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casper27's Avatar
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Great guide but all we need is flash 10.1 update and you can watch tvcatchup which has all UK freeview channels.
Maybe some day

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Originally Posted by ppriyank View Post
This is a bit off topic, but just wanted to know, if I play .mkv files (from the computer not live tv) using winamp settings, it does not play, but with flash it plays (very bad quality dho) is this because n900 does not support .mkv format (i do have the extra codec support thing downloaded) just curios!!!

Thank you!
There are some posts talk about .mkv. I would defer to the experts

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Originally Posted by esthreel View Post
What about IPTV? Is it possible on N900?
I think IPTV is Internet Protocol TV, most people called iTV. I happen to know a good one. WorldTV99, give it a shot and post about your opinion. It is my baby and is about 2 yrs old.


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Originally Posted by ppriyank View Post
This is a bit off topic, but just wanted to know, if I play .mkv files (from the computer not live tv) using winamp settings, it does not play, but with flash it plays (very bad quality dho) is this because n900 does not support .mkv format (i do have the extra codec support thing downloaded) just curios!!!

Thank you!
Probably because the decoder that comes with Orb don't support the video format in the mkv file. I don't remember how you fix that though, so you'll have to do the googling yourself

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Originally Posted by casper27 View Post
Great guide but all we need is flash 10.1 update and you can watch tvcatchup which has all UK freeview channels.
Maybe some day
Did the guru of closed system, Mr. Jobs, tell you NOT to touch the closed proprietary code flash? I guess the situation is a teapot calling a kettle, yike! Anyhow, it is quite true orb defaults is flash, AND THAT IS THE WHOLE REASON WHY IT WONT WORK and I lost 5 hrs of my life to find out!

Boy, I hate to keep spamming this thread. My whole regular TV is now on N900, I just cannot stop marvelling on orb streamings. It is smooth, crystal clear and simply works. I did mention at the beginning about orb having problems with HD ....not true. Orb streams HD just fine. Regular channels have 2 borders, or 4 borders, whereas HD has no borders

I just happened to connect to my company using VNC/citrix. I am looking at the super tiny screen of my N900 which now showing a web page designed for a PC desktop, I still able to read every single bit of info on the screen so that I can finish my job without having physically drive to my company. Other competitors may have comparable audio, or video, or connectivity, but N900 is the only one that have all the above AND a superb resolution of 800X480 to deliver the job.

Disclaimer: The above is a paid advertisement..... I wish

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Nay, it does NOT work outside the house

Over the weekend, I tested orb within the home network, 192.168.x.x and worked like a charm. Now I am back to my office, away from home, orb does not work. Here is the problem and what I have tried

Orb connected, and media player kicked in, but the program stopped there, nothing got played, no TV, no mp3, no error message. It just sit there.

I tried with VNCviewer, it worked perfectly. From my office, I can see my home computer and read off things from HD. So, I think it is not the connection, nor the firewall. As VNCviewer worked.

So, what can I do to troubleshoot this thing?


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Problem solved. It is called censorship!!!!

I took the tablet out to Bojangle restaurant, everything works, TV/video/pcitures/mp3.

I would NOT have thought that, company censorship would probably prohibit uPnP upon attempted connection, but our company, it allows connection (I think), but censor upon trying to actually getting the file. Well, what do I know. I am a happy soul again, remote TV/mp3/pic, I could NOT have been MORE happy!!!! Yike,

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Found out you can even record programs, use orb just like Tivo.

On N900, log in orb:

TV>Program guide>click on the channel (Not the program), this will open up a menu for
Rating, to rate your favorite channel and a menu for recording
Record current show - Record next show - More options, allows for fine tune schedule recordings to date-hours, and also allow to set Orb Pass.

Just test it, works fine, recorded and play back. Video is good at 640 kB/s

BTW, orb works on desktop PC too, so anything you want to do may as well test on desktop PC 1st then run on your N900 will be less struggle.

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Not a card carrying member of N900? Not a problem, step by step instructions for N8x0 is here,

Since I got N8x0 and N900 running, a simple comparison can be made:

With the current situation, N8x0 running orb is many time better than N900!

For N8x0
1) Screen is bigger
2) orb has back arrow, so changing channel is only 1 stroke away. for the N900 changing channel is like pull out a molar (your inner big tooth), a whopping 6 stroke key punches and waiting .... in order to change channel on N900
3) N800 use full screen, while N900 sometimes has 2 borders, sometimes has 4 borders....I think it is a problem with the media player on N900.................PR 1.2 will fix it
4) orb program guide runs without flaw on N800. on N900 it is totally ******!
5) Oh one more, this is nasty. N900 media player streaming TV would sometimes crashed every 3 - 4 min, nothing can bring it back other than a lovely reboot! N800 does not have this feature! PR 1.2 will fix it

So, for the next trip, I will have to carry 2 Nokias, one to be use for general purpose, and one for watching my TV


Last edited by bunanson; 2010-05-08 at 13:19.

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BTW, orb also streams. So, even if you do not have a TV tuner card, you can use put files in the orb/winPC, browse file will allows one to access media files. It access anything named with .avi, includes anything with 720p, x264, AC 3.5.1., .mkv............ In the last 24 hrs, I have yet to see one file that the N900 wont play! I am way too lazy to find out how orb works, maybe they do encode/decode on the fly, who I can watch ALL my 400+ movies I collected. And I sure will post which file N900 do NOT play, WOW!

Largest file tried so far, 2.1 G .mkv, it plays so smooth I bet you would say I am playing a local file, you would believe it is streaming a 2.1G .mkv file. N8x0 has a couple of files wont play, mainly large files.............., OK, no TV tuner card? use it as a AV streamer!


livetv, n900, orb

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