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penguinbait's Avatar
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I have been trying multiple ways to get this to work, in 2005, I could just cat /dev/rfcomm0 after I connect, this no longer works, and I can not seem to get any data out by cat or tail or anything else. Works great with mapper out of the box, but I want to get my gpstracker script working again. I tried your suggestions but no success.

any other ideas ?
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Albeit belatedly, I add my voice to the choir of praise that's been echoing down these halls ever since the first release...
Although I'd been following the mapper saga with interest, I hadn't actually tried it out because a) I didn't have a GPS and b) I knew a reflash to the new OS was coming.
Well I switched to the 2006 image last weekend and got my GPS today so at last I've just installed the mapper.
And of course, despite all the jaw-dropping comments I'd read here before, I was still surprised at how easy, fast and impressive it all was :-)
Thanks for the fantastic app - I can't wait to actually use it while driving/riding !

PS: is there any way I could give the mapper a list of coordinates for known fixed speed radars, and have it beep on approach ? It could have saved me 90 euro last month, and if everyone sends you 10% of those avoided fines you could have a sustainable business model there :-)
gnuite's Avatar
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Originally Posted by fpp
PS: is there any way I could give the mapper a list of coordinates for known fixed speed radars, and have it beep on approach ? It could have saved me 90 euro last month, and if everyone sends you 10% of those avoided fines you could have a sustainable business model there :-)
Not sure if this is a serious request or not. But when POI comes to Maemo Mapper, I might add an optional feature which would, when you get within a certain range of a POI, beep and display the description of the POI. This might help you out.

BEEP! "Speed Radar Site - SLOW DOWN!"

Personally, I choose to avoid breaking the law enough to attract the attention of highway patrol.
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Oh, it's dead serious on this side of the Pond, believe me... These things were more or less invented and perfected by the Brits and have been sprouting all over France (at least) these past few years. Money machines, we call them. Armored boxes on the side of the road, containing a doppler radar speed meter, a digital camera, and a DSL modem. If you're over the limit (even just a little, where a human cop might let it pass) it takes a picture of the vehicle, uploads it to a processing center where OCR software reads your plates, finds your name & address and prints the invoice which you get in your mailbox a couple days later. Very 21st century. You can even pay online.

As the locations of these fixed radars are known (although more are being added all the time, obviously), there is quite a cottage industry here in Europe with these specialized GPS boxes for cars and bikes that have no screens, do no navigation or mapping : they just hold an upgradable list of those radars, and their only function is to beep when you approach one (or sometimes display the speed limit).

Interestingly, these thingies are priced much lower than real navigation systems like TomTom -- at just about the cost of the entry-level fine... so I was only half-joking :-)

BTW - that POI system would be just fine !
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Originally Posted by gnuite
Personally, I choose to avoid breaking the law enough to attract the attention of highway patrol.
sounds like someone who has something to hide ???

Posts: 14 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2006
Originally Posted by gnuite
Not yet - see Feature Request Track Item #22

When POI's come, you will be able to select them in the "Download Route" dialog as either a source or destination. Arbitrary numbers of "fixed locations" starts to turn into a POI set, so I don't think I'll provide any additional functionality specifically for "fixed locations" - just use a POI set (you will be able to load as many as you want).
good! this is exactly what I meant.

it probably is not too hard to create your own POI set with all your frequent locations. the sets are simple XML files i think?

also it would be great if i could attach a POI-type for each POI set. And a POI-type (hotel, gas station, personal, speed trap...) could include some configuration data like graphics and actions when approaching a location etc.

Originally Posted by gnuite

The length of the velocity vector is based on (surprise!) speed, so you can sort of use it to judge "distance travelled in next 30 seconds", but the ratio is fixed relative to the screen size, so you'd have to scale it based on your zoom level. I decided not to make it fixed relative to actual geographical distance because that would make it either invisible in the "very zoomed out" case or entirely too long in the "very zoomed in" case.
ok. it would be great if I could choose the time for each zoom level. I would use somthing like 5-10 sec in zoom level 0 and mayby 30-60 sec into zoom level 6. the velocity vector would be dynamic and represent the distance to be traveled based on current speed and chosen time on current zoom level. this would make it more easy to estimate distances on the map.

A nice feature would be a text box containing the time and distance to the next waypoint and to final destination. with this feaure the need for dynamic velocity vector would not be that important.

After installing 1.1 I have been testing mapper a bit more. here are some bugs I?ve found:

1. with 1.0.2 all downloaded routes contained the waypoint data with kilometers. now i get miles although i have selected km in settings.

2. the auto-update with routes does not seem to work. it did with 1.0.2

3. if i save a route with auto-update selected and then load that route, the auto-update does not work. i think this was the case with 1.0 2 also.

4. not sure if this is a bug or not but i configured the announce so that it fits well when in downtown. but when i am on the highway, the announcements come too llate. could the announcement advance notice setting also be configured for each zoom level?

By the way, gnuite, how do you prefer receiving these bugs/feature request?


Last edited by hallax; 2006-07-12 at 14:08.
gnuite's Avatar
Posts: 1,245 | Thanked: 421 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Originally Posted by hallax
1. with 1.0.2 all downloaded routes contained the waypoint data with kilometers. now i get miles although i have selected km in settings.
The waypoint data is independent of the "kilometers/miles" setting. Maemo Mapper displays exactly what is in the GPX file (it doesn't try to convert units). The units used in the GPX file generally depend on the locale of the route source and/or destination (directions in the U.S. use miles; in Europe , kilometers; etc.). The source of directions hasn't changed in some time, so I'd be surprised if you entered the same source/destination and got km in v1.0.2 and miles in v1.1.

Originally Posted by hallax
2. the auto-update with routes does not seem to work. it did with 1.0.2
Odd - it worked for me in my testing. I'll try again.

Originally Posted by hallax
3. if i save a route with auto-update selected and then load that route, the auto-update does not work. i think this was the case with 1.0 2 also.
You cannot auto-update a loaded route. You can only auto-update using "Download Route..." (i.e. not "Open Route...").

Originally Posted by hallax
4. not sure if this is a bug or not but i configured the announce so that it fits well when in downtown. but when i am on the highway, the announcements come too llate. could the announcement advance notice setting also be configured for each zoom level?
The amount of advance notice scales linearly with your current speed, which should be sufficient to provide sufficient notice in town and on the highway.

Originally Posted by hallax
By the way, gnuite, how do you prefer receiving these bugs/feature request?
If you're trying to clarify things, either the ITT forums or the Maemo Mapper forums (in the Garage) are appropriate. If you want to then formalize your feature request (preferrably after getting feedback from me and other forum members), you should enter it as a Feature Request tracker item in the Garage.
Posts: 90 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on May 2006
Are there other mapsource alternatives for Maemo Mapper than Google Maps?

I've hacked some of my own maps; cut and pasted other maps onto the right position on google map tiles, and will probably do this some more of this again soon. Anyone else done this?

Wish Maemo Mapper gets that support for multiple map folders and a quick switch function soon.

Attached two screenshots. In zoom level three theres something wrong though, have to investigate what.
Attached Images
The Way home or face The Fire
Posts: 114 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Oct 2005

I'm using maemo mapper v1.1 (OS2006).
I entered the source and destination (used firefox on WinXP), then did copy&paste of the result to a file benidorm-Warner.xml and placed that on the card.
Tried it again, and got the same error.
(I can't download the route from the 770 itself because I'm behind a firewall, and I need a socks server to access you site)

I've uploaded this xml file here:

please test it.

Originally Posted by gnuite
Originally Posted by lmf

Today I tried to create a gpx file.. but got the "Error Parsing GPX file" error... again, and again...
Using your GPX Driving Directions page, I got a 300k file, which always gives that error...
just try this:
source: benidorm, spain
destination: 40.233183,-3.594503

How can I get this to work?
(I had N770 European Localization settings at first, and then changed that to "American", but the error remains)

I tried your source and destination on my Nokia 770, and it loaded the route fine. There shouldn't be any localization issues - I had hoped that I had nailed all of those down. There were some UTF-8 issues in older versions of Maemo Mapper - which version are you running?
gnuite's Avatar
Posts: 1,245 | Thanked: 421 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Originally Posted by cybe
Are there other mapsource alternatives for Maemo Mapper than Google Maps?
You can use any set of maps that you like, so long as they are chopped into 256x256 blocks and are arranged in the directory structure as required by Maemo Mapper (official documentation will be available someday, but until then, you can use Google Maps's tile X and Y coordinates (and Zoom levels) as a guide.

Originally Posted by cybe
Attached two screenshots. In zoom level three theres something wrong though, have to investigate what.
This might be a byproduct of some image optimization code that Maemo Mapper uses for scaling. It probably only works with 24-bits-per-pixel data, so if your image has an alpha channel, that might be the cause. I think 8-bit color indexes should be okay, since they get converted to 24-bits-per-pixel data, and I'm pretty sure that's what Google Maps tiles use, but I could be wrong about that.

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