Poll: are you now happy with your GPS (N810)?
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are you now happy with your GPS (N810)?

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fattomm's Avatar
Posts: 109 | Thanked: 37 times | Joined on Oct 2008 @ NYC, NY
Happy? No.

The GPS isn't usable for anything other than a toy. Pretty much all of the remediation for "no fix" is too much like hokey-pokey - reboots, removing files, etc etc. This would be for a ... car? Frankly, even when it works, it's more of a source of amusement for its lack of accuracy (I suppose as satellites are bouncing in and out).

Frankly, I would've bought a N800 and stuck with my Belkin BT GPS unit if I'd have known the N810 was going to be such a source of frustration. My wife groans when I pull out the N810 ...

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Posts: 109 | Thanked: 37 times | Joined on Oct 2008 @ NYC, NY
Originally Posted by Corwin View Post
If you buy a car, do you also think it is ridicolous to pay for the gas or the tires? Okay, not a perfect fit. Another one:
If you pay for a computer. do you also think it is ridicolous to pay for software or services? Here we are
Oh, get real. If I buy a car, I don't expect it delivered to my house needing gas, oil, and tires. If you advertise GPS, you should (a) have one that works, (b) have an application or two (FREE) that use it. If people want to upgrade to a better set of tires (as I did with my car), then there'd be an expectation to pay.

A lame "7 day free trial" is pretty useless -- I have to wait until 7 days until a test-trip to try it out? (Good thing I didn't -- I'd /still/ be lost!)

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Originally Posted by tz1 View Post
The AGPS simply complicates an already intermittent system.
I think the A-GPS is just a scam. I've seen more benefit from just deleting the cache file than I have from running A-GPS.

I run it over and over and over - with WiFi and it's "preferred" bluetooth link to my cell phone -- nada, zip, zilch.

Munge around and delete nds_data (or whatever - I have a shell script for it now) - and it'll pick things up in a bit (usually just after I've arrived at my destination). Try that while steering with your knees ....

A-GPS, and "oh, return it for a better GPS" are just two boondoggles.

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A-GPS is a proven concept on other devices just like SkyHook Wireless is a proven concept. Returning a broken product to get it repaired is also a proven concept. If you take several of Nokia's N-series with GPS these works well, and there A-GPS works well too.

..but none of these have proven without a doubt that the GPS works well after the A-GPS or returning_product 'solution'. It is crap, it remains crap, and I'm not manually going to delete some kind of file every once in a while to make my GPS worthwhile.
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GeneralAntilles's Avatar
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Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
keep casting vote here as well as write to bugzilla
No. Do not post comments to the Bugzilla bug unless you have useful technical information to contribute.

"Me too!" comments are what the voting feature is for.
Ryan Abel
Posts: 63 | Thanked: 41 times | Joined on Aug 2008
I agree, even with A-GPS my N810's gps is total rubbish when compared to my n82.

Luckily all i needed was symarctic extgps running on my n82 (which is always with my n810 anyway) to get maemo mapper tracking perfectly.

Mind you, the only reason i use maemo mapper at all is because of my n810's massive screen. I think Nokia maps is far superior, and i still think its crazy they havent ported it to their own n-series tablet.
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Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles View Post
No. Do not post comments to the Bugzilla bug unless you have useful technical information to contribute.

"Me too!" comments are what the voting feature is for.
Sorry, me bad. Thanks for pointint it out. Just vote if you do not have new info, as GA suggested.


Last edited by bunanson; 2008-11-17 at 03:05.
Posts: 157 | Thanked: 96 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Oxford, UK
Since I installed A-GPS the fix time (assuming I've had a recent internet connection) has dropped to a matter of a few seconds. e.g. this morning I started the map application and opened the GPS status window. Once it found the GPS device, it had non-zero signal strengths for 5 satellites immediately and a lock followed in under 10 seconds.

I do still have some complaints though: A-GPS ignores the proxy settings, so it can't update the cache data when direct internet access is blocked (e.g. on my work wireless network). Also when my wife picks up the tablet it sometimes loses the fix: I think this is because she is right handed so holds it in her left hand whereas I'm left handed.
tz1's Avatar
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The AGPS stuff does work - when everything else does.

But it seems that if you have good AGPS information but start up indoors where it will fail to get a lock, it will not be able to lock if you go outside. Removing the nvd_data seems to help both. When it isn't in some confused state, without AGPS it can take several minutes, with AGPS, it will be under 30 seconds.

And they have fixed a few things with the AGPS program.
Posts: 367 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Nov 2008 @ Brooklyn, NY
I voted no. Although I have a lock right now, it doesn't work when I need it. And I was wondering. Does it need wifi to work?

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