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Posts: 213 | Thanked: 414 times | Joined on Nov 2010
As an experiment, and something to do to learn QML, I hacked up a Space Invaders type game in 2 evenings. (somewhat > 2 evenings to get to the current version tho!)


Powerups (extra lives done)

From version 0.1.2 the package is available from extras-devel

Version 0.4.0
* New Icon
* Pause when put into background

Version 0.3.9
* Added exit dialog
* Made sfx quieter

Version 0.3.8
* Rewrite the settings code to be fast on symbian
* Add additional icons for meego

Version 0.3.7
* Give lives every 5 to allow getting past level 18
* Fix bug where ship dissapears
* Fix bug when focus is on gemername and then select a key button
* Fix bug downloading hiscores
* Stop the accelerometer when paused to save battery

Version 0.3.6
* Fixed bug in lives display
* Fixed bug on server preventing upload of scores
* Made harder again!

Version 0.3.5
* Changed difficulty logic
* Get a new life every 5 levels >= 10
* Added simple intro animations
* Wiped settings again for new scoring system
* Updated server to require application version
* Server will reject impossible scores

Version 0.3.4
* Removed bullets when hit
* Really fixed bug where mystery ship sound continues if player is killed
* Added options for key configuration, left, right and fire
* Speed improvement on startup
* Better apply of useAccelerometer setting

Version 0.3.3
* Added explosion animations
* Fixed bug where mystery ship sound continues if player is killed
* Moved message window to the bottom and made smaller
* Fixed bug in hi score uploading

Version 0.3.2
* Moved message window back slightly to appear behind settings
* Added versions to required dependancies
* Fixed settings bugs/crash on end game

Version 0.3.1
* Fixed parsing of global hi scores
* Fixed ordering of global scores (website bug)
* Fixed duplicate global hi scores on multip open of the pane
* Rewrote settings handling
* Settings apply instantly now
* Quicker startup
* Quicker level start
* Quicker end game
* Slightly slower exit

Version 0.3.0
* Added global hi-scores
* Upped required version of libqtm to 1.2 (the latest)
Global Hi Score Table

Version 0.2.2
* Fixed mysteryship sound bug
* Aliens now destroy bunkers as they move past them
* The game ends when the aliens reach the 'invasion' line at the bottom
* Aliens drop down at either end of the screen now

Version 0.2.1
*Internal changes to allow for different screen sizes (aka symbian version)
*Added bonus ship (300 points, appears at random when there is enough space)
*Changed way point are awarded (row 1 = 30, 2 and 3 = 20, 5 and 5 - 10)
*New menu layout with links to homepage/donate

Version 0.2.0
*Rewrote bunker in C++ for large performace boost
*Better state handling
*P pauses/resumes
*Q quits a running game
*Better messages

Version 0.1.5
*Better keyboard handling for left/right

Version 0.1.4
*Version 0.1.3 was the wrong source, so 0.1.4 is what it should have been!

Version 0.1.3
*Added Sound Effects
*Added Lives

Version 0.1.2
*Packaged for extras-devel

Version 0.1.1
*Added Hi-Score table

Version 0.1.0
*Optimized collision detection
*Better acceleromter handling
*Cleanup on end game
*Bigger settings button
*Dont start game if clicking a blank area of the settings window

Version 0.0.9
*Added settings window

Version 0.0.8
*Aliens now white
*No level limit
*Better package requirements
*Only flashes when fires

Version 0.0.7
*Includes 5 levels and better packaging

Version 0.0.6
*First mostly usable version

Last edited by piggz; 2011-08-13 at 18:18. Reason: New Version

The Following 53 Users Say Thank You to piggz For This Useful Post:
zehjotkah's Avatar
Posts: 2,361 | Thanked: 3,746 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Berlin - Love this city!!
You could enter the MeeGo Coding Competition 2011 with your game.


The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to zehjotkah For This Useful Post:
Posts: 213 | Thanked: 414 times | Joined on Nov 2010
Really? i wouldnt have thought it good enough!
cjp's Avatar
Posts: 762 | Thanked: 395 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Helsinki
I need "libqtm-11-dceclarative" to install. How do I get this file?
Find me on Twitter: @creip

Please read my blog: "PeakMobility", which deals with MeeGo/Maemo, Windows Phone and mobile technology in general from a hedonistic user point-of-view:
Posts: 213 | Thanked: 414 times | Joined on Nov 2010
I think its in extras-devel

The Following User Says Thank You to piggz For This Useful Post:
Posts: 142 | Thanked: 120 times | Joined on Jul 2010
Hi! It says: module "QtMobility.sensors" is not installed, so I have a black screen. I made apt-get install python-qtmobility and still the same...
cjp's Avatar
Posts: 762 | Thanked: 395 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Helsinki
Originally Posted by piggz View Post
I think its in extras-devel
Thanks! Tried finding it through AppMan but couldn't spot it.

For lazy folk, working link:
Find me on Twitter: @creip

Please read my blog: "PeakMobility", which deals with MeeGo/Maemo, Windows Phone and mobile technology in general from a hedonistic user point-of-view:

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Zas's Avatar
Posts: 196 | Thanked: 113 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Finland
Can you post some screenshots?
Posts: 213 | Thanked: 414 times | Joined on Nov 2010
Originally Posted by phap View Post
Hi! It says: module "QtMobility.sensors" is not installed, so I have a black screen. I made apt-get install python-qtmobility and still the same...
you need libqtm-11-declarative, which should also install libqtm-11-sensors. If not, install that too from extras-devel
Posts: 213 | Thanked: 414 times | Joined on Nov 2010
Originally Posted by Zas View Post
Can you post some screenshots?
i will do later, after i get back from work

may i invade, ye anytime sexy, your space?

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