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hey i lost my n900 phone can anyone tell me if i can track my phone .
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Feb 2011
Nobody will return a 500 dollar phone to you dude.
Switch_'s Avatar
Posts: 601 | Thanked: 549 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Redditch, UK
you should have installed SMSCon before you lost it then you might have stood a chance.

Other than that try calling it.......
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shallimus's Avatar
Posts: 568 | Thanked: 969 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Toronto
...or if it's not actually your phone and you just want to stalk someone, have you thought about doing it the old-fashioned way?
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Originally Posted by shallimus View Post
...or if it's not actually your phone and you just want to stalk someone, have you thought about doing it the old-fashioned way?
Why is the forum full of people like you?
There's nothing you can do now. Just call the number and ask the person to give it back. Intimidate them with saying things like "it will become useless in 72 hours" or just tell the person that you'll buy it back etc. Get creative.

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