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Have you ever been in one of those epic situations which would be more epic if only a sound could be played? Ever wanted to show your unfunny stupid friend that his joke was totally lame? Or maybe wanted to hear applause afer your own joke even if noone's laughing? Now you can!

After seeing this request, I decided to learn Python and this is the result. Ladies and gentlemen, I present you:


It's basically a widget, which you can configure to suit your needs (configurable button count, single button size and, of course, texts displayed on buttons and sound files which are played afterwards).

Time for some screenshots:

After installation, if it won't appear on your desktop instantly, you will see it on widgets list:

The widget before configuration looks like this:


After clicking configuration icon, you see:

The button on the left shows you button, which will be edited if you click on "Edit selected" in right column. The buttons are ordered from left to right and from up to down, eg. if you have 2 rows and 2 columns (default), buttons in first row are 1 and 2, buttons in the second row are 3 and 4. If you click "Edit selectes", new dialog will open, where you can set displayed text and sound file played after clicking on the button:

You have to click 'Save' if you want widget to remember this settings!

You can also choose number of buttons visible on the screen after clicking "No. of buttons", then you can choose how many columns and rows of buttons should be visible:

And also size of single button, after clicking on "Button size":

Now you can find it in package manager if you have enabled extras-devel repository (I will soon promote it to extras-testing and then extras!)!!! It's in "Desktop" section. If you installed it previously by downloading deb, just open package manager and check for updates, it shuld install version from the repos.

If you encounter any strange behaviour and are unable to solve it, just uninstall it via app manager and install it again - it will clean all configuration files and reset widget to default state.

Source code is also available on project's garage:

If you have any suggestions or maybe can help me make UI look more beautful, just let me know You know, it would be nice to have at least some nice package icon

Last edited by misiak; 2011-07-06 at 18:50. Reason: mmmAudioWidget now available in Extras-devel!

The Following 14 Users Say Thank You to misiak For This Useful Post:
Posts: 205 | Thanked: 159 times | Joined on Oct 2009
Damn youre quick!
Posts: 805 | Thanked: 1,605 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Gdynia, Poland
Originally Posted by mohannad View Post
Damn youre quick!
What do you mean?

Package now available in Extras-devel!
Posts: 204 | Thanked: 561 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Thank you so much!!!!! whenever me and my friends say a corny joke we do a rimshot sound-effect with our mouths:

and now I can press a button on my phone!!

Also when someone says something unfunny, we make the noise of crickets chirping

I guesss you could say this app sounds great! ( )

Last edited by roger_27; 2011-04-25 at 14:10.

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Dancairo's Avatar
Posts: 423 | Thanked: 486 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ London, England
I'll install this tomorrow, it looks perfect for me as a serious tool for learning sections of music (I'm a singer) that I'm having trouble commiting to memory...

Many thanks

Posts: 291 | Thanked: 313 times | Joined on May 2010 @ France
Thanks, this widget is a great idea !

But for me it doesn't play sound, don't know why.
I installed the deb from the link above, I don't have devel catalogue enabled.
Same after delete and reinstall it.
Guest | Posts: n/a | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on
Does it play mp3?

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Posts: 291 | Thanked: 435 times | Joined on Apr 2011 @ RO
sudo gainroot
I think, in your feature release you will put some randomness options
ex: lough random (boy lough, girl lough, old woman,.....)
each category

Anyway thanks for the prog.
Posts: 291 | Thanked: 313 times | Joined on May 2010 @ France
Originally Posted by vir3us View Post
Does it play mp3?
Yep, that's it, MP3 doesn't work but WAV. files work like a charme here.
Then I use and recommend FormatFactorySetup to converte files (nice & free soft).
Many thanks for this app

Last edited by dtergens; 2011-06-13 at 18:47.
Posts: 37 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Yep, MP3 support would be the icing on the cake.

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