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The tap delay is not that protracted for me, tho I am overclocked.
Posts: 67 | Thanked: 36 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Claremont (LA), California
I tried Modrana for driving the other day. I really liked having espeak help me out. But there are two things I'd like to see (haven't looked at the Python yet to see how hard they are):

1. Speed-sensitive directions. I get enough advance notice of turns on city streets, but on the motorway I don't hear the warning soon enough to get into the proper lane.

2. Font-size control in themes. I wanted to make an "old eyes" theme to make up for my deteriorating vision, but right now you can only control colors...
Posts: 650 | Thanked: 497 times | Joined on Oct 2008 @ Ghent, Belgium
Martin, modRana currently supports rotation between portrait and landscape, but only in the tablet (keyboard below) and phone (speaker on top) position.

Would it be possible to at least also support reverse phone, so that the USB connector is at the bottom? I needed to charge and navigate today, and resorted to landscape since portrait looked plain silly with the connector on top. And even in landscape, it wasn't at a convenient location, causing the cable to dangle too close to the gear changer...

Other than that, modRana did well
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Tomorrow I'm gonna be driving over a 1000km so am anxious to see how modrana does at high speeds now, if it'll be able to update the display etc and not hog memory and CPU... :O)

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Originally Posted by skykooler View Post
Nice, but I can't wait for smooth zooming! Also, there is still about a half-second delay between first tapping on the screen and the buttons appearing.
Originally Posted by handaxe View Post
The tap delay is not that protracted for me, tho I am overclocked.
Yeah, the delay seems to vary. Might have skipped a redraw request somewhere - I'll have to check.

Originally Posted by gkuenning View Post
I tried Modrana for driving the other day. I really liked having espeak help me out. But there are two things I'd like to see (haven't looked at the Python yet to see how hard they are):

1. Speed-sensitive directions. I get enough advance notice of turns on city streets, but on the motorway I don't hear the warning soon enough to get into the proper lane.
This is definitely planed. I'm going to add some more hardcoded notices for longer stretches - but the delays should be ultimately user configurable. I'm also planing time-to-turn based triggering, which is basically what you describe as the time would be based on recent average speed.

Originally Posted by gkuenning View Post

2. Font-size control in themes. I wanted to make an "old eyes" theme to make up for my deteriorating vision, but right now you can only control colors...
Good point - I'll see what I can do.
The situation is like this - modRana already tries to stuff the largest font that fits while respecting its aspect ratio on the buttons under the icon. It would be possible to theme these ratios - eq. smaller icon, more place for text.
Concerning the various text boxes - there is again not much to do as most of them are already quite full. Implementing them as a proper (scrollable ?) text view would probably help. Concerning the navigation info box - I agree, the text is usually too small to be readable and I'm working on solving this somehow - textwrapping, or just using big text size and cutting the overflow. I'll probably do both and set what works best as default.
And, adding support for theming font type should be easy.

Originally Posted by petur View Post
Martin, modRana currently supports rotation between portrait and landscape, but only in the tablet (keyboard below) and phone (speaker on top) position.

Would it be possible to at least also support reverse phone, so that the USB connector is at the bottom? I needed to charge and navigate today, and resorted to landscape since portrait looked plain silly with the connector on top. And even in landscape, it wasn't at a convenient location, causing the cable to dangle too close to the gear changer...

Other than that, modRana did well
ModRana currently uses (as most other Python apps on N900) the modified GPodder script for automatic rotation from this thread.
The actual rotation is IMO done by the window manager, so for modRana it is just a window resize, the click coordinates, etc. are translated automatically. Provided the the window manager supports more rotation modes, adding support for them would be easy. If it does not support them, it would be harder. It's easy to draw the GUI upside down but some sort of screen coordinate translation would probably need to take place. Also, when not in full-screen, there would be a silly upside down menu bar.
modRana: a flexible GPS navigation system
Mieru: a flexible manga and comic book reader
Universal Components - a solution for native looking yet component set independent QML appliactions (QtQuick Controls 2 & Silica supported as backends)

Last edited by MartinK; 2011-03-22 at 22:31.

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Originally Posted by jj0 View Post
Tomorrow I'm gonna be driving over a 1000km so am anxious to see how modrana does at high speeds now, if it'll be able to update the display etc and not hog memory and CPU... :O)
Nice ! I'm looking forward to your findings!

Some things you can try if/when you hit some issues:
  • download tiles beforehand if the route is known
  • experiment with sqlite/files for tile storage
  • disable saving of downloaded tiles in options->map->tile storage
  • disabling map rotation and/or map overlay, as both are currently quite resource intensive and not fully optimized (map overlay should be as fast as normal map rendering as soon as I implement caching of the composited tiles)
  • delete the database files in case they got somehow corrupted
  • tweak the number of automatic tile download threads in options->network>network usage
Also, good luck on your travels !
modRana: a flexible GPS navigation system
Mieru: a flexible manga and comic book reader
Universal Components - a solution for native looking yet component set independent QML appliactions (QtQuick Controls 2 & Silica supported as backends)

The Following User Says Thank You to MartinK For This Useful Post:
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I was preparing a trip, and just browsing some location, so no cached tiles, everything needed to be downloaded as I was dragging the map around. Some things I noticed:
- when dragging a lot, I was greeted with a screen full of blue squares, tiles waiting for a slot. Took quite some time for them to get a slot and draw a map.
- same for zooming in/out: lots of tiles waiting for a slot.

I thought the visible tiles had priority? Or maybe they are all busy downloading, are slow, and thus need so much time. I guess aborting the download would be an option if the tile is no longer visible?
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The Following User Says Thank You to petur For This Useful Post:
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I updated to the latest version and found a few interesting things:

If I turned off the route it gave me no warning or information on how to get back to the route. This is could a good thing some times, but a big problem other times.

I downloaded many tiles into the sqlite data base, but it didn't seem to be able to access them while driving.

Also some times it didn't tell me to turn until after the turn. Should I turn off the screen rotation or something to give it more processing power.

The Following User Says Thank You to whats_up_skip For This Useful Post:
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@MartinK: I also like the 'Map Screen' in the power button menu; however, it would be more user-friendly(ihmo), that an on screen 'goto-map-screen' button is implemented at each level of the menu screen.

I have just discovered that I am able to have two copy/instance of modRana running at the same time and these instances seem to be independent of each other. Is it by design?


Last edited by cheve; 2011-03-24 at 03:23.

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Originally Posted by whats_up_skip View Post
If I turned off the route it gave me no warning or information on how to get back to the route. This is could a good thing some times, but a big problem other times.
This is one of the big things I am waiting for, too: automatic route recalculation.

The Following User Says Thank You to skykooler For This Useful Post:

bada rox, martin_rocks, modrana, navigation, openstreetmap, the best, wehasgps

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