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Originally Posted by krisse View Post
I haven't used Mint, but isn't Mint meant more for ordinary PCs rather than mini-laptops?

All I can comment on is that easypeasy hasn't crashed or failed at all so far. It even runs websites much better, for example Facebook chat works on Easypeasy but it didn't on Linpus (the Linux Aspire ships with Linpus).

Based on my experience so far, I would definitely recommend easypeasy to anyone who's got a cheap low-end minilaptop which they want to breathe new life into.
Wouldn't a website's performance be decided by the browser within which its run?
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I realize most of this has already been said, but just to make it really, really clear...
1) UNR is official, from Canonical
2) IIRC, eeeUbuntu is what Easy-Peasy used to be called, before the devs got a letter from Canonical's lawyers. :P I don't know if they've tweaked it further since the beginning, but as far as I know, it was originally intended to be a more out-of-the-box solution for UNR, before an official UNR image was released. (Thus saving you from setting up the netbook-specific stuff yourself)
3) Mint is based on Ubuntu, and currently does not have a netbook-specific release. However, that's not to say that it couldn't necessarily run on a netbook decently - I haven't tried to see what the performance is like.
4) Kubuntu 9.10 "Karmic Koala" (the release that's coming out this week) will include the KDE Netbook Remix. It is still quite new, but I've been told that the KDE and Ubuntu folks worked to make sure it was ready and working well for this release. It is technically classified as a technology preview, but it is apparently quite usable -- and it looks amazing! Because Kubuntu is just a different spin of Ubuntu, it is entirely possible to install this alongside UNR, given sufficient disk space, however, if you're new to Linux, that might not be the easiest way. I'll try to find a recent demo video of this, and post it later.

Hope that helps.
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They all work fine. I'm running the latest Ubuntu on my eee 1000h. I've also tried East Peasy and Mint. You should be happy with any of them. Easy Peasy by default uses too much screen territory to my taste.

As far as I'm concerned, my netbook is just another Linux computer, so I want it to look like one. That eliminates Easy Peasy for me in my current mood. I could switch to Mint sometime. I'm currently running the version of Ubuntu that you install from inside Windows; I forget what it's called. The impressive thing is that when I installed a new copy of Win 7 a few days ago, it didn't affect my Ubuntu installation in any way. This is the first time I've ever installed Windows without having to repair my Linux installation afterwards.
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Originally Posted by geneven View Post
I'm currently running the version of Ubuntu that you install from inside Windows; I forget what it's called.
I think you are talking about Wubi.
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jaem, what is so special about netbooks that requires special attention over a normal distro install?
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I'm a big fan of CrunchBang Linux, which I've been running on my Eee-901. My boss likes it too.
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Another happy EEEbuntu 3.0 user here.

Originally Posted by jaem View Post
KDE Netbook Remix
I think I'll download the normal Ubuntu netbook remix, I can't stand KDE 4 (I was a happy Kubuntu user before they switched to that).
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CrunchBang is worth checking out.
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Originally Posted by christexaport View Post
Wouldn't a website's performance be decided by the browser within which its run?
The same version of the same browser (firefox) runs in a more stable manner on Easy Peasy than it did on the Aspire's default version of Linux.

Obviously if Firefox is the same on both then there are other factors at work.
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Originally Posted by choubbi View Post
Another happy EEEbuntu 3.0 user here.

I think I'll download the normal Ubuntu netbook remix, I can't stand KDE 4 (I was a happy Kubuntu user before they switched to that).
Hmm, while I know that KDE Netbook Remix of Kubuntu is alpha quality (first beta in December) I like it so much that I use it now on my EEE1000h. Its very handy and the full screen standard desktop apps is the best on a small screen. BTW Multitasking switching is like N900 ;-)



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