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I don't know if this is related to the same problem everyone else is having or just an error configuring MM on my part. I'm having the same problem as Westey was having where the screen is completely black except for the blue dot in the center. I was able to find the uri to enter and it appears to download the maps, but still just a black screen.
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Quite some time ago there was a question concerning maemo-mapper and hybrid images. Looks like there is no major obstacle displaying them - only some more hacking and having multiple mapping directories as precondition.

The following patch should be applied after armin's patches. With one directory for google earth and the other with uri:
you get the effects of the screenshot, when switching directories.

Currently it's only proof of concept and not really useful - more work has to be done.
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I have the same problem - just a black screen with a dot. Maemo Mapper says 'establishing GPS fix' but nothing happens. can anyone help please?

Last edited by neilcoburn; 2006-08-03 at 10:27. Reason: Missed title
Posts: 449 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Jun 2006
Since there's a problem connecting to the GPX server, anyway to generate routes using an external app and load them in maemo mapper? I've done a search in the forum, but didn't really find anything conclusive.
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I use "GMapToGPX", on This page will describe access to some Javascript that will take Google Map directions and generate GPX from them. You generate the directions with Google Maps, then pull up the Javascript, and it generates the GPX. There is a "Track" button that generates the track data that Maemo Mapper needs.

I generate the file on a PC and copy the file to the 770.

It's great and works well so far. I just discovered it.

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Another site where you can draw your own routes onto Google Maps is Marengo Route Planner. Here, you lay your own waypoints and the Javascript thing will generate the GPX.

Unfortunately, you have to change "rte" to "trk" and insert a "<trkseg>" tag pair by hand. However, a script can take care of that (I have not written it...yet).

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and yet another option is to convert that same google maps javascript that frethop describes using gpsbabel:
Posts: 605 | Thanked: 137 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ La Rochelle, France
GpsBabel would be a nice start for incorporating the functionality directly into Maemo Mapper.
I compiled it on maemo SDK without any problem but when executing it, it gives me an error XML Reader:PArse : not well formed (invalid token).
So I suppose we're at the same point than gnuite (may be gnuite's site uses gpsbabel ?)
O Fred
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The GPX Driving Directions web service is back online and working with the latest output from Google Maps.

No, Maemo Mapper doesn't use gpsbabel, but it looks like we use similar techniques.
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Great, thanks gnuite !

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