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@theillien: no, you should be able to open the deck with 'Open...' from the menu. If this does not work, please start a terminal, type ankimaemi to run it, and post here the error message that appears in the terminal when opening the deck.
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ankimaemi 0.0.5 released - get it together with libanki at


Release Name: 0.0.5

This is an update to libanki - most important the "review early" and "learn more" have been added. Some bugs (like bold print, and other exceptions) fixed.

Thanks to Damien Elmes to implement the very useful "review early" and "learn more", even though it's against SRS principles

Needs libanki - will not run properly with old versions.

o updated to libanki
o add "review early" and "learn more"
o fix bold print
o catch exceptions on filename or mplayer
o fix error on gconf setting None

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NOTE: if you upgrade ankimaemi and libanki to, when first opening a deck created with an older version, it will create DB inidices, which takes some time. For a large deck this can take 2-3 minutes, with CPU load 50-90% - it did not crash, even if it looks like it has.
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ankimaemi (0.0.5) and ankiqt ( is now in extras-devel.

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Hi - first up thanks for your work . . . my primary reason for buying a second hand N800 was to use Anki!

I review on several different Windows machines as well as my N800 and my understanding is that the most recent update of the client to has also involved changes to the representation of the deck and therefore changes to the sync protocol.

I've updated through the project page on garage but I'm still getting "Cant connect - check connection and username/password" error messages.

The settings seem correct and I've not had any problems previously so I wanted to check if the updates so far cover the changes to the sync protocol . . . ?

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I feel pretty sad following up my previous post with an even more plaintive one but I'm hoping Stefan or someone else can advise!

I'm now really struggling after the sync protocol changes because (to the best of my knowledge based on the garage page) none of the three options for anki on maemo have been updated to support the new sync protocol version. Since I review cross-machine I'm not using my n800 which is a crying shame as it was so fantastic in helping to keep on top of reviews.

Unfortunately I'm not equipped (technically) to do this myself so I'm trying to find out if development has been abandoned or is just secondary to more pressing things

Is anyone in contact with Stefan or the people who maintain the other versions on maemo (anki maemi is the front-end I was using but I'd consider anki mini or the full anki qt if recent packages were available)?

Appreciate any help or leads - thanks.
Posts: 28 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Jan 2009

anki is now also packaged for NIT (N800/N810). It's in
extras-devel repository for diablo, packages anki, ankiqt, ankimaemi.

With this version, sync with the online service works again.

When opening a deck from an older anki version for the first time, it is updated to a new format, which takes quite some time on the NIT. If you have a large deck, it may take up to 20 minutes or so.


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@epangelia2k2: sorry for the long time to update anki packages for NIT.

In any case, you can run any anki version (ankiqt) always from source: download the source package, unpack it, and run anki, like so:

$ wget
$ tar xzvf anki-
$ cd anki-
$ ./anki

You may need to deinstall the old version of anki before through the application manager though.

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Many thanks.

Maemi working again for me and syncing just fine as you say. V. much appreciate your efforts.

Anki qt isn't installing yet - but this is likely to be not understanding something so I will perservere!
Posts: 28 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Jan 2009
so what does the application manager say? is there some package missing?

you can also open the terminal, and do
$ sudo gainroot
$ apt-get install ankiqt

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