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Posts: 300 | Thanked: 962 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ USA
Excellent work, guys. I'm tooling around with my settings as well. Can't decide if I like conservative yet. I've capped at 1.5GHz, and I still have no UX lag. I don't game on my handset, so I might even lower. Testing at 1.5GHz shows no notable differences in web rendering or other normal tasks, everything is fluid and snappy.

On a side note, do either of you use the LPM (low power mode) provided with mce-tools? I *think* I read somewhere that LPM caused battery drain, but I can't find any evidence of that. Any feedback?

Thanks guys!
Sony Xperia XA2 Ultra SFOS 3 + Sony Xperia X SFOS 3, Nokia N810

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to deprecated For This Useful Post:
Posts: 635 | Thanked: 1,535 times | Joined on Feb 2014 @ Germany

i also capped at 1.5Ghz and everything is running fine. I use LPM to double tap to unlock as minimec described here:

No battery drain here...and i never heard of it.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to mautz For This Useful Post:
Posts: 635 | Thanked: 1,535 times | Joined on Feb 2014 @ Germany
New kernel release...


- CPU overclocking up to 2.9Ghz
- CPU underclocking down to 96Mhz
- Undervolt limit of 650mA lowered to 500mA
- GPU overclocked to 650Mhz
- Kernel and Ramdisk are now LZ4 compressed(should give a slightly     better boot time)
- LZ4 cryptographic api added

this kernel version can be underclocked to 96Mhz and overclocked up to 2.9Ghz. I set the default frequencies to be the stock values to prevent crashes if you are not interested in manipulating the frequencies.

BEFORE flashing this kernel you should add 3 new entries to your voltage configuration if you are undervolting, for the 3 new low frequencies(242Mhz, 192 and 96Mhz) or your entries would appear at wrong frequencies.

For example if your old undervolt line looks like this:
echo 750 800 810 820 840 850 860 885 895 930 945 975 1020 1075 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/UV_mV_table
your new command should be:
echo 750 750 750 750 800 810 820 840 850 860 885 895 930 945 975 1020 1075 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/UV_mV_table
You won't run into any trouble if you forget to edit the command, because your setting for 300Mhz will now be applied to 96Mhz, 422Mhz to 192Mhz and so on, but you probably won't save energy.

The GPU is now overclocked to 650Mhz at the default voltage and a new 100Mhz clock setting is available.

The frequencies corespond to new power levels now:
pwrlevel  New        Old
pwrlevel0 650Mhz 450Mhz
pwrlevel1 533Mhz 320Mhz
pwrlevel2 450Mhz 320Mhz
pwrlevel3 389Mhz 200Mhz
pwrlevel4 320Mhz 200Mhz
pwrlevel5 200Mhz  
pwrlevel6 100Mhz
pwrlevel7  27Mhz  27Mhz
So, the GPU should use less energy when set to one of the old (450Mhz and below) frequencies.
Max Gpu frequency can be set at:
If you encounter any problems, please let me know.

Flashable ZIP is here.

Source on GitHub

The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to mautz For This Useful Post:
Posts: 127 | Thanked: 203 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Switzerland
Are you all running these new kernels with the latest version of Sailfish?

The Following User Says Thank You to maximilian1st For This Useful Post:
Posts: 288 | Thanked: 1,103 times | Joined on Jul 2014
Originally Posted by mautz View Post
New kernel release...


- CPU overclocking up to 2.9Ghz
That sounds phone destroyingly high, I've never heard of the Snapdragon 800 going up to 2.7 let alone 2.9GHz.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to nh1402 For This Useful Post:
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I had no problems at 2.9Ghz clock speed, but since i don't need so much power, i didn't test it very long.


Yes, 2.04.14 is the SFOS version i'm using right now. I'll wait for all my patches to be compatible with 2.05 and then i'll update.

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to mautz For This Useful Post:
Posts: 97 | Thanked: 318 times | Joined on Feb 2012 @ Switzerland
Originally Posted by deprecated View Post
On a side note, do either of you use the LPM (low power mode) provided with mce-tools? I *think* I read somewhere that LPM caused battery drain, but I can't find any evidence of that. Any feedback?
I always used LPM on my two SailfishOS devices. I don't think that there is much battery drain.

Originally Posted by maximilian1st View Post
Are you all running these new kernels with the latest version of Sailfish?
A 'Yes' from my side. With undervolting alone you can reduce idle power consumption a little bit. That's my feeling... In my eyes also 'conservative' as governor helps a lot, but you don't need a 'mautz' kernel to set this CPU governor. Still testing all the rest...

The Following User Says Thank You to minimec For This Useful Post:
Posts: 97 | Thanked: 318 times | Joined on Feb 2012 @ Switzerland
Yay... New kernel goodies...

So with new kernel v7, you obviously have to modify '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq'. Otherwise, you will never reach the new low frequencies.

My first quick test shows that 249'000 might be the 'sweet spot'. Lower frequencies will increase(!) idle battery consumption. I guess because of CPU time? I check my idle consumption over ssh with...
watch -n1 cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/current_now
After my first enthusiasm with 'alucard hotplug', I am not that happy anymore. Tu much CPU activity... I am on 'msm_sleeper' now in my test program.

Right now my test settings are...

# Min/Max Frequency
/bin/echo "1574000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
/bin/echo "249000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq

# msm_sleeper
/bin/echo "1" > /sys/devices/platform/msm_sleeper/enabled
/bin/echo "1" > /sys/devices/platform/msm_sleeper/suspend_max_online

# voltage table (undervolt) (kernel v7 with new low frequencies)
/bin/echo "610 640 650 680 680 730 740 760 770 780 800 810 855 870 900 950 1010" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/UV_mV_table

# simple gpu
/bin/echo "320000000" > /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/max_gpuclk
/bin/echo "4" > /sys/module/msm_kgsl_core/parameters/simple_laziness
/bin/echo "7000" > /sys/module/msm_kgsl_core/parameters/simple_ramp_threshold
/bin/echo "simple" > /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/pwrscale/trustzone/governor

# set governor
/bin/sleep 10
/bin/echo "conservative" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor

# set I/O scheduler
/bin/echo "noop" > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/scheduler

The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to minimec For This Useful Post:
Posts: 635 | Thanked: 1,535 times | Joined on Feb 2014 @ Germany
Sorry, i forgot to mention that you have to edit scaling_min_freq and scaling_max_freq to use the new frequencies.

I also think that 192 and 96Mhz are too low, maybe the CPU can not go to sleep at these low frequencies and thus uses more power.

Thanks for the tip with the battery consumption over ssh!

The Following User Says Thank You to mautz For This Useful Post:
Posts: 387 | Thanked: 707 times | Joined on May 2015 @ Italy
I'm a newby in Sailfish, i bought yesterday a new nexus 5 and installed Sailfish with Multirom, but it's not the 2.0 Version. Where can i find those files?

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hammerhead, nexus5, sailfishos, sfdroid

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