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Some points:

1. Nokia are getting some hundreds of millions of $$$ with this move from MS. Symbian was born partly because it was too expensive to license windows mobile on Nokia hardware, so this might not be so bad after all. I mean let them make hundreds of phones with Win 7 or whatever for the masses who care about the number of apps available, so everybody stops complaining.

2. MeeGo is 50% Nokia and 50% Intel, now really do you believe that Intel will say "oh ok, we will forget about this MeeGo thingie, also forget about investing a lot in ARM, and we shall have no OS to put on our possible future tablets"

3. In big businesses the good products are born when they are just a side project, you can really innovate there. If it is your core business, change is so much slower. So maybe "demoting" MeeGo to a project might turn out to be good...

4. I can't really understand why is everybody so unhappy with this? It's not like suddenly when you boot your good ol n900 it will show the MS logo or something... You all have the power NOT to buy the first windows phone coming from Nokia (which might actually be the best windows phone available).

5. In an unrelated news GTA04 is being developed so if you want a new open linux based phone - it will probably come in the near future...

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Originally Posted by alcalde View Post
For all those trashing WP7... whatever you think about WP7 without actually having used it... that's only half as bad as what the rest of the world thinks about MeeGo, without being able to use it. You know all those articles trashing Nokia that everyone hates? That's the same as what you're writing right now. Microsoft actually upgraded their aging OS to a new version... how's the Maemo to MeeGo transformation going, even with MeeGo being a whole lot of Moblin underneath? Help from Microsoft can't make things worse for Nokia, only better. They haven't imploded the company! They've actually gained a working OS that's being brought up to speed at a very quick rate. How is that a bad thing? They went with the partner that will give them major input on shaping how the OS works, which they would not have been able to get from Google. How is that a bad thing? Other companies put WP7 on their phones and no one screamed that companies like HTC or Dell were going to go out of business as a result. Why is this going to kill Nokia? Seriously... it would be nice if someone predicting the end of Nokia would explain why this is so bad. Please keep in mind that almost no one outside this website knows who or what a MeeGo is or uses Linux or knows what root means in a computer sense when forumulating your explanations. Also please note that the zillion iPhone users show that phone buyers don't view software as politics or ideology. Thanks.
Better? Nokia are fragmenting their product line even more, unless they decide to do a Jobs and say screw you xxxx is no longer supported.

Elop ex microsoft man, now again a microsoft man giving a decent mobile division to ms.

Microsoft failed in the mobile market, WM7 gets trashed coz of it's predecessor's bad rep, Nokia are now taking on this bad rep.

What worries me is what Elop will do with Nokia's patent portfolio...

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Originally Posted by alcalde View Post

it would be nice if someone predicting the end of Nokia would explain why this is so bad.
It's bad because it makes Nokia only an OEM. Nokia won't die. It's turning into a logo printed on a box. Great if you are Nokia fanboi buying anything for a logo. Not so great if you actually want to have more options in the market place, care about unique platforms or invested into Nokia stocks based on how Nokia used to do it's business.

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Originally Posted by leetnoob View Post
Looks like elop is preventing balmer from grabbing him by the .. He wasn't quick enough it seems.
If today's big headline said "BALLMER GRABS NOKIA BY THE BALLMERS", I would still infer that they did exactly what they've just done today to Nokia.
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a guy from the future told me that in 2012 Microsoft has suceeded infiltrating Nokia from the inside out and Nokia is no longer owned by Finnish company, it is owned by Microsoft. Most Nokia MeeGo developers and programmers were executed and some are out of job. Those who survived came together and unite as one to create an OS that would erase Win7 from the bootrom

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Originally Posted by alcalde View Post
I believe another has already asked... if WP7 is a flop what was Maemo?
Maemo was still-born, thrown out into the limelight way before it had the time to properly mature in the hands of people who cared.

I suppose I would normally be filled with grief about all this, but I more or less considered Maemo and everything having to do with the project dead as soon as MeeGo was announced.

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Originally Posted by blipnl View Post

I certainly agree that TMO has been experiencing a bad case of popcorn overdose lately.
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at least future NOKIA users will get updates (updates, updates...) every tuesday

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Originally Posted by mahousaru View Post
Better? Nokia are fragmenting their product line even more, unless they decide to do a Jobs and say screw you xxxx is no longer supported.

Elop ex microsoft man, now again a microsoft man giving a decent mobile division to ms.

Microsoft failed in the mobile market, WM7 gets trashed coz of it's predecessor's bad rep, Nokia are now taking on this bad rep.

What worries me is what Elop will do with Nokia's patent portfolio...
How are they fragmenting their product line? Would introducing MeeGo be fragmenting their product line? If not, then why is introducting WP7? Also they said they want to see it scaled down to lower-end devices, so it looks like thier vision is to see WP7 thoughout their product line, which is actually less of fragmentation than a Symbian/MeeGo lineup.

The 90s are over. The Microsoft conspiracies must end along with the "Soviet Union" conspiracies. Microsoft is not coming to get you. What do you imagine the CEO of Nokia is going to do with Nokia's patent portfolio? My guess is "use it", but I'm assuming yours is "destroy open source software!". I actually saw a post somewhere else suggesting that a problem playing a media file on openSUSE might be due to an intentional bug introduced by Novell on Microsoft's behalf to drive users away from Linux and into the arms of Windows 7.

Microsoft is struggling in the mobile market because it lacks design skills and hardware expertise Nokia has. Nokia is struggling because it lacks software expertise Microsoft has. This is synergy, not two losers.
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No Qt for wp7? Ok this is getting ridiculous, somebody stop this lunatic!
I mean seriously, incredibly stupid.

wp7 isn't even a popular OS!

I'm switching to android.

bye-nokia, i don't even, just shoot him, just shoot me, let's elope, lockdown, meego?fail, negatron dan, nokia defiled, nokia suicide, sell tulips, step 8 out of 5, the-end?,

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