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Originally Posted by sachin007 View Post
No apps? How many apps does wp7 have? Cross platform qt was such a wonderful plan. Ovi store downloads were picking up nicely. The recent increase in qt apps was clearly there. Nokia dumped everything for xbox live & zune?
At least there's a fully functioning Twitter app, MS Office app, a music app backed by a real music store that's still up and running among other apps.

Comes with Music? Dead.

NGage? Dead.

Mauku, Witter? Might as well be dead - they never got updates that were worthwhile. Same with Skype, Flash Player, even the browser was forked and not really updated.

Hell... to properly edit a *.doc file, I'd need: EasyDebian then OpenOffice and a shitload of patience because it ran slow. Been there, hated that.

Apples to apples, Windows Phone 7 has more polished apps than you seem to know about. Read up, educate yourself there before saying another comedic whine for sympathy over a company that did absolutely nothing for your beloved Maemo - who the hell releases an OS and not want it to be a mass-marketed and/or mass sold device (!?) unless they had a ton of money to lose in the first place.

The fandom is downright laughable. Talk about reality distortion fields... this one almost beats the Apple fanboys.


Nokia + MS is a reality. I just hope it pays off or MeeGo hits a milestone that folks will really get behind. At the current iteration, I wouldn't use it for even a hobby OS, and I still run a machine here with BeOS/Haiku on it.
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
What did all of that R&D money bring forth so far? Seriously.

You people are all about dumping more money into something that's produced damn near nothing.
Well, money are not enough - some smart management is required too, of course. I am in commercial SW development and I know that without money the real project success is in dreams. Money are needed to pay living expenses to developers...

It is possible to invent something and do a commercial product with very small money, just on new features. But it is strategy for startups, not for big companies.
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Originally Posted by sachin007 View Post
It may be nothing to you.... But nokia & open source means a lot to me & many others. If u don't care just shut up
I do care about open source.

I'm just not some blubbering fool lacking a reality check.

And the fact is, dear person... Nokia hasn't cared about you nor Maemo since it's been treated like a pet project for its entirety.

Come to grips with that and we'll talk. Until then, keep fuming and planning your raid on Espoo.

Luck with that.

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Originally Posted by sachin007 View Post
No apps? How many apps does wp7 have? Cross platform qt was such a wonderful plan. Ovi store downloads were picking up nicely. The recent increase in qt apps was clearly there. Nokia dumped everything for xbox live & zune?
Plus Elop allready said that the total switch to WP7 will take 2 years. Profit margins are going to around 7-9% for 2011 and 2012. Even the Meego won't be finished in time is complete bull. Elop couldn't even promise more than maybe >10% margins after 2012, not that it's suprising, considering what Nokia's new business model is. Share price is accordingly in freefall.

Europe and Asia will be lost before Nokia's is ready for it's new role as Microsoft's OEM. Let's hope that those americans then buy many many WP7 phones after mid-2012.

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Originally Posted by Rauha View Post
Europe and Asia will be lost before Nokia's is ready for it's new role as Microsoft's OEM. Let's hope that those americans then buy many many WP7 phones after mid-2012.
Are you joke? Americans killed Windows on Phones in iPhone and Android favor.

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I asked a genuine question. If you know the answer please answer nicely. Laughing and commenting is not really a nice way to answer a question.
Regarding maemo, Nokia always believed in open source right from the 770 days. The previous Finnish executives always believed that meego would be the future of nokia smart phones. Now this bastard from america comes and converts the whole company into a microsoft *****.

I did not say that i would plan a raid on nokia... this thread was opened to discuss if there was anything we could do. If you dont have anything to add atleast leave us with our problems instead of pouring acid on our wounds.

Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
I do care about open source.

I'm just not some blubbering fool lacking a reality check.

And the fact is, dear person... Nokia hasn't cared about you nor Maemo since it's been treated like a pet project for its entirety.

Come to grips with that and we'll talk. Until then, keep fuming and planning your raid on Espoo.

Luck with that.

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I getting a feeling MS is just waiting for Nokia stocks to fall even lower & then just buy it...

Nokia is now gone from the best to MS's *****....

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Nokia fully believes in FOSS?

There's an old saying about this: "Put your money where your mouth is".

Have they?

Not to mention: if they haven't been able to execute the FOSS strategy for 4+ years (this is a long long long time in mobile space), then they deserve what's coming.
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@gerbick WP7 has a lot of nice Apps and Android has a lot better.
Tell me why I should buy a Nokia WP7 over a Sprint/HTC Evo or a Verizon/Motorola Droid?

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buysomethinelse, me ego, megone, naysaying, quit whining

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