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Originally Posted by MstPrgmr View Post
- Very thumb ready. Menu's are thumb size whether you use stylus or thumb. Some might want smaller menu's especially when adding lots of programs though
Boy the bugzilla is going to get hammered with that one! And I'll be one of the hammerers.. hopefully they'll fix that (make it smart again, as in the previous releases) in the time before it's officially released.
-- Metalayer-crawler delenda est.
-- Current state: Fed up with everything MeeGo.
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Also, I tried using a bluetooth headset. It paired fine, and said that audio was being routed to the headset, but I only heard silence from Gizmo and from the built in SIP client.

Last edited by jhoff80; 2007-11-14 at 22:38.
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Has anyone been able get TVersity UPnP shares to work with the 2008 OS? I assumed they would just show up either in the media player or the file manager, but they are not.

edit: it shows up now... not sure what was going on there.

Last edited by johsua; 2007-11-15 at 22:31.
Posts: 2,102 | Thanked: 1,309 times | Joined on Sep 2006
I think the whole OS2008 is a bit laggy.

The screen locking and unlocking functions seem to take quite a while to be recognised (>1s). Pressing the application menu or (even worse) the bookmarks menu often takes a number of seconds to appear.

This has all the signs of overagressive cpu throttling (I did quite a lot of experimentation with cpufreq on the Zaurus). Obviously this is needed to produce good battery life with the extra processor speed, but I think a different and more complex scheme probably ought to be used (i.e. not ondemand, which I assume is in use atm, perhaps use a complex user-space scheme with the userspace governor)

Anyone else noticed this lag?
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I haven't noticed any lag, but I *have* noticed that Media Player still does not sort songs by ID3 properly. It will parse Artist, Album and Title just fine but when it lists Albums, it's in some unknown order, possibly by modification date. These files have full metadata, completely tagged in iTunes and the track info fields are read perfectly when loaded onto my S60 phone. If they want to be taken seriously as a media player, well, ID3 support is something they should be aceing by now. Just dissapointing, is all.
Posts: 29 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Oct 2007
I think the new os is great, its much faster, especially the menu's!

Also i find a lot of smaller improvements which make the tablet a lot more usefull:
- Media player loads playlists a lot faster (sometimes os2007 hangs > 10 seconds opening a playlist)
- Scrolling RSS feed applet is very nice
- Scrolling in the RSS reader works way better, makes it very pretty to read feeds
- Notification of new email / incoming messages by LED
- Application manager now shows which feeds are faulty and enables you to edit them on the fly!

The only thing I'm not so sure about is the browser, sometimes its faster than Opera, sometimes slower. (And it locked up a few times.)

Also booting from SD seems to result in slower application startup, instead of faster as it was in os2007.

I think the "normal" n800/n810 user will be very happy when it's officially released to the generic public, it makes the tablet really useful.
Posts: 118 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Sep 2007
Originally Posted by whouweling View Post
I think the new os is great, its much faster, especially the menu's!

Also i find a lot of smaller improvements which make the tablet a lot more usefull:
- Media player loads playlists a lot faster (sometimes os2007 hangs > 10 seconds opening a playlist)
- Scrolling RSS feed applet is very nice
- Scrolling in the RSS reader works way better, makes it very pretty to read feeds
- Notification of new email / incoming messages by LED
- Application manager now shows which feeds are faulty and enables you to edit them on the fly!

The only thing I'm not so sure about is the browser, sometimes its faster than Opera, sometimes slower. (And it locked up a few times.)

Also booting from SD seems to result in slower application startup, instead of faster as it was in os2007.

I think the "normal" n800/n810 user will be very happy when it's officially released to the generic public, it makes the tablet really useful.

Watch out for the scrolling RSS, it's a CPU hog. Try doing something like playing songs in Rhapsody while the scrolling RSS is enabled and you will see what I mean.
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That may be my problem too then. I'll try turning it off and see if my lags disappear.
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The new scrolling RSS applet seems to be a bit of a disaster IMHO
  • I can only get 5 articles at most to show in the home page applet which is a horribly small number of items compared to the old version, and typically I can only see 3 articles if I add another applet below or above the RSS applet
  • the manual scrolling is a bit of a pig - the applet seems to have a scrollbar but of course dragging the thumbtrack drags the whole applet! Perhaps paging through articles with the up/down arrows would be a better method than scrolling one item at a time as the latter is quite tedious
  • the auto-scrolling is a CPU hog
  • there's a lot of wasted space around the refresh/up/down buttons

On the plus side, the main RSS applet has been improved and at least two major bugs are fixed:
  • page dragging is now a lot more reliable (bug #1091)
  • unread but still valid RSS articles are no longer auto-deleted with each automatic refresh (bug #953)

What Nokia gives with the one hand, it takes with the other!

Last edited by Milhouse; 2007-11-16 at 00:09.
Posts: 118 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Sep 2007
I take back what I said about Rhapsody working well. At first it was great, now I can't view the tracks under a specific artist in my library. I get "Content not available." Also, the cover and track information is blank more often, and you must manually replay the track (sometimes several times) it order for it to show. I only care, because you cannot add a track to your library without the song information showing.

Uninstalling and reinstalling didn't help either. Too bad, Rhapsody was pretty cool for the 24-48 hours after immediate install when it actually worked.

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