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The writer of this memo is sending unambiguous messages that Nokia should not hold on to Symbian and diversify to save the life of Nokia.

Okay that is really the quickiest solution in boosting Nokia's earnings in the short run; but as many people above has pointed out, that we won't want an android or wp7 phone from Nokia. Personally I'd prefer HTC over Nokia for an android.

Also the writer obviously doesn't like MeeGo. He pointed out (correctly) that the progress of deploying MeeGo is so slow that he won't expect to see more than one MeeGo release this year. If it's really out of the mouth of Elop then we'd pretty much putting any hope in MeeGo phone on hold this year. Well actually it might not be a bad thing indeed.

The purpose of this memo seems to be getting the readers (probably board members) to side with him in 1) switching OS platform from Symbian to something else and 2) focusing the resources from developing new platform (MeeGo) to developing a new ecosystem for existing OS platforms (other than Symbian)

Typical businessman from MS

Let's see if he could get enough board members to side with him in changing the direction of Nokia. I'd really doubt it. ^^

It's very clever for not confirming the authenticity of this memo at this moment, as Elop could always deny having written this memo later if he failed to persuade the board in changing direction. Cunning.

Last edited by 9000; 2011-02-10 at 02:08.
Posts: 701 | Thanked: 585 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ London, England
Originally Posted by 9000 View Post
It's very clever for not confirming the authenticity of this memo at this moment, as Elop could always deny having written this memo later if he failed to persuade the board in changing direction. Cunning.
What, you think he could plausibly deny something thousands of Nokia staff have seen?

It doesn't read to me like he actually wants to ditch Meego or Symbian, but he just isn't happy with the rate of progress they are making. It is more likely that this memo is a prelude to a major internal shake-up to cut the in-fighting inside Nokia and to bring their new ideas to market quicker.

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Cunning ?

If this memo is on the Nokia Intranet readable by all employees and has his name on it, its pretty hard for him to deny it later even if he erased the copy of the memo later....

... unless you really think he will claim someone hacked the system and faked the memo on the Nokia intranet and sent it to all employees ?

Come on... some common sense here

Cant believe some ppl are so hung up on Nokia future strategy - its a fuking mobile phone company - if you dont like them go elsewhere - whats the big deal.

and ppl say iphone fanbois are obsessed....

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Originally Posted by 9000 View Post
The purpose of this memo seems to be getting the readers (probably board members) to side with him in 1) switching OS platform from Symbian to something else and 2) focusing the resources from developing new platform (MeeGo) to developing a new ecosystem for existing OS platforms (other than Symbian)
OR, as qole has suggested, to get people within Nokia to stop clinging to Symbian and give MeeGo the wings it needs to soar. I like that interpretation!
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Originally Posted by __-_-_-__ View Post

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Aww, that's so cute...
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Originally Posted by retsaw View Post
What, you think he could plausibly deny something thousands of Nokia staff have seen?

It doesn't read to me like he actually wants to ditch Meego or Symbian, but he just isn't happy with the rate of progress they are making. It is more likely that this memo is a prelude to a major internal shake-up to cut the in-fighting inside Nokia and to bring their new ideas to market quicker.
I agree with you, that I dont' think Elop alone could make the decision on ditching a flapship product. He just want to change the direction so he used the phase 'burning platform'.

Provided that it's really sending to all Nokia's employees in hope to motivating them, it'd not be a very good motivational memo indeed. I could imagine a picture of the captain shouting for jumping ship on the top of Titanic after reading this memo

BTW, engadget just said they found it in Nokia's employee system, but it didn't say if it's publicly readable by all employees. Provided that it's publicly readable, engadget would not be the single source of information in this case.

Last edited by 9000; 2011-02-10 at 03:26.
Posts: 1,425 | Thanked: 983 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Hong Kong
Originally Posted by Frappacino View Post
Cunning ?

If this memo is on the Nokia Intranet readable by all employees and has his name on it, its pretty hard for him to deny it later even if he erased the copy of the memo later....

... unless you really think he will claim someone hacked the system and faked the memo on the Nokia intranet and sent it to all employees ?

Come on... some common sense here

Cant believe some ppl are so hung up on Nokia future strategy - its a fuking mobile phone company - if you dont like them go elsewhere - whats the big deal.

and ppl say iphone fanbois are obsessed....
You don't need to be getting so confrontational. I'm not an iPhone fanbois as you might imagine.

The only thing I'd question is that this memo has other meanings then merely motivating employees. As a matter of fact it'd be pretty bad way of motivating people with the use of word 'jump'. People would always associate it to 'abandon ship'.

As said in my posts, I don't like to see Nokia switching to Android or WP7 and ditching Symbian (but I'd not say delaying MeeGo ATM is bad, which I'd explain if you'd like to hear, anyway . However, if the target audience of this memo is the board members, then it'd have some other purposes.

Also, the original and only source of this memo is engadget, rather then any spokemen from Nokia with formal announcement. I didn't mean I don't trust you, but I'd have some conservation on trusting one source of information.

One thing you'd like to note is that (only) engadget said the memo was posted to an internal Nokia employee system, but it didn't say post to where, and whether it's publicly readable by all employee, or is just accessible to selective group of people. If it's really released to all employee, any single employee could confirm the authenticity of the memo, and you can guarantee it'd also be posted on facebook, not just engadget. Am I right?

Easy man.

Last edited by 9000; 2011-02-10 at 03:22.
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I don't believe that meego will be dropped, due to the important alliance that it has formed between nokia, intel and amd. And also due to the amount of time they have been working on it.

Nokia should try to unify more struggling platforms under the Qt umbrella such as webOS and WP7. This would rally more developers to start building apps for these platforms which can then be recompiled for each OS.

It would be a shame if Elop would ditch all the work Nokia has done over the years on maemo, and now meego. I consider it the only real implementation of linux on a mobile. Of course Android does use the linux kernel but it's frontend is so far gone from a linux distro that it is unrecognisable.

Anyway probably friday all shall be revealed. Hopefully the whole OVI ecosystem will get overhauled.

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I don't think they will be giving up on Symbian quite hyet. They may not release much in the way of new features, but for now it's still selling well:
Sure, it's "losing matketshare" to android... But they shipped 110m phones, up from 88m!

Meego -will- happen on a few devices, whether or not Nokia participates - Intel has the budget to play with it for a while.
Nokia -should- stick with it, simply because Intel's got a part of it and won't let it fail -- at least, not for a while.
The fact that Quim's not worried makes me think this is the case.

As far as QT on Windows... It already works fine on Desktop windows and should continue to.

If Microsoft allows it on WP7 as a toolkit... It could help out Microsoft and Nokia at the same time as someone can write the same basic application for yet another platform.
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Originally Posted by RobbieThe1st View Post
If Microsoft allows it on WP7 as a toolkit... It could help out Microsoft and Nokia at the same time as someone can write the same basic application for yet another platform.
And Microsoft will never allow it. The entire basis for WP7 is to get you into the .NET ecosystem using managed code and their libraries. Allowing the use of Qt would give developers cross platform (not just CPU, but OS) that Microsoft doesn't like people having.

Heck, it's the only mobile platform that doesn't support OpenGL ES, only DirectX.

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bye-nokia, i don't even, just shoot him, just shoot me, let's elope, lockdown, meego?fail, negatron dan, nokia defiled, nokia suicide, sell tulips, step 8 out of 5, the-end?,

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