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Going back to original question,

Is there anything we can do??
Nokia surprised us so many times that I don't really know is there something we can do. Especially when we saw how much they listening to us over past few years.

What I could do was to get new Nexus S yesterday and continue my flaemo project and move along this issue. It's hard to me to get use to Android but iOS or WP7 is not any better option. That's why I am even more motivated to make web based OS (even if just for my own purposes) and get rid of this flame wars for ever.
My Toys: N900, Samsung Nexus S
Flaemo - Web based OS for Flash-enabled devices, more info here

Last edited by devu; 2011-02-13 at 14:19.

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post

It wasn't that bad...
Please no avatars with dicks. Think of the children!

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Originally Posted by Peet View Post
Please no avatars with dicks. Think of the children!
Party pooper ;-)
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Try us to create a buzz with social networks. Every people join us for protestation . I'm french and i'm angry to see European industry to destroy.

Where is our free and European OS for mobile devices ?
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Originally Posted by alcalde View Post
Given that Nokia is spending much, much more than even Apple who also makes their own OS (wasn't it $2 billion vs. $464 million over the same time period?), this could result in a net savings.
I for one don't know how Nokia spent so much on R&D on Symbian and Meego and still made so little progress.

Nokia does have to stop the market share slide, however. They're not going to build an ecosystem overnight even with Microsoft's help
What "ecosystem"? They've ditched their own Ovi. So the "ecosystem" would be WP7 developers and apps. Which are not exclusive to Nokia. So how do they differentiate themselves? Make the best hardware equipped and fastest phones? How could they compete with Samsung seeing as Samsung can manufacture practically all parts of a phone themselves?

Why would Microsoft want to buy Nokia? They've always been about the software.
Because they want to get into this "mobile" business. Something that has eluded them for over a decade. Hollowing out Nokia and picking up the shell for peanuts to get at the patent portfolio would be the coup of the century for MS.

[quote]Finally, Elop is not a trojan horse sent into Nokia by Microsoft (who used mind control to get the board to hire him) to intentionally destroy Nokia (again while the board and shareholders are paralysed) ... [quote]The board have been promised lucrative paying non-executive positions on the MS board when they takeover the remnants of Nokia.
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
*raises hand slowly*

Ooh, Ooh... I know this!!

No seriously, I was correcting the OP because his rant incorrectly labeled Elop as an American bastard.

Not North American bastard. Not Northern Hemisphere bastard. But American bastard... like the 50 states kind.
This is different seen from here... America is North America + Central America + South America. American bastard means bastard from America. US bastard means US bastard.

The North American market to me means Canada + USA. I consider these to be somewhat uniform. The European market is some 40+ countries. There's more differentiation here, so we're more used to not thinking in single country terms when we consider the tech market.

Also, if we hear European Bastard we don't mean to think we know what country he's from. US Americans so self centered, thinking that you're the only Americans who get to be American Bastards.

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Actually, Sachin007 (OP), I don't *want* the old Nokia back!

OK it was better than this new elopmsnokia, but their actual decision-makers never seemed to get or care about OSS tools or us to that matter.

They kept abandoning early adopters (influential customers), platform "projects" and hardware support at the first opportunity.

They had the occasional good idea but no will or drive to do everything it would've taken to achieve goals.

One half-baked chunky slider early effort at a born-somewhat-trailing-edge Maemo5 phone??? That's all they managed!! Why did they even bother??

Maemo5 wasn't and would never be ready for the great masses because it was never finished... some bright spark deciding to jump sidetrack to a similar but rather different project with the silliest of names (as if "Maemo" was much better...) and partner with a company in whose interest was not to get anything out for the competing ARM architecture...

Still, they could've and should've long ago shipped updated "developer models" with capacitative display and better specs at least... with MeeGo.

So a single MeeGo device may eventually ship in a year's time... maybe it was just some kind of contractual thing ms-elop just couldn't weasel nokia out of!

Sachin007, nokia's gone. Gone for all but those whose employment is currently absolutely tied to the death-rowed Symbian or elop's own favourite microsoft.

Maemo and Meego on nokia devices will only linger on as hobbyist maintenance projects. Nokia's finished as an enthusiast platform.

So what to do?

Hell how do I know!

MeeGo's only hardware backer is Intel, and they're going to trail behind ARM in the most portable mobile devices segment for years to come.

We don't have a single device with fully open specs. We don't even have an obvious clear platform target! It's almost like it's 2004 again, without nokia 770 or Maemo ever having existed! Except that now we know that it can be done and the Qt toolkit is basically ready to roll (!!) and even the GTK (3.0)/Gnome guys are bending round backwards to accommodate mobile devices.

GAWD I wish we had stayed as the good old InternetTabletTalk...

So out of my *** I pull these three wishes:

1) That some f**cking OEM or ARM licensee releases modular developer-oriented devices with fully open specs so Linux can be ported and maintained (a "proof-of-concept" is in their interest, too)

2) Community Qt and/or GTK3 project(s) port fully-fledged mobile environments to that "reference platform"


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Whats an Ecosystem?
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Originally Posted by JamesBond@ge View Post
Whats an Ecosystem?
It's a food chain where the manufacturers, operators, content providers, app stores, developers etc all prey on the end user (the developer's aren't in a very enviable position either).

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Please use the proper notation when referring to that country sandwiched between Canada and Mexico. Any of the following would be OK:

- US of A
- United States of America

or if you have to shorthand it to 'America', use the following notation to avoid ambiguity:

- America, F_ck Yeah!
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