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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
LMAO! so what manufactor will go the Meego train now? Intel I dont think soo... They only release prototypes...
Well.. Honestly, I don't know. I'm just trying to keep my hopes up. You maybe right and I'm just dreaming here but let me dreeeam goddamnit! F*ckin Nokia..
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Originally Posted by alcalde View Post
it would be nice if someone predicting the end of Nokia would explain why this is so bad.
I'm not predicting the end of Nokia, I'm saying they made a huge ****in' mistake on this one. The gist of it is that they gave up their future POTENTIAL.

Long story short. They gave up their chances on meaningful differentiation, now it's about who makes the most bad *** hardware and sells it the cheapest. Lower margins -> bad for Nokia.

Digital content sales grow FAST, smartphones grow FAST. Digital content on smartphones will be BIG. Nokia gave up their chance on monetizing on that. Now they're just the platform through which that money will flow to Microsoft.

Those two are the things you DON'T want to give up, and Nokia just did. This is a gigantic win for Microsoft and a huge loss for Nokia.
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Originally Posted by Rauha View Post
It's bad because it makes Nokia only an OEM. Nokia won't die. It's turning into a logo printed on a box. Great if you are Nokia fanboi buying anything for a logo. Not so great if you actually want to have more options in the market place, care about unique platforms or invested into Nokia stocks based on how Nokia used to do it's business.

How Nokia used to do its business has resulted in steadily declining market share. In that case, change is good for the stock, not bad. It might be sad, but not bad. They failed to deliver a next-gen OS so they couldn't be the sole developer of all components at this time. Bad would be for them to deny that fact and continue struggling until it was too late to introduce a new system. Nokia will be shaping WP7 so this won't make them just an OEM. Other companies are OEMs. Nokia is partnering with Microsoft. It's a collaboration and there's no shame in that.
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microsoft will release pr1.4 next week :P

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Originally Posted by alcalde View Post
Nokia will be shaping WP7 so this won't make them just an OEM. Other companies are OEMs. Nokia is partnering with Microsoft. It's a collaboration and there's no shame in that.
Well, at least one person still buys Nokia's marketing propaganda.

Originally Posted by alcalde View Post
How Nokia used to do its business has resulted in steadily declining
I was talking about long term investors, not about last 18 months. This solidifies Nokia'a profits to razor thin margins. They will never get back to levels enjoyed since mid-19th century. It's a major change from long term perspective.

Last edited by Rauha; 2011-02-11 at 10:02.

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Originally Posted by alcalde View Post
How are they fragmenting their product line? Would introducing MeeGo be fragmenting their product line?
Qt? doesn't matter which os you run, you'll get the same apps...
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The n900 was going to be my last nokia for a long time. With this news, that may change if Windows Mobile gets better than Android.

The rate at which the n900 became out of date due to Maemo and the lack of support from Nokia was appauling.
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Originally Posted by alcalde View Post
How Nokia used to do its business has resulted in steadily declining market share.
the decisions Nokia made in about 2005-2007 resulted in steadily declining market share now. Qt+ meego was the thing to prevent it happening further...
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Originally Posted by rich c View Post
I fully concur with the sentiments expressed that this is, in effect, a Nokia/Microsoft suicide pact!
I'd hope that most people here know better than that!

It's an "internal Nokia suicide pact" alright.

MS just sent a slow little mirage-y floater raft towards Nokia's burning platform. It costs them effectively nothing. But...

MS has this deadly Midas/Medusa (*) effect on their "partners". Their "partners" freeze whatever survival tactics they had been deploying, start bleeding to death and when the stock price has slumped enough (often not much above the full value of said "partners" cash and assets, i.e. having lost all future prospects) MS or one their colluding front companies buy the former competitor on the cheap.

Midas? MS gets to maintain their existing cashcow monopolies.

(*) Wikipedia: "Athena transformed Medusa's beautiful hair to serpents and made her face so terrible to behold that the mere sight of it would turn onlookers to stone (in some accounts Poseidon raped/ravished her)"

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Originally Posted by jsa View Post
I'm not predicting the end of Nokia, I'm saying they made a huge ****in' mistake on this one. The gist of it is that they gave up their future POTENTIAL.

Long story short. They gave up their chances on meaningful differentiation, now it's about who makes the most bad *** hardware and sells it the cheapest. Lower margins -> bad for Nokia.

Digital content sales grow FAST, smartphones grow FAST. Digital content on smartphones will be BIG. Nokia gave up their chance on monetizing on that. Now they're just the platform through which that money will flow to Microsoft.

Those two are the things you DON'T want to give up, and Nokia just did. This is a gigantic win for Microsoft and a huge loss for Nokia.
They had no future if they continued to do what they were doing. Nokia could not produce a differentiated OS before the market would completely consolidate and shut them out. That option was gone. A piece of the profits of the smartphone market is better than having no smartphone entry for a year or more and completely abandoning the North American market and most of the smartphone market to Apple and Google.

Given that do nothing/wait for MeeGo was not an option, what do think they should have done instead? Do you think Google would have given them better terms?

bye-nokia, i don't even, just shoot him, just shoot me, let's elope, lockdown, meego?fail, negatron dan, nokia defiled, nokia suicide, sell tulips, step 8 out of 5, the-end?,

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