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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
I'm not in favor of political correctness per se, but I would hope we could come up with better criticisms of someone's hard work other than "poorly implemented"... : /

Also, to Chemist's point: if this is not to be an actual Brainstorm, let me know so I can move the thread to a better location.
Not poorly, but rather without any more options.
I wanted to make a brainstorm, but i don't know how to actualy do it.

What i'm trying to say here is that by making this widget the way i described it, i think it would become usefull to a lot more members.
To bad i can't code it, i would have made it myself.
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Originally Posted by TA-t3 View Post
I would love to try, but I just can't find where that setting is. I've looked all over Settings so far.
  1. Go to the desktop upon which Dataplan Monitor is running.
  2. Tap the desktop.
  3. Tap the gear icon that appears near the upper right corner of the screen.
  4. Tap the wrench/spanner icon that appears on the upper left corner of Dataplan Monitor.
  5. In the "Personal Dataplan Monitor Settings" window that appears, tap "Use compact layout".
  6. Tap the "Save" button.
  7. Tap "Done" in the upper right corner of the display.
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Thanks. That wasn't very intuitive though..
It looks better now, although I could still imagine a much smaller one, permenently up there in the status bar!
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Originally Posted by Bytales View Post
Not poorly, but rather without any more options.
I wanted to make a brainstorm, but i don't know how to actualy do it.
Bytales, is the information here coming up short?
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Hi all,

I am the author of Personal Dataplan Monitor. Starting threads isn't really a good way to get the app author to notice that you want changes - and getting the app author to make the changes you want rather than forking development is probably a better way to go

Brainstorm is a good idea, but filing an enhancement request through bugzilla is probably a better idea (if you have a concrete description of what you would like to see). Plus, that nets you some karma!

To make it easy, here is the direct link to the new bug page for PDPM:

All that being said, I am pretty pressed for time just now (5-week old baby in the house) but any enhancements or bugs filed will at least be commented on for feasibility and whether or not the will be likely implemented.


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Andrew, you are just flat awesome.
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I like the way it is implemented. Simple and useful.
Posts: 16 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ UK
I like the Personal Dataplan Monitor widget since I can just scroll over to the desktop it's on and have a look.

Though it is very handy I was thinking of a couple of additions that could make it even more so:

Warning and critical usage for instance where you set your plan's maximum usage and threshold for when usage is close. Something like a colour change in the text or, since this could be awkward depending on theme, a teeny indicator light.

It would be very nice as well if you could enter your monthly roll-over date as set with your contract so that the monitor resets automatically at that time (x of the month for instance).
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Yes. Because remembering your data cap, reading some numbers and doing a simple subtraction in your head is just so hard...

But I do agree with the roll-over date implementation. I don't need it, but it's a good idea, IMHO.
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Please file an enhancement bugreport or/and contact the maintainer(s) directly, Moved.

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