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Hmm... there's porn now, thanks to engadget)))) and Helper on the iMobile Taiwan forum.
Posts: 80 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Jul 2008 @ Seattle
Ive been itching for the first android device, dream or not, for almost a year
I use my tablet as a media player first, internet tool second, so this would (will?) hopefully pair quite nicely

nothign like open source, aye
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According to engadget)))), T-mobile is set to announce/unveil/make big noise about the Dream/G1/iSlayer next Tuesday.
johnkzin's Avatar
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Well, it's out. The one thing I really find to be a shortcoming of the phone is the lack of tethering support, but I expect someone will port something like joikuspot to it, and that'll fix that issue. I'm a little disappointed in the lack of Bluetooth HID, but that's ok.

But what I am most disappointed in is not the phone, but T-Mobile's handling of the phone. 1GB/mo data cap ... MUCH lower than the industry standard (in the US) 5GB ... and really, I find the idea of a data cap to be inappropriate at all. Then there's the way they've created these artificial bundles of data and messaging, which completely ignore whatever bundle you already have (I have unlimited voice, which comes with unlimited messages already).

So, despite how much I like the device, I wont be getting one until either T-Mobile changes things, or an android device shows up on AT&T. And, you have no idea how much it pains me to say that (that I'd willingly be an AT&T customer, over using this phone on T-Mobile right now).

Btw: Benson, was that you who replied to me on engadget? I figured it was, but I just wanted to be sure :-)
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I believe so. At least I've noticed a strong correlation between the fellow I replied to there and you in the past.

I really should figure out how to set my avatar over there; the same one would serve nicely, but I don't frequent engadget comments enough to have bothered yet.

Last edited by Benson; 2008-09-24 at 08:37.
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I didn't even notice I had double-posted. It had told me I was posting two messages too close together. I guess it took both anyway.

You've given me a reason to upload an avatar on here, though :-} (same one I use on engadget)
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Well, good news if you like the G1 and don't like T-mobile contracts. It costs $399 unsubsidized; presumably regular Flexpay plans apply like other phones. (Though I'm completely unsure which (if any) non-AWS 3G bands it supports...)

Of course, they probably have only a month or two exclusive deal on it, so maybe it's better to just wait till AT&T/Centennial/whoever has the same or similar one.
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It's not the _contract_ I dislike. I mean, yes, I'd rather have a "pay per day" plan that did $1 per day for M2M and N&W (like the current pay per day), $1/day for Edge-Data + Messaging, $1.33/day for 3G-data + Messaging. (so, the latter is like the sidekick plan, with a $.33/day increase if you access 3G). That gets them $30 - $40 per month for data+messaging if you use them every day, which is slightly more than their current plans, but in a way that makes a lot more sense (it's all unlimited, but you only really pay for the days you use it, and you don't pay for 3G if you're in an EDGE area).

Flexpay, though, is just the same as the contract rates. And, like I said, the thing I'm objecting to with the G1 plans isn't the contract. It's the fact that as they're currently stated, you may have to pay for messaging twice. That, and the 1G/mo cap. The 1G/mo cap just has to go, IMO. I much prefer dynamic limites (instantaneous speed limits based upon local network congestion) and/or per-day limits (ie. exceed a given threshold in a day and they throttle you, but tomorrow you're back to full speed). And, I think that if they're going to throttle you, they should drop you down to EDGE, not 50Kbps (EDGE having the potential to be up to 5x that speed). They're clearly currently able to support unlimited data on EDGE, so they shouldn't have a problem with that.

But, yeah, maybe I'll just wait for AT&T's offering and see what that looks like. Maybe they'll have something like the Tilt (meaning "side slide qwerty with tilt screen"), updated, with Android and a touch screen. And maybe with the look of the new Touch based ones (like the Touch Pro, but not the funky faceted backside of the Touch Diamond).

Or, if Nokia got into the Android game, an E75 without the number pad (so its face is like the E66), and a tilt screen. Though, if Nokia released a linux based phone, I'd be just as happy to see it be Maemo based as Android based. I think it'd behoove them to at least be Android compatible at this point, though (for phones and future ITs).
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I'm disappointed that it won't support UMA so I can use it with my T-Mobile HotSpot@home service. I don't get good celll service in my home so for $10 a month my cheap Nokia flip phone can make voice calls over my WiFi connection seamlessly. Works beautifully. You'd think the latest bells and whistles device would support this feature, but, NO UMA on the G1. BOOO!!!

On another note,
will we be able to use MaemoMapper on the G1? Will it link via bluetooth to a BT GPS device?
Posts: 54 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Feb 2006
From what I've read, there's no BT serial port profile support yet. Someone can correct me...

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