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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
As I said no.

100 euro will have to pay 100 euro less(since they already paid 100) if they want the phone and they will get a special other side.
Source? Your validity is definitely being questioned here.
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
Also jolla said a batch for a company like jolla is about 50000 phones. There is no way they have sold that so unless they managed to negotiate a smaller batch or actively lower the volume to make look more attractive
How can you be so sure that the first batch (which could be 50k devices or something else) is not already reserved?

How do you know how many preorders have been made?
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
So... Elop. You praise him somehow yet maintain this attitude?
ELOP has done great. Sold the company for much more than what is worth. And under him Nokia produced best devices they ever had.
You have a problem with that?
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Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
ELOP has done great. Sold the company for much more than what is worth. And under him Nokia produced best devices they ever had.
You have a problem with that?
Yep. He didn't sell the company for more than it's worth - in fact, you keep repeating an oft wrong mantra. Nokia's hardware division was sold, the rest, licensed (their patents, etc).

He was a failure at Boston Chicken. He was a failure at Macromedia. He probably was the tipping point for why Ballmer is being forced to leave Microsoft. He ushered in an even more useless era of Nokia products after OPK and even folks like Jorma Ollila are stating that Elop was indeed a second choice and Windows Phone did not stop their downward skid.

To be valued at 7-10 Billion yet prior having a much higher worth even in 2010, he drove them into the ground further than the prior CEO had done. Which... is not the definition of success in any way you try to spin it.

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Originally Posted by wolke View Post
does anyone know if the 0 euro pre-book numbers are going to have to wait for the second batch?
It depends. I asked that same very question on Twitter and they replied that it depends where I'm from. I replied Finland and they said yes, I'll get mine among the first.

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Priority number is not a queuing number so even if you cancel the order and make a new one you don´t lose your priority place.
This was when moving from the 40eur preorder to the 100eur one.
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Originally Posted by wolke View Post
specifically, im asking if anyone knows about 0 vs 40 vs 100 euro preorders, and whether preference will be shown.
No preferences, but what they've not yet made clear, is if there's country/regional preferences for those who pre-ordered, but are outside the 1st 4 or so launch countries.
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I wonder if apple is gonna go berzerk and sue jolla for a similarity in it's browser ie the buttons.
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Source? Your validity is definitely being questioned here.
The source is according to me. Users booked devices in the different campaigns they didn't bought a device. They booked a ticket that can be transformed to a device if the pay the price of the device. Jolla has set an end date for this ticket. So let's say that the first one that prebooked a 100 euro other half can't won't use his ticket until last the valid day of the ticket. If jolla going to ship only 100 euro devices first, no one else can get their phones because this guy was first so he shall have the device first.

That's way I said it's more important when you do the next step than when you booked the device.

Location however might be a factor. Since some country's will probably get it faster.

Originally Posted by juiceme View Post
How can you be so sure that the first batch (which could be 50k devices or something else) is not already reserved?

How do you know how many preorders have been made?
As I said I can't know how many is in a delivery but as I also said, jolla said 50k is standard for a small compony.

At current state jolla had two campaigns and it's not very likely that they have sold 50000 preebokings here. How can get a conclusion like that? Well, I use campaigns like Ubuntu edge, fair phone and other pre booking campaigns. 50000 is simply to big of a number according to this.

Now, we don't now how long jolla will be waiting so they might have time for 10 more campaignps before launch than we have to analyze the possible impacts of them. They can also reserve devices for operators based on hidden deals. But from what I know operators won't reserve any real numbers form an unknown source. Must be tested on markets first.
So this is how I was thinking and if you think I was completely wrong, just share how you think the sales are going.

Also, booked device is not the same as sold device since it will be few that won't go for the final product.
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Last edited by Dave999; 2013-10-27 at 10:22.

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