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I have my music files in 64k aacp files. I prefer that because they need half of the storage place.(10.000 files)
I know the two methods to have album art in N900. But neither cover.jpg (which I prefer) nor mp3tag method is working with aacp files. I have checked both methods with mp3, they are ok.
- I found this bug reported and patched but I don't know how to apply and I don't know if it's safe or not:
- I have installed and loved Mussorgsky, but I have original files as Flac on my server and don't want to manually do that job twice.

Any ideas how to fix this problem?
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Is everybody using mp3 with mediaplayer? Does anybody have the same problem, any workaround, any solution?
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I have that same issue with FLAC files. I've been wanting to try out that patch but haven't had the time
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I think the problem exist for all non-mp3 files. Do you know how to apply that patch?
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Cover art embedded in flac works for me.
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Right, as the bug says, all non-mp3 files exhibit this problem. This has nothing to do with embedded art. Seems like we need to clone tracker git, branch out to version 0.6.95, apply the patch, compile it, then just copy the raw tracker-extract executable over. I don't have the SDK set up right now to do it
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Ok, this seems out of my league! Let us know if that works for you, or if you have a solution for general user.
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Posts: 319 | Thanked: 221 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Finland
I also have all my music also in 64 bps AAC. I am using iTunes to manage my music and have embedded the cover art in the AAC -files. This works very well. You need to embed the cover and not use the Apple style cover art as that is not embedded.
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Posts: 534 | Thanked: 723 times | Joined on Oct 2009
Originally Posted by rooster13 View Post
I also have all my music also in 64 bps AAC. I am using iTunes to manage my music and have embedded the cover art in the AAC -files. This works very well. You need to embed the cover and not use the Apple style cover art as that is not embedded.
Perhaps I should refer you to the thread titled "Please stop saying that the built in media player does not support cover art unless it is embedded in the song's tag"
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I was saying that with my AAC -files the cover art works when it is embedded. And that's what was the problem in the first place.

Sorry if I didn't get you but I was just trying to help here.
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