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Thanks Gnuite, works great! Like an above poster said, I did have trouble installing it at first, but I suspect this is an error with Opera/Application Manager crashing.

Are we requesting features? I request the information options, like speed, velocity, direction etc. be displayed around the map and be configurable. Also it would be soooo cool if all of these, plus Maemo mapper itself could be a background widget on the new configurable home screen, sound good?

- Neil
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dumb question: What's the location of the mmc card so I can put the cache there? /media/mmc1/?
gnuite's Avatar
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Originally Posted by bradpitcher
dumb question: What's the location of the mmc card so I can put the cache there? /media/mmc1/?
Yes - /media/mmc1 is the root, so if you have a subdirectory in your MMC card called "maps", the correct Map Cache directory will be "/media/mmc1/maps".

I'll add a file chooser there eventually, so that you can choose a directory graphically.
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gnuite, does flite work in 2006OS?
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w00t! I've got it working as well with the 2006 beta. I did have a few things. The first being I guess its not /media/mmc1 as opposed to the old /media/mmc. The second being that its a WAY cool feature that it try's to guess the bluetooth address of your GPS. How-ever with my bluetooth phone on in my pocket. And my roomates bluetooth enabled Mac, even with the GPS sitting right next to it the Nokia would never pick the right one. Still a very nifty feature to have that it at least try's.

Otherwise, all seems well at this point. But dang....I'm really missing my xterm already.
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Originally Posted by 9a6or
gnuite, does flite work in 2006OS?
My version of flite (the one on, that works with Maemo Mapper) does not yet work with 2006 OS.
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Originally Posted by gnuite
New release: Maemo Mapper v1.0

Device-Installable .DEB File
Source Code

This is the first release that supports the 2006 OS. From now on, the 1.x series of Maemo Mapper represents the 2006 OS version, while the 0.x series of Maemo Mapper represents the 2005 OS version.

This release is functionally equivalent (mostly) to Maemo Mapper v0.2.4, which was just released. The exceptions are a few minor details that were able to be fixed thanks to the new APIs in the 2006 OS.

There is a known memory leak in v1.0 with respect to the "Download by Area" and "Settings" dialog boxes. This leak is not present in v0.2.4. The widgets created by those dialog boxes are created each time the dialog box is invoked, and they are never destroyed. I don't know if it's a bug in the 2006 OS, but if I try to destroy those dialogs, the program crashes the next time that dialog is created (even though the instances are entirely separate - very frustrating). The leak is relatively minor, though, and won't affect normal operation.
It is great to have GPS program under 770 device. More functionalities are enabled.

One comment:
why not move these discussion into maemo? There we might be able to file bugs to enhance the application.
maxilogan's Avatar
Posts: 701 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
I tried it and installed and worked ok (without a GPS receiver, tough)

Only issues:
- won't display on the left bar as a running application, so when I put it in background, no way to recover it again.
- I couldn't get it reading maps on the mmc, but I've not done lots of tests, maybe it's my fault
gnuite's Avatar
Posts: 1,245 | Thanked: 421 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Originally Posted by maxilogan
I tried it and installed and worked ok (without a GPS receiver, tough)

Only issues:
- won't display on the left bar as a running application, so when I put it in background, no way to recover it again.
- I couldn't get it reading maps on the mmc, but I've not done lots of tests, maybe it's my fault
Has anyone else experienced either of these issues? I can't reproduce them in the SDK or on the device, so it might be a bug in the OS itself? Did you try rebooting the Nokia 770?
Posts: 190 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Bee-u-tee-ful Garden Home, Oregon
Originally Posted by maxilogan
won't display on the left bar as a running application, so when I put it in background, no way to recover it again
And does the menu show the default icon? Every application I've installed has exhibited this behaviour until I reboot. Then it works fine.

Ok, so I wish it would ask me which menu item to use instead of extras, but that's a minor gripe :-)


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