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rooster13's Avatar
Posts: 319 | Thanked: 221 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Finland
I am pleased to announce my first Qt home screen widget, Shortcut Stash available now in Extras-Devel.

Shortcut Stash is an app launcher, open bookmarks and browse folders widget. (Have a look at the attached images)

Here are the screenshots of Shortcut Stash. They should give an idea what the widget does.

Name:  Screenshot-20101105-205836.jpg
Views: 4863
Size:  21.3 KB

Name:  Screenshot-20101105-204759.jpg
Views: 4861
Size:  22.3 KB

Name:  Screenshot-20101105-204807.jpg
Views: 4834
Size:  23.1 KB

Name:  Screenshot-20101105-204813.jpg
Views: 4860
Size:  22.6 KB

If the widget does not appear then please go to edit desktop mode and add the widget manually.

Last edited by rooster13; 2010-11-26 at 19:40. Reason: Finally succeeded in creating a working Extras-Devel package! Thanks especially to Nicolai, MohammadAG and others who have helped!

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antezz's Avatar
Posts: 172 | Thanked: 160 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Sweden
Reminds me of rocketdock / docky, all thats left is a option to change the background image.

Looks awsum, give .deb. :3
rooster13's Avatar
Posts: 319 | Thanked: 221 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Finland
I attached the deb to the original post.

Currently there is no background image. I am looking for a way to make Qt buttons opague. I want the buttons to look like hildon shortcuts, so I'm not shure wheter I will implement a background image.

But thanks for the tip

Last edited by rooster13; 2010-11-05 at 19:54. Reason: Forgot to comment about the background image...
jedi's Avatar
Posts: 1,411 | Thanked: 1,330 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Tatooine
Looks v nice - will give it a go
fadimck's Avatar
Posts: 28 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Dec 2009
looks nice, thanks
Fadi Mckean
Sunny Cairo, Egypt

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Sorry for my stupid question... but what's gain in using this from using a normal application shortcut? A docky at the bottom of screen would be awesome... but as i understand.. this will be visible all the time?
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jedi's Avatar
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How are you supposed to run it?

If I
$ /opt/maemostash/MaemoStash
It works, but the applet is limited to the xterm window.

And I can't find it as a widget...

Nor in my menu (using MyMenu)...

rooster13's Avatar
Posts: 319 | Thanked: 221 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Finland
Originally Posted by AlMehdi View Post
Sorry for my stupid question... but what's gain in using this from using a normal application shortcut? A docky at the bottom of screen would be awesome... but as i understand.. this will be visible all the time?
The only stupid question is the one u never asked...

The gain here is that you can access all your installed programs, all MicroB shortcuts and all folders under MyDocs from your desktop.

And as this is a desktop widget it is visible on your desktop (home screen) all the time.
Just like your shortcuts are.

I wrote this program because I want to keep my desktop tidy, and not fill it up with shortcuts. IMO desktop space should be reserved for widgets and for some shortcuts, like the ones u need very often or want to use when driving.

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rooster13's Avatar
Posts: 319 | Thanked: 221 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Finland
Originally Posted by jedi View Post
How are you supposed to run it?

If I
$ /opt/maemostash/MaemoStash
It works, but the applet is limited to the xterm window.

And I can't find it as a widget...

Nor in my menu (using MyMenu)...

Sorry my bad...

U should install the widget by running
dpkg -i maemostash_0.1-1_armel.deb
as root.

Then you will see it on your desktop (if all goes well) or in your 'Add widget' menu.

Don't try to run it from X-Term 'cause then you'll only get the main window and no widget.
thp's Avatar
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Originally Posted by rooster13 View Post
Here are the screenshots of Shortcut Stash. They should give an idea what the widget does.
Great work, the widget looks promising! Some remarks on the UI:
  • What does the "Sort ASC" button do? As a developer, I know that "ASC" probably means ascending, but I'm not sure. What's the default sort order, and wouldn't it make sense to always sort ascending and get rid of the button?
  • Do you support search-as-you-type (also known as "Live Search") to filter down the list with the keyboard?
  • The "Cancel" button is unnecessary - users can close the dialog by clicking outside of it.
  • "Open folder" simply shows the subdirectories of MyDocs, or is this configurable? If so, you can probably use the secondary text for something more informative (file count? maybe per-type, i.e. "3 video files, 5 audio files, 3 document, 17 other files")
  • The secondary text in "launch application" is the exec path. Not really useful to the normal user (also not that useful for advanced users I presume). What about displaying the description text that is available in some .desktop files?
  • If you have a "Web" shortcut on the Desktop, clicking on it will already show the bookmarks, right? Maybe you can replace the "bookmarks" feature with something that's not easily accessible?

Do you plan on releasing your application as open source?

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