the d-pad on the n97 was very nice to use even tho it was on the left and im right handed, was sort of soft to press, best d-pad iv used on a device.
Past devices inc n70, n80, n95, n96, n85, 6120c, 6220c
All consoles (incuding handheld) that I've used have the d-pad on the left side, why would that be a problem? And I'm left-handed but can use my right hand fairly well (eg. I play basketball left-handed, but play racquet sports right-handed).
I haven't found Nokia d-pads to be very good. A joystick like on the Sony Ericsson K800i was quite good, although it did pick up a lot of dirt quickly.
I haven't found Nokia d-pads to be very good. A joystick like on the Sony Ericsson K800i was quite good, although it did pick up a lot of dirt quickly.
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