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the thing is, i believe this possible for there are other applications that access the camera, or at least two i know of, gstreamer and camera.
see for example this page which uses gstreamer on the n800 to stream video to a quicktime server.
and this page talks about the hantro4200enc driver which works with the n800 camera.
so basically, as i read this, people have written code to access the camera. i personally have set up the streaming to a quicktime server (and its pretty fun!) and can say cpu usage is not a problem.
so the question in my mind is, then, has the flash9 install on the n800 crippled the video feature altogether, or does it "simply" not have support for the hardware as is? the difference here being that if its a fairly standard build of flash9, then i am wondering if someone clever enough (i.e. not me!) can write a layer of code that acts as a virtual video device -- one that is supported by flash9 -- which is actually deriving its source from the hantro4200enc that we know indeed works. obviously linux video can work with flash9, so maybe its a matter of faking one of the supported codecs. (correct me if i am wrong -- standard flash for linux has access to video cameras, yes?)
p.s. do i need to say that i would be interested in this? heh
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I have gone throught this thread and have not heard anyone reference the Camera proggy that came with the latest OS. Beside the original version of "Camera", there is another version "2.9-2video" that I have loaded on the N800. This proggy is maintained by "internet-tablet-addons@nokia.com". Since loading this and trying to use it, I cannot find where I got it from (go figure... I'm 61 with failing brain cells). The program (video version) has 2 buttons, one for "stills" and one for "video". "Stills" work fine... "Video" works... sort of. Sometimes "Video" will save the vid file and exit the "Video" mode... but most times it just freezes the N800. The vids are NOT playable via the built-in Media Player or Mplayer for that matter. I did manage to complete one vid, got it transfered to my Mac, and then used VLC to play it...once.
The point to this post? It seems that Nokia may be actually working on a project to utilize the camera and perhaps are testing the capabilities of the camera and the N800. I really haven't a clue. Just seems to me that in time there will be a functioning video aspect to the camera and applications will follow to use it.
"Patience Grasshopper..."
my 2¢...