Poll: Can you turn your N900 on if the charger is plugged in?
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Can you turn your N900 on if the charger is plugged in?

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Posts: 18 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Feb 2011 @ NJ
My n900 has never turned on when plugged in and i've had it for about a year and a half.
I usually have to give it about 10-15 minutes of charge time.
peterleinchen's Avatar
Posts: 4,118 | Thanked: 8,901 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Ruhrgebiet, Germany
I did not notice such behaviour (not turning on while on charger) with standard/power kernel only.
But since I have u-boot, it is something similar (exactly the same):
the phone does not turn off completely while plugged to charger. It shuts down the apps and the OS completely and display goes black, but keeps itself a bit alive somehow, because then I do have this problem also: I am not able to turn it on. In this stage u-boot comes up, kernel loaded, dots and again u-boot, ...
tested with powered off device, plugged, tried to turn on --> nope, with u-boot from Matan and KP47
--edit off
So just unplug, wait until u-boot showed up, display goes black and after a few seconds phone is completely off,
You may check state of "offness" by pressing power button and check LED. If it comes white, release power button: the phone is off.

Another approach I use always (not only since u-boot) is:
before I plug the charger, I always turn on my phone and immediately as I see the boot loader (u-boot, standard kernel) -or the white LED goes off- I plug the charger. I do this as a manner, because after plugging the charger it takes too much time to wait for boot loader finished, so I may start the phone again. Maybe this helps out a bit ...

Last edited by peterleinchen; 2011-09-24 at 12:34.
Posts: 310 | Thanked: 202 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Ireland
Mine has done this since installing kp v47. I just turn it on and when the white nokia screen appears, plug it in and it starts.
F2thaK's Avatar
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had same problem, since latest cssu update and maybe kp48
Posts: 159 | Thanked: 68 times | Joined on Sep 2011 @ India
i have the same LED problem too....
Posts: 1,522 | Thanked: 392 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ São Paulo, Brazil
Mine has been like this ever since i can remember, though i always install PowerKernel and a bunch of other stuff right after any reflash so i dunno if it's somthing i install that changes things or if it is always like this even with stock firmware and nothing installed.
Posts: 45 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Mar 2010
There is a bug, but it's been closed due to WORKSFORME:


Considering there's a fair few of us, how do we get it reopened?
Posts: 1,042 | Thanked: 430 times | Joined on May 2010
Managed to reproduce this problem a long time ago with kernel power 46
So probably yes this might be some issues with kernel-power. May I know what version of kernel-power you have? Mine is currently BFS so far no problems at all.
Posts: 11 | Thanked: 42 times | Joined on Feb 2011
I have the same problem. KP intalled at the time of purchase N900. With the KPv49 problem persists.
Posts: 225 | Thanked: 105 times | Joined on May 2010
I HAD the same problem, but a few weeks ago it suddenly disappeared.

Last edited by Pillum; 2011-09-23 at 05:58.

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