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imperiallight's Avatar
Posts: 857 | Thanked: 362 times | Joined on Feb 2009 @ London
Poser has same meaning in english lol
HellFlyer's Avatar
Posts: 1,148 | Thanked: 613 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Toronto
Of course ???! dont even think about it ??? is much better than N900
The quieter you become the more you are able to hear

"I'm a N900 user, can I haz Flash 10 plz?!11!?" © Jaffa

Elopocalypse started on 11.02.2011
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Originally Posted by imperiallight View Post
Poser has same meaning in english lol
lol i was thiking the same but that was cuz sometimes i make childish mistakes writing in english so....
Posts: 37 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Mar 2010
I do not see any good reason to comment on what the guy is and what he is not.... He asked a question, so he is looking for an answer not for a lame attempt of psychoanalysis.... Anyway....

To the author of the thread:
Considering the hardware, there are already enough phones out there with much better hardware, like HTC HD2, SE Xperia X2 etc. (some of them were even on the market at the same time N900 appeared)...
According to me, the problem with any of them is what you get as OS and opportunities when buying them.

Android - an ads bloated apps and a lame community support, you do not get even half of the apps there are for N900... And i am not talking about the number of apps..., rather than functionality.

WinMobile - do you think you can run a torrent app, a http server on it... they even have problems in "seeing" a Linux box running samba... Most of apps paid too.

Apple's s**t... Do not wanna comment at all... Usually i look at them like i look at a wh*re... nice for the eyes and probably for other body parts too... but you never know when you will get a STD

So when you take your final decision, just do not forget to calculate the hidden price of the new phone... like the price you pay to your provider for 3G traffic because the apps you use show you adds, or the price of some additional apps that best fit your needs.
And do not take for granted that the official support of the other brands is much better than Nokia's.... It usually is nothing different...

Oh and btw... I am not a Nokia fanboy... I hate them, but the fact they provided a phone with a Unix system and with somewhat decent hardware for my needs, made me buy that phone...
Posts: 48 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Atlanta, ga
Originally Posted by phobosk View Post
I do not see any good reason to comment on what the guy is and what he is not.... He asked a question, so he is looking for an answer not for a lame attempt of psychoanalysis.... Anyway....

To the author of the thread:
Considering the hardware, there are already enough phones out there with much better hardware, like HTC HD2, SE Xperia X2 etc. (some of them were even on the market at the same time N900 appeared)...
According to me, the problem with any of them is what you get as OS and opportunities when buying them.

Android - an ads bloated apps and a lame community support, you do not get even half of the apps there are for N900... And i am not talking about the number of apps..., rather than functionality.

WinMobile - do you think you can run a torrent app, a http server on it... they even have problems in "seeing" a Linux box running samba... Most of apps paid too.

Apple's s**t... Do not wanna comment at all... Usually i look at them like i look at a wh*re... nice for the eyes and probably for other body parts too... but you never know when you will get a STD

So when you take your final decision, just do not forget to calculate the hidden price of the new phone... like the price you pay to your provider for 3G traffic because the apps you use show you adds, or the price of some additional apps that best fit your needs.
And do not take for granted that the official support of the other brands is much better than Nokia's.... It usually is nothing different...

Oh and btw... I am not a Nokia fanboy... I hate them, but the fact they provided a phone with a Unix system and with somewhat decent hardware for my needs, made me buy that phone...
Now thats what Im talking about. Thats some damn good advice. I love my nokia n900. but the kinks need to be worked out asap Thanks guy. anymore?

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