks mate!

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no prob mate, i don't like closed sourced things 2.
they feel for some reason apple related .
long live open source .
for some reason open source feels gangsta !
hat makes no sense, i know.
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benny1967's Avatar
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Which makes me wonder: If, for example, somebody uploads GPLed content to the Ovi Store (and maybe uses some also GPLed third party code in his project) - how can he make sure the sources are readily available for those who download from the store? As for as I know Ovi Store doesn't provide a download section for source packages, does it?
pantera1989's Avatar
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Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
Which makes me wonder: If, for example, somebody uploads GPLed content to the Ovi Store (and maybe uses some also GPLed third party code in his project) - how can he make sure the sources are readily available for those who download from the store? As for as I know Ovi Store doesn't provide a download section for source packages, does it?
Many ways. Off the top of my head:

1. Specify that it's source is openly available and include the link in the description.
2. Include an 'About' tab with the license and a link to the source.
3. Post HERE.

Ovi store is better than the repositories for recognition. Only approx 50,000 registered users vs. more than 100,000 Maemo5 users. And each N900 comes with a link to the Ovi store. It wouldn't be completely unreasonable if a developer wants to share his work using the best way.

** Edit** There was an article saying that Nokia were surprised by how much the N900 sold. It said it sold 100,000 in the first 5 weeks, so I'd say total sales are probably more than 300,000.

Last edited by pantera1989; 2010-10-13 at 22:35.
benny1967's Avatar
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Originally Posted by pantera1989 View Post
Ovi store is better than the repositories for recognition. Only approx 50,000 registered users vs. more than 100,000 Maemo5 users. And each N900 comes with a link to the Ovi store. It wouldn't be completely unreasonable if a developer wants to share his work using the best way.
I don't doubt that the Ovi Store is a decent way to attract users. I doubt that it's a better way than Extras, though. Both (Ovi Store and Maemo Extras) are enabled by default on the latest firmwares, and the Store can be messy to deal with (login, downloads don't seem to start although they do,...) wheres the Repo-Experience is simple and straightforward,

What Ovi Store can do is give you access to Symbian users.

BTW, where did you get the "more than 100,000 Maemo users" from?

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yes there's more than a 100000 n900 users out there, reported by nokia.
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laid back, with my mind on my money and my money on my mind .

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