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How do people manage their maps? I won't be using the 770 'online' whilst on the road and therefore want to predownload as much as possible. I've tried doing a download along a popular route (Plymouth to London) but it was taking so long I had to cancel it.

Is there a better way to predownload? Is it possible to get all maps for the UK? If so how big would that download be?

Lastly are there any tips for the optimal zoom levels to download?
Posts: 481 | Thanked: 190 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Salem, OR
Originally Posted by oelph
I've tried doing a download along a popular route (Plymouth to London) but it was taking so long I had to cancel it.
Is there a better way to predownload? Is it possible to get all maps for the UK? If so how big would that download be?
You can use this application to download your maps on your computer and then transfer them on the memory card.
Posts: 125 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Aug 2006
Awesome, I was just about to write an app to do that

Last edited by Luna; 2006-08-21 at 17:44.
Posts: 19 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2006
OMG, thank you!! Thank you!!
Posts: 19 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2006
What's the best way to get maps for say all of London? The following link seems to cover much of Greater London:


Ok so I didn't realise this and maybe a few others didn't:

In Maemo Mapper if you zoom out to encompass an area you wish to download it will determine the top left and bottom right coordinates. You can then set the download area zoom level to the desired level (eg 2) and it will get all the maps required.

Last edited by oelph; 2006-08-23 at 07:29.
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Originally Posted by indio
1. It seems maemo mapper does not work with a proxy server. This is a serious disadvantage, some ppl only see the web through a proxy(including me ofcourse). Maybe it could just respect the $http_proxy var?
It works through a proxy server for me. OS2006, v1.1. I set the proxy in the advanced settings for my connection (http, https, ftp) and it's working right now.
Posts: 39 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on May 2006 @ Bonn, Germany
Originally Posted by Luna
Keep in mind that the cluster size on the larger MMC card will kill you. For instance, my metro area cached was was a total file size of around 57MB. Size on disk 760MB!
Good hint! I backuped my 512mb RS-MMC, reformatted with VFAT32 using 1kb cluster size, and restored it. Before it used 8kb cluster size, which was a big waste with map tiles. My maps repository shrank by 35%. Before my MMC was >90% full, now it is only 75% full.

Before (8kb sector):

/media/mmc1 $ du -ks .??* *
144 .archive
8 Audio clips # this is an empty directory!
46768 backups
4480 Documents
2144 Images
395296 maemo-mapper
11928 supertux
192 tuxpaint

After (1kb sector):

/media/mmc1 $ du -ks .??* *
86 .archive
1 Audio clips # this is an empty directory!
46675 backups
3813 Documents
2033 Images
293338 maemo-mapper
7783 supertux
120 tuxpaint
Posts: 39 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on May 2006 @ Bonn, Germany
PlayStation Portabel (PSP) now has an application similiar to Maemo-Mapper:

And Nintendo DS:

Some features of these might be interesting for Maemo-Mapper.
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Posts: 35 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2005 @ München
Originally Posted by armin
Good hint! I backuped my 512mb RS-MMC, reformatted with VFAT32 using 1kb cluster size, and restored it.
Today I received my new 2GB Kingston MMC, so I backed up my maps
from a 1GB card (fromatted with FAT32 and logical sector size 512 bytes)

The 1 GB card:
/dev/sdc1 1017268 761980 255288 75% /USBc1

The (uncompressed) backup file (ls -l):
584038400 2006-08-25 12:50 Maps.tar

I tested the new 2 GB card via
fsck -v /dev/sdc1
and was told that the logical sector size is 512 bytes.

So I untared the backup and to my surprise the MMC card was full, before everything was backed up.

That was the time when I realized that the minimum allocation size for a file is cluster size (which was 32KB) and not logical sector size.

By formatting the card with
mkfs.vfat -S 512 -s 1 /dev/sdc1
one achieves 512 bytes logical sector size (-S 512) and 1 logical sector per cluster (-s 1), and therefore 512 bytes per cluster.

After restoring my tar file, it took only 27% of disk space:

The 2 GB card:
/dev/sdc1 2007789 534883 1472906 27% /USBc1

The bad news: my Nokia phone (symbian) cannot read the card any more
Posts: 19 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2006
For generating routes and directions can anyone point me to a site that allows you to specify a preference for certain roads or ways to your destination?

Google generates one route but I'd prefer to travel a slightly different route but have no options available to specify waypoints.

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