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Originally Posted by zerone View Post
Those are nightly trunk builds. Beta 4 is not even in candidate stage yet. There are a lot of blocking bugs still outstanding:
It still seems to me that the beta 4 is more stable and usable than the public versions. Besides take a glimpse at the bug list... most of them affect only Android and others aren't that severe.

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Originally Posted by zerone View Post
Those are nightly trunk builds. Beta 4 is not even in candidate stage yet. There are a lot of blocking bugs still outstanding:

Public released builds are placed here:
Thanks for info but i know its nightly builds just told that beta 4 was there and wanted to know how it is.And if am correct this post from start provides link to nightly builds and and not public release

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Originally Posted by MONVMENTVM View Post
I am using the fennec 4 beta since beta 1 and I'm upgrading it every few days to the latest nightly build.

Its really fast to use already, and scrolling seems even smoother than with microb. Its also using slightly less memory (quite incredible) and I'm not even counting the mem usage of the browserd daemon that's always running.

Start-up time is ok, though not quite as fast as microB (and I doubt that it will ever be as fast as microb as it has its browserd daemon running all the time). But on the other hand I observed that while microb starts really fast, it takes a long time until it loads the first site, so I think that it still has to load its browsing engine. Therefore I think it doesn't really take any longer to display the first site on fennec even if the GUI starts up slower.

There are still some shortcomings though:
-There's no possibility to enable the mouse pointer you can activate to select text.
-Flash (should be fine later on though)
-not all plugins are working right now
-the chat panel in facebook (and similar panels on few other sites)
aren't staying on the bottom of the screen when scrolling

I still prefer to use fennec instead of microb, except for some sites like facebook or when I need to copy some text, etc...
Well the bug with the chat panel in facebook not staying at the bottom of the screen seems to be solved now. :-)

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One thing Fennec/FF has over MicroB and Opera is that it displays mobile websites just how they should, i.e. Big text and wrapped. MicroB's zoomed out approach is nasty you have to squint to read or zoom in and constantly scroll back and forth to read a line of text.

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it always crashes. useless for now....

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Weird, I've been using it loads and it's only crashed once on me. Maybe an app conflict?

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Just installed 4.0b3 and been playing with it about 15mins. So far not so good. Not quite at the point of dumping it (again) but I can't see it being as usable as the latest Opera or MicroB.

Biggest issue so far is the still laggy UI. Tabs are ok, but IMO still not quite as slick as Opera's.

If I was still using FF on the laptop, syncing is/would be a big plus, however in my case FF is the back-up to SRWare's Iron (Chromium) browser.

Start-up speed was definitely faster than previous builds from mid-2010 (iirc) and compared to MicroB performance seemed similar when on WiFi and 3G.

But, the UI is still the main stumbling block for me.

It's a pity, I really would like to see Fennec on par with MicroB and Opera. At the moment, I'll still have to give it a couple of more versions untill I dump the other two.
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Last edited by frostbyte; 2011-01-21 at 23:11.

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I think it's playing some sort of funny game with process priorities, for example if I have something extremely cpu consuming at nice +20 lowest priority, firefox mobile seems to never render a page..

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Originally Posted by frostbyte View Post
..... but I can't see it being as usable as the latest Opera or MicroB.

Quick question, Is there a 'latest' Opera? the one I have is 10.1 beta, is there a newer version or is that the only one?



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This version runs a little faster.

Still much slower than the native browser of the N900.

The mouse pointer if you have installed "BT-HID-Scripts " or "extmouse" still does not work in Firefox.

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browser, fennec

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