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Originally Posted by jzencovich View Post
You have a thread on the subject? Link?

NoCell sounds pretty cool. Sets it apart from all other cells... A cell to rule all cells... the Nokia ZERO.... the Nokia NoCell... the AntiCell... lol

PADD? O.o??
We could refine the NoCell concept a bit, too. Make the tablets really sharp and call them... nacelles.

(*braces self for groans*)
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Originally Posted by YoDude View Post
I'm thinking...

Step 4 is WiMAX and step 5 is GSM phone module.

All using the same processor and all in the 800 series.

As for the other thread topic I vote "Hammer pants" and maybe a Sienfeld "puffy shirt" to go with...
I'd agree with you. I recall reading something a while back saying that nokia was attacking the mobile device from two sides. Tablets with more phone functionality, and phones with more web functionality.
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Third of Five is just a literary trope. Geeks from the Star Trek NG or whatever it was will recall that the recurring Borg character was Third of Five: while breaking out of the hive, there was still the hint of assimilation for the masses.

Those who want to look further back will recall the incipit to Gulliver's Travels. The book was originally published anonymously, but Jonathan Swift embedded his name using steganography. Commentators point to the biographical detail in the second paragraph:
Soon after my Return from Leyden, I was recommended, by my good Master Mr. Bates, to be Surgeon to the Swallow, Captain Abraham Pannell Commander;
Aside from the joke about Master Bates, the Swallow is seen as a synonym for Swift.
But most obvious, and most convincing, is the very beginning of the text, the incipit:
MY FATHER had a small Estate in Nottinghamshire; I was the Third of five Sons.
I was the third of five sons
cross out the third and fifth word of this phrase, and take the first letter of the remaining words, and you get an anagram for SWIFT.

So, perhaps in saying that "This is Step 3 of 5", there is a hidden message. Personally, I like:
FITT: F. Internet Tablet Talk.

See, I knew they had it in for this board.
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Apart from the Da Vinci Code inspired stuff in your post which requires no further comment, the recurring Borg characters on Star Trek have been, in order:

* Locutus
* Hugh (aka "Third")
* The Borg Queen
* Seven of Nine

The Voyager episode Dark Frontier was the only one to feature a Borg called "Three of Five", according to the infallible Memory Alpha. it's not a Star Trek reference.
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Step 1: Mistral/Scirocco/Gregale (2.x)
Step 2: Bora (3.x)
Step 3: Chinook (4.x)
Step 4: Diablo (5.x)
Step 5: Elephanta (6.x)
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A sort of non sequiter: anyone here ever read "Twisted Toyfare Theater"? They had a strip where the Borg invaded TTT's version of the Marvel Comic universe, much to the consternation of Spider-man. They had names like "7 of 3"... lol.
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Step 4: WiMAX for Internet Tablet and S60 Touch for Smartphones
Step 5: Multi-booting device with Maemo and S60 Touch or some awesome hybrid of the two platforms.

I think it will be quite interesting after that...
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Originally Posted by =DC= View Post
Step 4: WiMAX for Internet Tablet and S60 Touch for Smartphones
Step 5: Multi-booting device with Maemo and S60 Touch or some awesome hybrid of the two platforms.

I think it will be quite interesting after that...
Oh yes!

*Imagines Partition Magic, Internet Tablet Edition*
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Originally Posted by johnkzin View Post
So, then, what are steps 4 and 5?
step 4: ...
step 5: Profit!
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Originally Posted by namtastic View Post
Step 5 requires the Matrix
Is that the Matrix from The Matrix Trilogy, the Autobot Matrix from the Transformers, the Matrix from William Gibson's Sprawl series, or the Matrix from Doctor Who? I watch so much sci-fi I get confused sometimes....

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