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Would it not make more sense to change aperture mode automatically based on the orientation of the N900 then ? As it's got the same name as people are used to using for picture dimensions it's very confusing, as we've seen already.
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Originally Posted by nicolai View Post
I didn't found a way to do so. It is in some way related to
the image capture resolution. Recording works, capturing
I haven't looked at this in a long time, and I noticed that I had yet to get the colors right, but here's some really ugly code that takes a snapshot with the front camera.
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i have having to select on the geotagging feature on everytime i open the camera. it does not remember to keep it on when clicked once. always reverts back to being off.
this is on the camera app.

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Originally Posted by tomchiverton View Post
Would it not make more sense to change aperture mode automatically based on the orientation of the N900 then ? As it's got the same name as people are used to using for picture dimensions it's very confusing, as we've seen already.
The use of "portrait" to denote an image of the head and shoulders of a person and the use of "landscape" for images of wide swaths of natural land predate the use of those words to describe the orientation of a rectangle by several hundred years. Indeed, the second, newer meaning grew out of the way artists commonly positioned their canvases for the former.

I appreciate the older meanings of portrait and landscape are new to you, but I don't see that as good reason to fight centuries of convention.
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Just a statement, as a user of the N900 [even in a reduced state of use] I have to say you guys rock and keep up the superb work. This is one of the few updates I almost always look for and am pleasantly surprised when they come. Thanks for pumping new blood into the device!
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Does anyone have problem with media player (stock one)? when I listen to the music, using BT headphones, after 20-30 minutes it gets crazy. fast-forwarding itself or rewinding.
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Erkkk I did a really silly thing and, since the new camera-ui kept crashing, I . . . attempted to uninstall it. But pretty soon after removing the camera-ui package, reboot loop! Even after reflashing the kernel it's still stuck in a reboot loop; I'm going to have to reflash the eMMC as well, aren't I? Or perchance is there any other way?

Edit: Of course, in my panic I forgot entirely that inbetween flashing just the kernel and flashing the entire filesystem there's also just flashing rootfs, durr. So tried that, and---okay, after another reboot it seems alright. Phew. Note to self: avoid being such an idiot in future

Last edited by keithzg; 2011-04-16 at 00:29. Reason: Was, in my panic, forgetting a step
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Originally Posted by corduroysack View Post
Has anyone noticed the battery not lasting as long?
I had this problem first time I upgraded. My phone only lasts at most 12 hours.

Fortunately, I accidentally opened one of the map programs (can't remember which) and it revealed that 'Network Positioning' was turned on.

There was no icon indicating that positioning was enabled. After disabling it, I got my normal 24hours of battery life with 3G always off.

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is there any way to fix this annoying "AUTOMATIC-EMAIL-CLIEN-CLOSING"-Bug?
if not, this update is useless. e-mail functionality is one of the best features of the n900...
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can you change the Zoom key to Arrow up and Down instead? It's more efficient than shift z
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