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Originally Posted by Bratag View Post
And at the time of release this was the ONLY phone doing FULL flash added to that is the fact that it DID explicitly specify the flash version both in the specs and several reviews posted prior to the release.

As for flash being present on other devices. Welcome to technology. The device you just bought was basically obsolete the day you purchased it. Complaining because devices that are 6-12 months more recent than the N900 are FINALLY getting flash and the N900 isn't shows a failure to grasp the pace at which tech - especially this mobile tech - is currently moving.

On a final note - the flash tweaker I does a pretty good job of fooling most sites that we they should run flash content just fine and I am sure that if you REALLY applied yourself you could find the TI release of the flash plugin somewhere in the big wild internets.
I know exactly where to find the TI release, thanks. I have a copy saved and have for a while now, thanks. I have flash tweaker installed and running too, thanks. This addresses those sites where it's merely the lazy designers or the inept, but still not those which actually need it.

I have a fine grasp on the steady march of technological obsolescence, thanks. For this very reason I know that the N900 is currently entering artificial obsolescence at the hands of Nokia. The hardware specs are more than capable of keeping current and up with the market curve for potentially a good 6-12 months yet.

The N900 isn't getting flash 10 because Nokia don't want to pay for it, for a dead operating system. Maemo is now commerically dead, there are no other major players using it and Nokia is not. Had Nokia come out with a range of devices churned out using Maemo (as they do with s40/s60 phones) then it would not be dead, but they've dropped it because they're moving to Meego instead. This is not to say that Maemo is dead, just commercially so.

Reread what I said about announcing the version. If you REALLY apply yourself, you'll notice the well worded statement and sentence structure drawing the reader's attention to the final closing point of it... which was:
it didn't say it comes with Flash 9, this will be the only version
Go on now, REALLY apply yourself!

EDIT: actually, just another thought... as to the pace of technological change. iPhone! The world leading smart phone, only a few revisions and it is still being kept bang up to date with major OS updates years on. Hardware is hardware and cannot be overcome, so of course any features which rely on new hardware can't be introduced. It may be no N900, but it is the market leader and the curve setter so there's no excuse by comparison to leading competitors for similarly specced phones to be any less well supported. ESPECIALLY given that it is linux with full automated package manager based updating. This thing should be getting 1 to 2 weekly minor updates, if not more.

Last edited by stopgap; 2010-10-27 at 05:11.
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Reread what I said about announcing the version. If you REALLY apply yourself, you'll notice the well worded statement and sentence structure drawing the reader's attention to the final closing point of it... which was:
it didn't say it comes with Flash 9, this will be the only version
I see so because Nokia did not explicitly say that the device would not be getting a newer version of flash - you made the ASSUMPTION that it would. Nokia didn't explicitly state that the device wouldn't be getting a self pleasuring attachment - therefore I am going to assume that it should be and create thread after thread after thread whining about the lack of it/support/self pleasure etc etc.

Seems to me the fault lies somewhere other than Nokia for jumping to conclusions without anything from Nokia to back them.

Oh and if you have the TI version of the plugin - WTF are you complaining about. The flash thread seems to show it working pretty damn well on flash 10 only sites.
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Posts: 139 | Thanked: 135 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Cambridgeshire, UK
Originally Posted by Bratag View Post
I see so because Nokia did not explicitly say that the device would not be getting a newer version of flash - you made the ASSUMPTION that it would. Nokia didn't explicitly state that the device wouldn't be getting a self pleasuring attachment - therefore I am going to assume that it should be and create thread after thread after thread whining about the lack of it/support/self pleasure etc etc.

Seems to me the fault lies somewhere other than Nokia for jumping to conclusions without anything from Nokia to back them.

Oh and if you have the TI version of the plugin - WTF are you complaining about. The flash thread seems to show it working pretty damn well on flash 10 only sites.
I made the REASONABLE assumption that in 6 months one of my N900's major selling points would not start to become obsolete on the MOST popular websites in the world (YouTube, Google Maps etc.) The very fact I have the flash plugin shows that it is purely software and nothing else and so it is perfectly possible to do this update. This is a mobile computer, not a mobile phone. Assumption yes, but unreasonable - certainly not.

You're obviously not REALLY applying yourself here... there's a vast difference between academically discussing a viewpoint (in this case someone else's) and stating one's own preference. I was doing the former. I wasn't even complaining, it's called having a discussion. Frankly you're the one whining out of the two of us... I was merely having a discussion. You'll note the only childish jibes I added were aping your own and I certainly haven't resorted to language like WTF!

I recommend you now ignore this thread - it's clearly not to your liking.

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[QUOTE]I made the REASONABLE assumption that in 6 months one of my N900's major selling points would not start to become obsolete on the MOST popular websites in the world (YouTube, Google Maps etc.) The very fact I have the flash plugin shows that it is purely software and nothing else and so it is perfectly possible to do this update. This is a mobile computer, not a mobile phone. Assumption yes, but unreasonable - certainly not.[QUOTE]

Ok firstly - WTF is bad language now? How bout you read it as where the fudsicles then if you are that easily offended.

My last comment on this topic. Read your above quote. You made the REASONABLE assumption that a feature that NO OTHER PHONE AT THE TIME HAD would in 6 months be upgraded? How is that in any way reasonable.

Look I agree - Nokia could solve this by simply doing what is necessary to get flash 10.1 on the N900. They have obviously chosen not to. But to get all pissed off because you made an assumption based on - lets face it - nothing, and it didn't pan out. Well there is only one person to blame there really isnt there.
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Agro ... : |*****-----] Relic(s) : G1, N900

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Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
yes and then he can create a blog and vent the frustration there.
e: example: http://n8fail.tumblr.com/

if I am pissed, I am not going to a random place somewhat related and start trashing the place and shouting insults to people. maemo.org isn't nokia and if you are pissed to nokia, coming here is almost like if you are pissed to granny next door and you go shouting to retirement home.

Well he doesnt need to ask you or anyone where to give his views. Someone just being dis satisfied doesnt mean he is venting his frustration. May be he doesnt find forum.nokia good enough, may be he finds interaction and responses here better, all developers are here so he just expresses his thoughts and wanted to knw what others feels. if u dont like it ignore it, Take it or Leave it !
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Linux Based Devices : Motorokr e6 | Nokia N900

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[QUOTE=Bratag;852751][QUOTE]I made the REASONABLE assumption that in 6 months one of my N900's major selling points would not start to become obsolete on the MOST popular websites in the world (YouTube, Google Maps etc.) The very fact I have the flash plugin shows that it is purely software and nothing else and so it is perfectly possible to do this update. This is a mobile computer, not a mobile phone. Assumption yes, but unreasonable - certainly not.

Ok firstly - WTF is bad language now? How bout you read it as where the fudsicles then if you are that easily offended.

My last comment on this topic. Read your above quote. You made the REASONABLE assumption that a feature that NO OTHER PHONE AT THE TIME HAD would in 6 months be upgraded? How is that in any way reasonable.

Look I agree - Nokia could solve this by simply doing what is necessary to get flash 10.1 on the N900. They have obviously chosen not to. But to get all pissed off because you made an assumption based on - lets face it - nothing, and it didn't pan out. Well there is only one person to blame there really isnt there.
It is reasonable because it is such a crucial web technology, one which is well maintained on desktop systems and the N900 is a mobile computer. It is an expensive device and as I already said, comparable to the iPhone and Android devices which are being updated more rigorously. If this was a $200 or less smartphone then my point wouldn't stand but the simple fact is that its more expensive than decent laptops and there is a reasonable expectation as a customer that having paid for a device this expensive, it will be properly supported and receive major updates, not just minor bug fixing ones.
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Damn you Nokia!

You MADE me buy a "phone" for ENTHUSIASTS.
You MADE me buy a "phone" WITHOUT Flash 10.1.
You MADE me buy a "phone" WITHOUT voice turn by turn navigation.
You MADE me buy a "phone" _____(insert complaint here)_____.

Wait, what was the problem again?
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Yea, this time the up-date was for bugs fixes.
Hope next up-date ( PR1.4 ) will be specific for adding more features.
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Originally Posted by neotalk View Post
nokia urgently need to make a response to the errors that they have done with this latest update....what are the chances?
You keep talking about the bugs, errors and call this update a disaster. Do you have any examples? What exactly did this update break? I'm really curious, because I haven't found anything yet.
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Originally Posted by fatalsaint View Post
I sure do. And I'm surrounded in both Android and iPhone owners.

That's not to say they don't like to show their phones off to me sometimes too. But.. I suppose that's the difference between me and them and this forum. Give and take isn't actually "bad".

Having an FM transmitter to stream Pandora through clearer than the majority of after-market devices with a larger range of frequencies impresses several people. The ability to play videos in quality and formats that other phones balk at impresses people. The ability to have skype completely integrated into my contacts gets attention. The ability to quickly switch between several apps when we are debugging problems at work impresses. Using the flash as a flashlight is still brighter than any screen yet.

Many, many, little **** that I do day by day that the people I hang out with go "that's cool." Then my Android buddy pulls up full 3D WoW Armory on his phone to show off his character that I have no hope for (The armory requires Flash 10).

So yeah.. living in a world where there's actually room for differences must seem totally weird to most people on here.
With the exception of the FM transmitter and fully integrated Skype (which I really prefer not to use anyway--I'm far more of a standard SIP fan), the rest I already do (and most Androids and non-Androids can too). I can very quickly switch between my running apps (I use my app killer to do that, ironically--I don't use it to kill apps, actually). I just swipe my finger down and tap the app killer and then single-tap to switch to a running app in memory and I'm immediately in it. I also can use my dual-LED flash as a very bright, blindingly, flashlight. Additionally, I use SSH to connect home and I've got my Linux command line to manage boxes, plus OpenVPN in Android to connect home and manage my torrent boxes and so on. Seems like a lot of very common functionality in most smart phones these days.

Just seems kinda.. meh, so far. Then there's the N900 lack of support and additional features, bug fixes, etc. on a steady basis as well as the fact that there's a LOT of kernel hacking going on in the Android world whereas I don't really hear about a lot of customization or any kind of impressive hacking in the N900 realm outside of CPU frequency hacking (which my Droid already does too).

But anyway, just seems weird to hear anyone go "Wow!" at an N900 these days... but then if I can get any "Wow!"s for a Droid 1, I suppose an N900 can too to some degree.
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR

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